Author Archive for Stefan Rosty


Coutdown: Special Comment May 23, 2008

Keith’s Special Comment on Hillary’s assassination remark


Lyrics: The All Seeing Eye


By Averroes Jr

Afghanistan’s opium production’s on the rise, now the DEA is busting one dealer but smuggling twenty by

All the money drugs and guns provides a culture that’s designed, for the Protocols of Zion to become a reality on the ground

So this Masonic-run corruption is printing eyes in dollar signs, as Satanic cults adjust to men like Bush and Colin Powell

Preaching freedom love and Jesus, to believers like the Bible preachers, readers though would know that those priests deceived us since they grieved on Jesus

Jesus even warned about those peoples that would ‘Come between us’, Jesus even said that they would use His name to spread their evils

Look this ain’t no joke, they f**king broke a deal with Devil’s daemons, just focus on the Cross behind the pope, it’s upside down and you can f**king see it

Hanging from the ceiling like a Devil’s piece you best believe it, and in a way unraveling conspiracies and 9/11’s evil theories

Symbolizing Satan’s secrets using geometric reverse, flip any geometric symbol upside down and guaranteed you’ll feel the daemons

Skulls and Bones or Bloods and Crypts both prey on life with “Spoons and Needles”, just read your book or check the scripts ’cause ignorance is how they beat us

Only we can help reveal ‘em ’cause nobody can catch ‘em scheemin, this is NOT the century that’s meant to be for THEIR decievin’……..


Truthbooth Top 200 Articles in 10 Months

By Stefan Rosty

22/02Does God Exist?

22/02Islam: Religion of Peace

22/02انكار السنة فى مقدمة صحيح مسلم

22/01The Islamic History between Democracy and Despotism

24/12Statements of Belief

24/12Statements of Belief

20/12“Muslim!” Now Available In Insult Form

12/12Recommended Readings

09/12From Radical to Reformed Muslim

07/12How do the terrorists justify terror by citing Islam?

05/12Understanding Qur’an


28/11Hisba : A Historical Overview

26/11Egyptian Exile

26/11Peace and Religion

23/11Useful Hints for reading the Quran

20/11Salman Rushdie is not the problem. Muslims are

20/11Violation of Human Rights: Either Forcing Women to Cover Their Hair or Uncover Their Hair: Is Headscarf Trick or Threat?

19/11Anti-al Qaeda base envisioned


19/11Radical Reform : Ethics and Liberation

19/11The Quranists as persecuted Muslim scholars


07/11Basic Islamic Concepts in the Light of the Quran

07/11Was Muhammad (p.b.u.h) Illiterate? Or did he write the revealed Quran with his own hands.

25/10Men are Maintainers and Supporters of Women

25/10Girl’s Share in Inheritance

25/10Restoring the Image of Islam



21/10Pilgrimage – The Lost Legacy of abraham

21/10Not a Single Verse of the Quran is Abrogated?

21/10Dogs! Are they dirty prohibited animals?

19/10Reinterpreting Islam


18/10The Quranists are finally released !




09/10“One must research Religion, and not just study it”


04/10The Multiple Understandings of the QUR’AN

03/10Islamic Studies Textbook and Violence

02/10Personalities Renowned By Mother Names

01/10Did Al-Hajjaj Change The Qur’an?

30/09The Ulema (Scholars) —Who Are They?

30/09POLITICAL SYSTEM: Man-Made Systems


29/09Ban Islam?

27/09Fanatics and terrorists misguided


26/09A Statement From

24/09The Suicide Bomber


22/09Internet: The Modern Battlefield of Jihad

22/09Abrogation, The Biggest Lie Against Quran

22/09Submitters (Muslims) Vs. Believers (Mumins)

22/09What is Heaven?

22/09What is Religion?


21/09What Is Islam ?

21/09Salat Timings of Quran, part-II





15/09Lailat’ul-Qadar: The Night of Manifestation of a New World




14/09“GOD Alone” (Islam based on the laws of the Holy Book)

14/09Inheritance and Testament

14/09Islamic Etiquette

12/09On the Search for Divine Revelation Outside of It


10/09Digression from Iqra

08/09Sunnah – The Misconceived Dogma That poisoned Islam


07/09QURAN: A Reformist Translation

06/09Qur’an and Hadith: The Final Debate

06/09Hadith plagiarized from the Bible

06/09Islamic Teachings From The Bible



06/09Apostasy, Freedom and Da’wah

06/09Islam is wonderful, but I can’t stand the Muslims

04/09Miraj – The True Story



04/09Sheikhs of Alazhar: Quranists are Apostates; and the Evidence from the Holy Book Proves Their Guilt

29/08Dogmatism, Modernization and Islam

22/08The Terrorist’s Propaganda Works!

22/08Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahab

22/08Islamic Studies Textbook and Violence

22/08We Need Dearabization of Islam


14/08Quranic Day & Night

14/08What Is Salat?

15/07Why I Chose Islam Instead of Judaism

15/07What has been said concerning the Rejecters of the Sunnah.

10/07Christianity or Paulinity?

28/06A Critique of Mawdudi’s view on Islamic Change as a SYSTEMATIC PROCESS


27/06Is Islam a Failure?

27/06Only One Question

26/06Protected: Prophets & Messengers


25/06ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY AND MUSLIM TYRANNY:Peaceful Solution For The 21’st Century


19/06Timings Of Salat According To The Quran

19/06The History of Hadith

19/06Cases Of Corrupting Quranic Truth (Misinterpreted Verses)

19/06Useful Hints For Reading The Quran

17/06Chronological Order of the Quran

17/06People of The Elephant – But Who?

17/06The Satanic Versus Unexpurgated

17/06Protected: The Real Salat

16/06Does the code of the Quran confirm the 24434 format?

14/0619 – Fact or Fiction?

14/06Meshiha Deghala

11/06About Us

09/0619 Questions for Muslim Scholars



05/06Ahmed Deedat

31/05A Collection of Ahmed Deedat’s Debates High Quality Videos


28/05The numerical structure of the Quran

27/05The Quaranic Code 19 video

27/05Hadith of the Verse of Rajm

27/05Makkan and Madinan Revelations


24/05Prophets of Islam


23/05Islam Way of Life


22/05Messengers and Prophets

22/05Salat , Zakat and Hajj

22/05Hadith and Sunna












21/05where was mohammed? part 4,5,6

21/05where was mohammed? part 1,2,3

21/05Warning to Your Loved Ones!

20/0540 Guiding Principals of Islam

19/05Isra and Mi’raj

18/05Prophet Muhammad (a.s.) in the Quran pt.3

18/05Prophet Muhammad (a.s.) in the Quran pt.2

18/05Prophet Muhammad (a.s.) in the Quran pt.1

18/05A Summary of General Manners of Living

18/05Purpose of SALAAT

18/05HARAAM according to the Quran

18/05The Word ‘Islam’ in the Quran

18/05What is Rooh?

18/05Al Hajj : How Muslims distorted Al Hajj (The Pilgrimage)

18/05The Ten Wise Jews: The Source Of The Qur’an

17/05Salat of Quran

16/05Qur’an alone

16/05Globalization: A Muslim Viewpoint

16/05Reviving the Ummah, how?

16/05Living through an uncreative tension: The case of Messianic thinking among Muslims

16/05The Book & the Quran

16/05Obey God and Obey the Messenger 2

16/05Obey God & the Messenger

16/05Islam as a system for everyone and the two categories of people in the Quran.

13/05Evolution in the Light of the Quran

12/05Evolution and the Qur’an

11/05Zakat in the Quran

11/05The Trust

11/05What Is Salat?

09/05“Rethinking Tradition in Modern Islamic Thought” by Daniel Brown.

09/05THE HADITH CONSPIRACY & The Distortion of Islam

09/05Quranic Principles about the position of ‘Hadeeth and Sunnah’ in Islam

09/05The Myth of Hadith!


08/05Human being was created from earthly materials and water according to a divinely guided evolution

08/05Ma Malakat Aymanukum

08/05Halal & Haram

08/05Similarities between the Bible and the Qur’an


08/05Code 19


06/05“How Can We Observe The Salaat Prayers By Following The Quran Alone?”

06/05A Statistical Analysis of the Holy Qur’an

06/05Muslims and the Necessity of Knowledge of Non-Muslim Scriptures

05/05Satan: The Master Hypnotist

05/05On Israel, Palestine, and Terrorism

02/05Nusemantics In The Quran

02/05If Muslims are Terrorists, then Jews and Christians are Terrorists to the Factor of 666!

25/04Applying the Concept of “Limits” to the Rights of Muslim Women



Does God Exist?

By: Furrukh B Ali

For humans, the relationship with God commenced when they began to personify as gods and goddesses the powerful, awe-inspiring forces of nature that surrounded them, sometimes benign, often threatening, always mysterious. There followed a long and diverse succession of tribal deities, divine rulers, the Greek Olympians and their many offshoots. Finally, there appeared the one God of the monotheistic religions, who gradually displaced the others among a large portion of humanity. Continue reading ‘Does God Exist?’


Islam: Religion of Peace


By Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour

Two different visions of Islam:

There are two different visions of Islam. The first is seeing Islam through its divine source, namely the Quran. The method of this vision is to understand Islam through its own terminology and language. The Arabic language, as any other language, is a living being whose terminology and words’ meaning change depending on the time and place, and also, on the sects, the school of thought and societies in general. Therefore, he who wants to approach Islam through its divine source (the Quran) needs to understand the Quranic language and then to proceed without any preconceived ideas to trace the subject under research. It is essential to go through all the verses connected to the subject being researched to reach the final conclusion. Quranic verses are of two kinds: 1.) Mohkamat, the verses that have specific meanings and lay down the general rule, and 2.) Motashabehat, the verses that have details of the same subject mentioned in the first. It is easy to collect all the verses of Motashabehat and understand them by its Mohkamat verse of the same subject. After such scrutiny, one reaches the complete and correct view of Islam without any preconceived ideas. This is the Quranic vision of Islam. Continue reading ‘Islam: Religion of Peace’


Why Steve Alten is Winning the Shell Game Debate


February 17, 2008

by Kevin Barrett

I interviewed Steve Alten, author of The Shell Game, on 1/22/08, then interviewed his critic Wendy Campbell on 2/12/08. Both shows are available in the WTPRN archives. I will again interview Steve Alten this Tuesday, 2/19/08, 9-11 pm CT,] Continue reading ‘Why Steve Alten is Winning the Shell Game Debate’


To the 9/11 Truth Movement:: A VITAL PLEA from Steve Alten, author of The SHELL GAME


By Steve Alten

February 15, 2008

I know you are probably getting tired/annoyed at hearing from me — my humble apologies. But something is happening in DC that EVERYONE must be aware of, because it will affect all of us:

A few days ago, Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security, essentially told reporters that he fears the next 9/11, which could be a suitcase nuke. Yesterday, in threatening to veto a waterboarding ban, Bush said, and I quote, “terrorists are planning new attacks on our country… that will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison.” Continue reading ‘To the 9/11 Truth Movement:: A VITAL PLEA from Steve Alten, author of The SHELL GAME’


انكار السنة فى مقدمة صحيح مسلم 2

Part 5-8


الحلقة الخامسة
اتهام الأعداء بالكذب ضمن صراع الأديان الأرضية بالاحاديث
الهجوم على القدرية و المعتزلة
أنبت عصر الخلفاء وعصر الأمويين أديانا أرضية منها الذى لا يزال باقيا وتعدد وتشعب كالتشيع و السنة ، ومنها ما ضاع معظمه وبقيت بعض ذيوله كالخوارج (بقى منهم الاباضية ) ومنهم من اندثر كالمرجئة .هذا بينما امتاز القدرية بالتفكير الحر دون الحاجة الى الكذب على الله تعالى ورسوله ودون إسناد آرائهم للنبى عليه السلام ، والقدرية هم أصحاب مذهب الارادة الحرة ومسئولية الانسان عن أفعاله دون تمسح بالقضاء و القدر. لذلك حظوا بكراهية أصحاب الأديان الأرضية خصوصا دين السنة المعبر عن أهل السيطرة والحكم الذين يستخدمون الدين فى تبرير ظلمهم واستبدادهم ، ولا يزالون يفعلون .
ونشأ المعتزلة من بين أحضان القدرية ، وحظوا مثلهم بكراهية أصحاب الحديث . ليس فقط واصل بن عطاء الذى اعتزل الحسن البصرى ولكن أيضا تلميذ واصل بن عطاء ، وهو عمرو ابن عبيد الذى حافظ على حياته واستقلاله الفكرى بالزهد فى الدنيا ، فى الوقت الذى تكالب فيه الفقهاء على الدولة العباسية يصنعون لها الأحاديث بقيادة الأعمش وغيره
Continue reading ‘انكار السنة فى مقدمة صحيح مسلم 2’

انكار السنة فى مقدمة صحيح مسلم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Part 1-4

أحمد صبحى منصور

الحلقة الأولى

1 ـ بدأ مبكرا فى عهد الصحابة اختراع الأحاديث (النبوية) التى نشأت فى حمأة الفتنة الكبرى ، حيث بادر الأمويون فى عهد خلافة عثمان بتوظيف أبى هريرة ليدافع عنهم بأحاديث يزعم أنه سمعها من النبى ، ثم أضاف له الأمويون له كعب الأحبار . بتولى معاوية الخلافة أنشأ منصب القصّاص للترويج له سياسيا بالأحاديث والحكايات ، وبهذا وبزعامة ابى هريرة بدأ عهد الرواية الشفهية للحديث مبكرا مع الفتنة الكبرى وتحولها الى صراع مسلح أسفر عن قيام الدولة الأموية. Continue reading ‘انكار السنة فى مقدمة صحيح مسلم’


The America I thought I Knew…

By Averroes Jr


Having had American teachers from pre school all the way up to 12th grade, my whole life I was led to believe that the United States of America is the number one country in the world; militarily the strongest, morally the most righteous, technologically way advanced, and above all socially the most progressive! I was fed almost on a daily basis with slogans such as; ”The Land of Opportunities”, “One Nation Under God with Liberty and Justice”, ”The Land of the Free”, “All men are created equal”, oh yeah and of course how could I forget, “The American Dream”! I must admit, Americans are great entertainers more than anything else, they have mastered how to keep themselves shining on the World Stage by adopting controversial positions whenever they get the chance, exposing their spectacular scandals at the national or international level, and good old fashioned psychological warfare or “Psy-ops” as the Pentagon calls it! For example, they have transformed their Film Industry (which is supposed to be a non-political institution tackling the SOCIAL issues of the nation or maybe even the world but hey, that’s as far as it should go) into a political tool aimed at “Americanizing” the world. Hollywood block busters have somehow never failed to have a well scripted political message at the heart of every successful plot designed to boost America’s PR campaign at the international level and/or reinforce the exportation of their propaganda (either by subliminal means or explicit)! Take Rocky Balboua 4 (i think it was), released right at the peak of the Cold War, and cosider the political connotation of having an Italian American underdog who embodies or personifies “The American Dream” -(that would be Rocky of course)- heroically defeat a ruthless ”Russian Machine” that knows no mercy (whatever the f**k his name was) in a close to call boxing match of rather epic proportions! See, I was just a little kid when I watched that film and only now I realize the desired effect of what the viewer was supposed to feel coming out from that movie……. “Those evil Russian son’s of bitches”, I thought to myself……”Communists are bad, they turn their people into robotic slaves. Long live the Free World, and Democracy, and ’Uncle Sam’ my homeboy”, Right? Hell, I spent most of my teenage years with that preconception of Russians just by watching Rocky Balboua 4, so just imagine the extent of media manipulation that those poor gullible souls in America were being exposed to every minute of the day, with regards to the “Existential Communist threat” that the former Soviet Union posed on the freeworld! Sound familiar? Hold your horses, we’re getting there. Americans were being programmed left, right, and center by all kinds of self righteous propaganda machines which they have been systematically trained to trust as 100% factual, accept as undeniably credible, and warned of how unpatriotic it was to question the media or government in time of conflict! At the time, (and arguably still today) Americans weren’t bothered by that “shut your mouth” policy or that “us and them” mentality because everything was lumped under the umbrella “Free world v.s Tyranny” or ”Free Media v.s Communist State Media”, so who could possibly go against Freedom without suffering from a social stigma or possibly even charged for Treason, see what I mean? But it sure as F**K doesn’t stop here, you see, there’s much much more for you to see! You see, they can fool some people sometimes and hell, they may even fool tons of people ALL the time. But you know what’s impossible? They can’t fool ALL us people ALL the time! So I hope you’re from the latter group. I hope it’s not too late for you to join those who can not be fooled, you see!


The Islamic History between Democracy and Despotism

By: – Ahmed Mansour

It is hard to brief the Political History of Muslims in a few pages, this history that circles around the Right Guided Caliphs and the other caliphs, so it is much harder to make this brief study cover another deep religious and political matters. But we would still have to stop at a certain conclusive moments in the Islamic history that we will give an indicated address. We will start with the state of the prophet Mohamed.

The prophet’s state: Consultation “Al-Shora” = The direct Democracy :

The main feature here is that Consultation “shora” was an obligatory duty for every Muslim. It came from the Basic belief of Islam which is “ There is no God except Allah” and the Muslim individuals were practicing it in mosques “Just like performing the five Prayers”. And this feature is divided into certain meanings, in the following Koranic verses:The Democracy is a part of the Islamic belief, because it is only Allah who is unquestionable, but everyone else is questionable. ( Al-Anbeyaa 23) and the Prophet Mohamed was ordered to practice Democracy ( Al-Omran 159). And this means that everyone that disdains to practice Shora, he would be rising himself over the prophet, so he will make a god of himself … and the repeating of the Pharaoh’s despotism that lead him to reclaim Godhood and destruction of himself and his people. So Despotism is a big disbelief with Allah, and the Democracy is one of the main Islamic beliefs.

And because democracy is a part of the Islamic belief, so it is to become an obligatory duty like praying. And we here point out to the fact that the Order to practice Democracy took place at Meka -before even the Muslim establish their state in Medina – at Democracy sura. And the order were written in a nominal sentence which means permanence and affirmation in the Arabic language.

Meantime the order of Democracy was put between the most two fundamental Islamic Duties in the Islamic belief, which are Praying and almsgiving. So it takes some terms of the praying in sense that it is obligatory to practice Democracy in Mosque and Home, and it is not permissible for anyone to act as a representative of any other individual in its practice. So it is a religious duty for every Muslim individual to attend the Democracy Meetings, which took place after the public pronounce “ Al-Azan” to perform a public council – not an assembly one- and discuss about everything. This is what the holly Koran told us, but the historical reference that was recorded during the Abbasyat Caliphate purposely ignored it along with the prophet’s Friday’s sermons. And both Democracy meetings and Friday sermons were mainly responsible for educating and cultivating the Muslim individuals to enable them to establish their first Civilized State in Medina.

We will be content with the Koranic speech about the Democracy meetings that was mentioned in the last three verses of Al-Nour Sura. And these three verses talked about some of the Mediona’s people who didn’t get used to attend these meetings, So they made excuses not to attend, or they sneak out of it. But the holly Koran warns them hardly of doing that and confirms the obligatory attendance for these meetings in order not to make the whole Society -including the sleeping majority- ruled by active minority and apply the representative administration, Then they apply the monocracy. And that what already had happened after the death of the prophet.

Now, we reach for a subsidiary feature, which is the political factor, which was clarified as:

1- The nation is the source of all authorities. And the prophet Mohamed while he was ruling the Islamic nation received the following words from Allah ““because of the mercy that god supplies you, you became soft with them, and if you was harsh and rough they would leave you alone. So forgive them and ask God’s forgiveness for them and consult them” and the quotation here is “and if you was harsh and rough they would leave you alone”.

The holly Koran says God supplied his prophet with mercy and he didn’t make him harsh or rough, because if he was so , they would leave him alone. And if that happened he will lose his sultan and his state. So what gives him the sultan and the state is their gathering and union around him, and before when he was in Mecca he was persecuted, and if they leave him he would be persecuted again. Then their gathering and union around him is the source of his sultan, and not from a divined authorization. And the wholly God made him soft with them to make them gather and union around him. And he worn him of being rough or they would leave him. So he ordered him to forgive them and ask God’s forgiveness for them and consult them, because they are his partners in ruling, and they are the source of his sultan and state.

2- And on the basis of previous principle the Islamic state doesn’t recognize the rule of the president and the Social Contract theory, because it demands the Society to directly rule itself. So when Allah talks about any political matter in Koran, the speech always addressed for all Muslims (Al-Nesaa58- Al-Nahl90- Al-Anaam151). Even the Word (yahkom – Rules) always cames with the meaning of judging, not ruling. (Review the word and its derivatives in the holly Koran) .

And the mechanism of the Islamic rule is based on the Shora, which guarantees the collective rule among Muslim individuals and the questioning for the people of trust “Oli Al-Amr” who were recognized in Koran as “ the people of experience” ( Al-Nesaa 59-83) . And this is not a utopian system, but it is a realistic, successful system who enables Muslims to establish their state. And it is very near to the modern system in Swiss and some European countries, where the president is just a regular employee for the people, they assign, fire and question him whenever they want. And whenever he is out of power, he becomes a regular citizen.

And correlating with this system comes the Islamic economy system which is based on the right of all society in positioning wealth, and the quotient right for Muslim individuals in wealth under a certain rules which prevents luxury and exploitative spending. To achieve a free of monopolization society.

Koraysh’s state during the judicious succession :

According to the direct Democracy that took place during the rule of the Prophet Mohamed we can answer the confusing question, which is: why didn’t the Prophet Mohamed assign a successor after him?And the answer is simply is that the society was able to rule itself according to its ruling mechanism. But there was an outsider evolution, which is the apostasy war. When the apostates tried to attack Medina and its people. This war witnessed the alliance of the military forces of Koraysh in Meka and the military forces of Koraysh in Medina, and in this critical time there ought to be victims to this alliance. And the first victim was Al-Ansar people. But the most prominent victim was the Democracy (the direct Democracy).

Before we explain the details we affirm a pure fact that the political rule in this time was full of despotism in many levels. So it is a matter of time that the prophet’s state would be beaten by this Era’s tools from outside(the apostasy war) and from inside ( Koraysh in Meka and Medina, specially the Amowyan People) . So it is normal that the direct Democracy of the prophet’s Era was changed to political despotism (in the Ammoyat Caliphate) and to religious despotism (in the Abbasyat Caliphate). And this gradual change costs the Muslims a lot of denominationalism war, assassinations and sectarianism separations that begun with politics and ends with separation in intellect and religion. From Khawareg to Sheaa.. And we still live the same since then.

And the next step in this road of pain would be what I call “the Korayshan State” in the judicious Caliphate’s Era which appears in a certain attitudes:

Alsakifa homage: this homage was the main reason of moving Al-Ansar away, after banishing their leader “Saa’d Ibn-Obada” and assassinating him in Syria. In return of that all Arabsubmitted to Koraysh only And it becomes a matter of arbitrariness and despotis (Omar the second Caliphate was about to kill Saa’d Ibn-Obada and Al-Habbab Ibn Monzer in this homage)

After Alsakifa homage there was a rearrangement process for the Korayshan people to satisfy Omowyans and Hashimyans. Under the rule of Abo-Bakr (the first caliphate). So Abo-Bakr appointed Zeyad “the son of Aba Sofian who votes against Abo-Bakr” as an army leader in the Apostasy war. And Omar used force against Ali’s defenders and he even was about to kill Al-Zobayr Ibn Al-Awam then he pays homage to Abo-Bakr.

Koraysh managed to end the apostasy wars. And to prevent those Arabs from attacking them – considering the fact that they used to earn their living from steal and rubbery- they exported their military forces out of the Arabian Peninsula as soldiers under their command. And these forces widen the Islamic states under the name of spreading Islam. Then there was a new status after the Koraysh invented this method that contradicts with the holly Koran who affirms on fighting only for self-defense without any aggression and to punish the aggressor by imposing tax on him. But these conquests were based on aggression on countries and giving its people the choice between three options: becoming Muslim or paying the tax or War. And this how the gap between the Prophets State and the Korayshan State begins to widen.

In Omar’s Caliphate the gap increased to widen when he adds to Al-Ansar the people of the conquered countries who didn’t make anything wrong to Arabs or Islam, but they were conquered, rubbed, made slaves, paid tax and they finally became a low class citizen in the Islamic country. And in the main time the Army’s leaders were appointed as rulers for the conquered countries. Although Omar were very fair during his role, but this just was limited to Arabs only, so he forbids any non-Arab people to enter his Capital (Medina) fearing assassination. But he was finally assassinated by one of them who called Abo-LoaLoa.

After Othman took over he differed Omar in his just and strictness, so the Omowyans controlled wealth and power during his caliphate. And they made a lot of monopolization from the monies of the conquered countries and lifting a little piece for the rest of the Arabs who were the ordinary soldiers of these armies. And that was the main reason of the conflict that was known as “ the great sedition”. This great sedition began with rebellion against Othman which lead to his murder and ended up with separating Muslims into several fighting political parties to establishing a despotic rule based on power inheritance, revolutions and the use of the tribalism to reach and to keep authority.

The Korayshan state during the Ammoyan caliphate:

The main features of this state were “Exclusion, Despotism and enthrallment”.The Amowyans invented a new policy based on Exclusion in different levels. They prejudiced for Arabs against Non-Arabs who were given the name of “Almawaly” as a near status of slaves. And they prejudiced for some of Arab tribes against another to keep their state alive. They realized the importance of tribalism and they used it to strengthen their state.

Inside Korayshan people Amowyans were prejudiced for Hashemyians. And inside the Amowyans people the caliphate prejudiced for his son against his brother, and he appoints his sons for caliphate after his death and he deposes his brother, then the elder son take over and he appoints his sons and deposes his younger brothers. And the circle continues.

So the excluded people from the Political participation weren’t just Al-Ansar (at Abo-Bakr’s Era) or the people of the Conquered countries (at Omar’s Era) or the rest of Arabs (at Othman’s Era) or the rest of the Koraysh ( at Moawya’s Era) but it widened to include the caliphate’s brothers and cousins. The rest of the Arab tribes were contented by submitting to these rulers who ruled over them by force, intimidation and by controlling the Money House. So the Consulates groups were gradually shrunk to become a punch of tribes and army leaders and servants who were looking for the satisfaction of the caliphate.

And the Amowyan Policy of Exclusion, Despotism and enthrallment was correlated with the severity against the Non-Arabs and the Arabian rebels against the state. So they made three unprecedented actions in the first three years of Yazid’s Rule. In the first year they killed Al-Hussien and his people in Karbola. In the Second year they braked into Medina and they killed its people and captured its women. The next year they blockade and bombard the kaaba during the revolution of Al-Zobayr.

So we don’t wonder about AbdelMalik Ibn Marawan’s speech at 75 a.h. In Medina when he said “then, I am not the weekend caliphate (means Othman) and I am not the flatterer caliphate (means Moawya) .. So if anyone ordered me to fear God, I will break his neck” .

That indicated it was a despotic military rule based of pure force and intimidation and using every means to survive including religion, War, tribalism and Money. And those means contended together against the Amowyan State and destroy it.

The Korayshan State during the Abbasyan caliphate:

The Amoyans were specialized in trade, and that was the way they earn their position. So they stand against Islam in Meka then they supported it afterwards. But Al-Abbas Ibn el Mottalib the prophet’s uncle stayed in his disbelief working on keeping the proprieties of Hashimyans and pilgrims. And he fought against Muslims in Badr campaign. Then he returns to Meka to continue his religious trade while his friend Abo-Sofyan practices his “Secular” trade.During Meka Campaign Al-Abbas interceded for his friend Abo-Sofyan to the Prophet because he was a man of proud. Then the prophet pronounced the house of Abo-Sofyan as a safety house. But Al-Abbas stayed in Meka along with his son Abdullah in Meka although the prophet returns to Medina where he dies. Abdullah Al-Abbas’s son joined his cousin Ali Ibn Abou-Talib during his short caliphate as a governor of Basra, and when the caliphate collapsed he ran away with the House of Money ignoring his cousin’s invocation for him to return the money.

Then as we can see the despotic rulers were belonged to Amowyans (Abou-Sofyan, Al-Hakam Ibn Al-Abas) who were mainly concerned with getting money by anyway . And that was the policy of the military rule of Amowyans (the secular rule by our expression) or they were belonged to Abbasynians ( Abollah Ibn Abbas) who where a religion dealers aiming for Money and power. And this was the main difference between Amowyan and Abbasyan caliphate.

We can see this different in the two state’s policy. The Omwyan caliphate was an Arabic prejudiced despotic Arabic state. But the Abbasyan caliphate was a despotic religious state with a prejudiced religion doctrine. The history tells us that (Al-Akhtal) the Arabian Christian poet in the Amoyan Era was able to freely enter the Caliphate’s castle with his cross around his nick and he gladly gets out of there because he was Arabian. But the Egyptians –even if he becomes Muslim- had to pay tax. And in the Abbasian caliphate the caliphate was able to break the neck of any man who disagrees with him in politically or intellectuality by the accusation of atheism “Al-Zandaka”. Meantime there were a lot of real atheists living honored in the caliphate’s castle because they politically support the State against Al-Shea.

The Amowyan caliphate wasn’t established on a religious propaganda. It only used the low of Force. So it didn’t have to religiously justify its crimes against the prophet’s family and Medina and Meka. But the Abbasyan caliphate was established on a religious propaganda (getting contentment from Mohammed’s family by appointing one of his grandsons as a caliphate for the Islamic State) but after they established their state they persecuted all others including Ali’s Grandchildren with a slight difference. The caliphate had to get a religious justification from his jurists. So it is a low nation. But the low always comes from the caliphate’s jurists.

Shortly theAbbasyan caliphate was an obvious classical model for the religious state. Then the Fatimyans came afterwards with more fanatic religious policy. Then the Othmanyan State incorporated a medium policy.

Once, the caliphate Abo-Gafar almansor made a speech at Arafa day. He said “O, you people I am the God’s sultan in his land. I rule you with his guidance and he made me the keeper of his money, I give or prevent according to his will” so this Abbasyan caliphate ruled with the logic of the Middle Ages where the principle of “the divine right of Kings” were a common fact.


What is left to say that the despotism’s culture was against the holly Koran’s legislation that established the prophet’s state. And while the Islamic Doctrine was written during these despotic religious States, we can say that there was the political exclusion process was paralleled to a an equal legislation exclusions to the Koranic verses that opposes Despotism, injustice and enslavement. And instead of it they established a whole new religion based on a false narrates of the prophet Mohamed and the changing of the Koranic concepts under the name of abrogation “Al-Naskh”. Even though that “Al-Naskh” means to write or to give a literal proof.Also they changed the Concept of “Al-Bayaa” -which means in Koran paying homage to hold on with right and defend it- to mean declaring submitting politically, religiously and Economically to the new sultan. Meantime they ignored the Concept of “Al-Malaa” in the holly Koran, which means the spoiling board that follows the ruler and they change it a new meaning which is “Ahl Al-Hall Wal-Akd” (the people of trust), Which contradicts –as we think- with the political reality. Because the center of influence mainly concentrated in the Women of the Abbasyan caliphates… they were the odalisques of the caliphate who became the mothers of the new caliphates.( except Zobayda the Husband of Al-Rasheed and the Mother of Al-Amin) those odalisques ruled the caliphate from behind the curtains in the Abbasyan (like Khayrazanah and Kabeha) , Fatimyan (like Shaghab) and Othmanyan caliphate ( like Woksalanah).

From a critical point of view to the Islamic Inheritance, It is clear for us that the Islamic State is a civil state based on the absolute right in thinking and justice for every Muslim individual, and the society’s absolute right in rule, wealth and security. And that happens with direct Democracy that may have been contradicting with the Middle Ages concepts, but it is convenient with our age. But it only needs Religion Enlightenment.


Statements of Belief

As we live in a world full of stereotypes, ever more so today, we believe that it is fundamental that we first identify and clarify our statements of belief. Doing so will erase any prejudice and judgments that might easily prevail once we assign ourselves any label whatsoever.That being said, we are followers and believers of Islam. While there might not be many sects under the umbrella of Islam, there are however many different manners of belief and practice when it comes to Islam. We believe solely in the Quran, as all that was descended upon all the prophets and messengers of God mentioned in the Quran. While we do consider the Hadith and all other holy texts to be often essential in explaining and highlighting some points in the Quran, we do not however take them to be indisputable words of God.The Quran alone, as it has directly descended to us from God, is what we regard as the source of all Islamic teachings. We therefore can look to the Hadith from a cricitical point of view, agreeing and disagreeing with its constituents whenever we see necessary.The Hadith and other holy texts might help us understand the context within which Islam descended. We value context and see that while the Quran is a transcendent text and is applicable to any age or time, it is still important to study its historical context to better understand it as a whole. The Quran is indeed timeless, however, some of its verses served immediate purposes specific to the time in which it descended. Similarly, the Quran does not stand as the sole governing power and that while it contains all the general codes of life, we still do require other governing bodies to lay down the complicated and detailed rules needed to serve daily needs and to suit our times.

We believe:

Any sort of aggression projected upon innocent human beings is wrong. This concerns both Muslim and non-Muslim communities and organizations. Whatever be it the cause, the act of using innocent lives to gain any right or power is impermissible.

As we derive all our beliefs from the Holy Quran, we see that to be a Muslim requires first and foremost that one accepts and lives according to the ‘Righteous Path’ (6:151,152,153). This should not be reduced only to the 5 pillars of Islam, as so popularly accepted. Also, Being a Muslim does not require any of the teachings stated in the Hadith unless they are purely a reiteration of those previously mentioned in the Quran.

In this same light, we find it perhaps important to highlight several of the commandments of the Quran that are fundamental to the religion and that have unfortunately often been misinterpreted, wrongly explained, and falsely inherited. Namely,

  • Unlike Sunni and Shia laws that condemn any apostate to death for rejecting Islam, the Quran allows for absolute Freedom of Faith (2:256, 10:99; 18:29).

  • Unlike the popular misbelief that Islam allows raids and attacks on other non-Mulsim entities in the name of Holy War, we believe in the Quran that states that war is justified only in the case of self-defense, not in offense.

  • Unlike in popular Sunni and Shiia practice where polygamy is allowed freely and wrongly misused, we believe that polygamy was made permissible by the Quran only under certain circumstances, namely, marrying mothers of the orphans of the men who had died during the war (4:3). This was mainly inserted in the Quran to solve the problem of all the women who were left widows when there husbands did not return from battle. Otherwise, Monogamy is therefore the main marital status permitted by the Quran.

  • Unlike accepted Sharia practice that rules that any thief should be punished by having his/her hand cut-off, we believe that as in the Quran, thieves must not have their hands cut-off but should rather be made to work in order to return what they have stolen. There should not be one absolute ruling that decides the punishment for a thief for there are many conditions that might differ the ruling from one case to the other. The cutting-off of hands was identified in the Quran as the utmost possible punishment for theft, not as the sole and only punishment for every act of theft.

  • Unlike common belief, adultery is not punished by being killed or stoned (24:2). Its maximum punishment, for both man and woman, is a hundred lashes and that requires that there be 4 witnesses. In this same regard, any witness that falsely accuses another person of adultery is punished by 80 lashes. And above all this, the Quran still allows for forgiveness and mercy in some cases of adultery.

  • Unlike Sunni and Shia practices that have included many superstitious and non Islamic rituals within the requirements of the Pilgrimage, we believe that the Pilgrimage was made to cononorate the sense of togetherness and unity amongst Muslims and does not entail any specific acts or rituals (i.e stoning the devil or the touching of the black stone).

  • Unlike Sunni belief that forbids silk and gold to be worn on men and deem music, statues, dogs unlawful, we believe that in Islam, music, statues, gold and silk are lawful (7:3233, 16:116).

  • Unlike Sunni and Shia rulings that have allowed for the nurture of dictatorships and monarchs that have abolished any form of democracy, we believe that according to the Islamic teachings, government should be based on consultation and on the freedom of speech.

  • Unlike Sunni and Shia teachings that allow for abrogation of verses of the Quran whereby some verses can erase or replace any of the older verses, we believe that the Quran in its entirety is perfect and free of any contradictions. Any verse is included there for a reason and serves its own unique purpose.

This list is by no mean exhaustive, we are simply trying to clarify certain points of our belief system to avoid being categorized or stereotyped by the numerous of the false pretexts that surround Islam today. We believe in Islam’s coherent and flawless teachings, and though they might have been misinterpreted by some of Islam’s followers, this should by no means reflect the nature of Islam itself.


“Muslim!” Now Available In Insult Form



CBC Interview with ‘Faith Without Fear’ Filmmaker

CBC interview with Irshad Manji on the topic of faith, organized religion and Islam. Fair warning, Irshad Manji is not an orthodox voice on the topic of religion.


Zeitgeist, the Movie Part II

Zeitgeist, the Movie is a 2007 non-profit web film produced by Peter Joseph that characterizes American culture in light of myth of god, country, and prosperity. The film is divided into an overture and three parts – Part I: “The Greatest Story Ever Told”, Part II: “All The World’s A Stage”, and Part III: “Don’t Mind The Men Behind The Curtain” – and discusses topics that include respectively Christianity, the attacks of 9/11, and the Federal Reserve Bank. A remastered version was presented as a global premiere on November 10, 2007 at the 4th Annual Artivist Film Festival & Artivist Awards.

Since its free online release via Google Video in the spring of 2007, the film has been viewed over 10 million times.

Part II: All The World’s a Stage Part II asserts that the United States was warned about the impending September 11, 2001 attacks, that NORAD was purposely confused through wargames to allow the planes to reach their targets, and that the World Trade Center buildings underwent a controlled demolition. Additionally, the film argues that the named hijackers are still alive, that Hani Hanjour could not have flown Flight 77 into the Pentagon, that the Bush Administration covered up the truth in the 9/11 Commission Report, and that the mainstream media has failed to ask important questions about the official account.

Watch Full



The word  (ساعة) occurs 48 times

No. Cnt Linked Words
















Please check

Browse Word ايان

Browse Word بغتة


Recommended Readings

This post contains a link to Dr. Shabbir’s recommended readings. It contains books and articles on Islam, history, science and the Quranic message written by scholars and intellectuals of all around the world. The works are meant for further studies, reflection and many can be used as sources for writings.

Dr. Sayed Abdul Wadud

Bashir Abid

MA Malek

Maurice Bucaille



From Radical to Reformed Muslim

By Jamie Glazov | Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Edip Yuksel, a Kurdish-Turkish-American author and progressive activist who spent four years in Turkish prisons in the 1980’s for his political writings and activities promoting an Islamic revolution in Turkey. He experienced a paradigm change in 1986 transforming him from a Sunni Muslim leader to a reformed Muslim or rational monotheist.

Edip Yuksel has written more than twenty books and hundreds of articles on religion, politics, philosophy and law in Turkish, and numerous articles and booklets in English. He is the founder of and the Islamic Reform organization. His personal site is Continue reading ‘From Radical to Reformed Muslim’


How do the terrorists justify terror by citing Islam?


Iqbal Latif – 10/3/2006

The Farewell Pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammed was a significant historical event in the Muslims life. Although thousands of Muslims witnessed the Farewell (last) Sermon given by the Prophet Muhammed, the Hadiths books reported at least three versions of the same Sermon. For an event witnessed by over 10,000 people an accurate narration should have been available, but it has not. Continue reading ‘How do the terrorists justify terror by citing Islam?’


The Idolatry That Has Sneaked Into Islam


Friday September 16 2005 16:17:23 PM BDT
Mesbah Uddin, UK


History indicates that idolatry is somewhat human instinct. Apparently, its power of toxicity is hypnotic.

The Idolatry That Has Sneaked Into Islam

Apart from those who pay divine honour to an image, statue or natural object as symbol of god, the word “idolater” is equally rooted into those who devote intense and blind affection, adoration or admiration to anyone, not normally an object of worship. Continue reading ‘The Idolatry That Has Sneaked Into Islam’


Stop the bullets. Kill the gun.

Choice FM targets Notting Hill Carnival with gun crime ad

by Darren Davidson Brand Republic 22-Aug-07, 08:40

LONDON – Choice FM is launching a hard-hitting TV and cinema campaign, featuring a bullet travelling through inanimate objects in slow motion, as part of its wider campaign against gun crime. Continue reading ‘Stop the bullets. Kill the gun.’


9/11 Press for Truth at Youtube – pt 1-9










Please see

9/11: Press for Truth


9/11: Press for Truth


“We felt the country was at risk from terrorists and from incompetence…and maybe worse.”

— Lorie Van Auken, September 11th Widow

Out of the grieving thousands left behind on September 11th, a small group of activist families emerged to demand answers. In 9/11 Press For Truth, six of them (including three of the famous “Jersey Girls”) tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the powers in Washington—and won!—compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.

The families eventually found an ally in Paul Thompson. Dissatisfied with the incomplete picture of September 11th presented in most news reports, Thompson became a citizen journalist of sorts. He stitched together thousands of rare overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences into a definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by Harper Collins as The Terror Timeline). Press For Truth is adapted in part from his acclaimed work, which revealed to the families a very different picture of the road that led to the attacks and the resulting War on Terror, one that still today raises important and pressing questions.

Press For Truth premiered theatrically in September 2006 in New York City and the San Francisco Bay area. With the help of Robert Greenwald’s Brave New Theaters, it was rolled out for a limited release in over fifty cities across America as well as Canada, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Australia, and Japan.

The movie was immediately hailed by critics and enthusiastically embraced by a groundswell of concerned people worldwide who felt that the 9/11 Commission and the western news media had failed to account for many important issues. For these thousands, Press For Truth was the rational, skeptical, mainstream motion picture examination of the events of September 11th they had been eagerly awaiting.

On the fifth anniversary of the attacks, Press For Truth aired throughout the Middle East on the Al Jazeera television network. It was soon purchased by TV stations in Spain, Norway, Poland, and all of South America.

In February 2007, Press For Truth received it’s U.S. television debut on satellite channel LinkTV where it will be airing repeatedly throughout this year. The DVD is now available for rent at Netflix or and for purchase at Borders, Virgin Megastore, Sam Goody, Suncoast,, and many other outlets nationwide. Continue reading ‘9/11: Press for Truth’


My Take (on Irshad and ijtihad!)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Video: Irshad’s interview with young Pakistani journalist Imran Siddiqui

My Take

Imran Siddiqui

When I first heard about Irshad Manji, I said to myself: “this is one person I’d like to sit down and just have a conversation with”. I feel that she has every right to present her perspective – just like every other person on this planet. It was funny- as soon as I started to work on lining up an interview with Irshad, I faced a lot of criticism from a few friends and colleagues. Surprisingly, many of my critics were journalists. Many people asked why I wanted to talk to her. They passed judgments on her from top to bottom. They also emphasized that radicals will come after my life -just as they go after hers- simply because I wanted to understand her views. Continue reading ‘My Take (on Irshad and ijtihad!)’


Islamic Reformation and the Myth of Westernization


Pradana Boy ZTF


Although the Islamic reformation has been echoed since a long time ago in Indonesia, Muslim’s perception and acceptance upon this movement has never been absolutely positive. An assumption has developed among academicians and common people that Islamic reformation is an attempt to introduce the western values into Islam, or in other words, to infuse the western paradigm into Muslims’ thinking framework and life. Continue reading ‘Islamic Reformation and the Myth of Westernization’







(AUGUST, 2003)

Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.

– Voltaire, 1694-1778

You cannot trust your judgment if your imagination is out of focus.

– Mark Twain, 1835-1910

I think, any distorted belief system throws our imagination out of focus. Consequently, our judgment and the resulting actions end up being wrong. While there is no room for clergy, priesthood or Mullahism in Deen-il-Islam, this vicious band emerged side-by-side when the Muslim rulers, although still called caliphs, became despotic monarchs. The Mullahs or “Imams” then converted Ad-Deen into Religion (Mazhab or the Number Two Islam) with a deplorable set of rituals, non-Quranic dogmas, beliefs, themes and fabrications of all kind. Continue reading ‘THE NUMBER TWO ISLAM’


أحمد صبحي منصور

د. أحمد صبحي منصور
Ahmed Mansour <




د. احمد صبحي منصور
( مفكر اسلامي مستقل )



البيانات الشخصية
الاسم / احمد صبحي منصور محمد علي
تاريخ الميلاد / 1/3/1949 .
محل الميلاد / ابو حريز – كفر صقر – الشرقية – مصر .
الحالة الاجتماعية / متزوج ويعول .
العمل الحالي / باحث مستقل في الدراسات الاسلامية .

المؤهلات العلمية :
1- الشهادة الاعدادية الازهرية سنة 1964 الترتيب : الثاني علي مستوي الجمهورية .
2- الثانوية العامة نظام الثلاث سنوات خارجي سنة 1976 – القسم الادبي، اثناء الدراسة في التعليم الثانوي الازهري.
3- الثانوية الازهرية : ادبي – سنة 1969 الترتيب : الرابع علي الجمهورية .
4- الاول علي قسم التاريخ والحضارة الاسلامية في السنوات الاربع بكلية اللغة العربية – جامعة الازهر ( 1969 : 1973 ).
5- الاجازة العلمية ( الليسانس) قسم التاريخ بجامعة الازهر سنة 1973 بتقدير عام جيد جدا مع مرتبة الشرف .
6- الماجيستير في التاريخ الاسلامي والحضارة الاسلامية 1975 ( جيد جدا )
7- الدكتوراة : شعبة التاريخ والحضارة – بمرتبة الشرف الاولي ( 1981 ) جامعة الازهر – كلية اللغة العربية – قسم التاريخ . في التاريخ الاسلامي والحضارة.
8- كان قد قدم رسالته للمناقشة في مارس 1977 ، فتعرض لاضطهاد داخل الجامعة الازهرية استمر ثلاث سنوات، حتى اضطروه الى حذف ثلثى الرسالة، وقد كانت حول اثر التصوف في مصر العصر المملوكي، أي اثره دينيا واخلاقيا واجتماعيا وسياسيا وعلميا ومعماريا واقتصاديا.. الخ. وبسبب اظهار الرسالة لاثار التصوف السيئة في هذه النواحي ، فقد ثار الشيوخ علي الباحث لكي يرغموه على تعديل كتابته لتكون دفاعا وتبريرا عن اولياء الصوفية الذين يقدسهم شيوخ الازهر، ورفض الباحث، واستمرت معاناته معهم ثلاث سنوات ممنوعا من مناقشة رسالته، الي ان وصلوا الى حل وسط وهو حذف اثر التصوف في الحياة الدينية والسلوكيات الاخلاقية، وبعد حذف ثلثي الرسالة حصل على الدكتوراه بمرتبة الشرف الاولى.

التدرج الوظيفي : ( 1972 – 1987 )
1- مدرس بالتعليم الازهري من 1 /3/1972 . اثناء الدراسة بالكلية .
2- معيد بقسم التاريخ بكلية اللغة العربية – جامعة الازهر – من 11/12/1973.
3- مدرس مساعد بنفس القسم من 6/ 12/ 1975 .
4- مدرس بنفس القسم من 8/ 4/ 1981 حتى انتهاء الخدمة في 14 / 3/ 1987 بسبب الخلاف الفكري مع الفكر السائد في جامعة الازهر.
5- اذ ان الباحث بعد ان اظهر التناقض بين الاسلام و التصوف، بدأ يعرض الفكر السني و العقائد السنية على القران، ويظهر التناقض بينهما، وذلك في خمس مؤلفات كتبها جميعا اثناء العام الدراسي (1984-1985)، وقررها على الطلبة الذين يدرس لهم في الكليات الازهرية، فأصدرت الجامعة قرارا في 5/5/1985 بوقفه عن العمل و عن السفر وعن الترقية لاستاذ مساعد، حيث كانت تلك الكتب الخمس وما سبقها هي انتاجه العلمي الذي سيتقدم به للحصول على درجة استاذ مساعد، كما اصدروا قرارا باحالته للتحقيق لارهابه و الضغط عليه كي يرجع عن آرائه في تلك الكتب الخمس. ورفض الباحث فاحالوه الي مجلس التأديب في نفس العام 1985 متهما بادخال اشياء جديدة ليست في المنهج العلمي المقرر على الطلبة، وبانكاره للعصمة المطلقة للانبياء وانكاره شفاعة النبي محمد عليه السلام،وانكاره افضليته على الانبياء السابقين. وكان الباحث قد استشهد ب150 اية قرآنية على ان عصمة النبي بالوحي الذي يوجهه ويعاتبه، واستشهد ب150 اية قرآنية اخرى على ان النبي لا يشفع يوم القيامة، واستشهد بثلاثين اية قرآنية على انه لا يصح لنا ان نفضل النبي الخاتم علي الانبياء السابقين لان ذلك مرجعه لله تعالى وحده. وفي جلسات مجلس التأديب جاء الباحث بادلة اضافية تعزز موقفه، فما كان منهم الا ان جمدوا وضعه بجعله متهما دائما امام مجلس التأديب موقوفا عن العمل، فقدم لهم استقالته المسببة سنة1986 فرفضوها، فرفع عليهم دعوى في مجلس الدولة، فاضطروا الى اطلاق سراحه في مارس 1987. ولكنهم دبروا مؤامرة مع رفاقهم داخل مصر وخارجها للضغط على الحكومة المصرية، فاتهمت الباحث بانكار السنة، خصوصا بعد اصدار كتابه “المسلم العاصي”. فدخل السجن شهرين في نوفمبر وديسمبر. ولا يزال اضطهادهم قائما له حتى الان. ولدى الباحث كل الوثائق التي تؤكد ما سبق.

بيانات الخبرة في التدريس والعمل الجامعي (1987 – 1985 )
1- العمل بالتدريس في كليات جامعة الازهر في مجال التاريخ الاسلامي والحضارة الاسلامية 1977 1985ـ في كليات جامعة الازهر آلاتية :
كلية اللغة العربية بالقاهرة ، كلية اللغة العربية بالزقازيق – كلية التربية ، المواد الاسلامية في كليات الطب والاسنان والتجارة واللغات والترجمة ، كلية الدعوة بطنطا ، كلية الدعوة بالقاهرة ، حيث كان الباحث يقوم بوظيفة المدرس كاملة طوال السنوات الثلاث 1977 الي 1980 ، التي منعوه فيها من مناقشة رسالة الدكتوراه و حقه في الترقي من مدرس مساعد الي مدرس، وقد ادرك قسم التاريخ والحضارة الذي يعمل فيه الباحث مدرسا مساعدا وقتها مدى الاضطهاد الذي يقع على الباحث، مع تقدير القسم لنبوغه العلمي فاعطوه -وهو مدرس مساعد نفس مهام المدرس اثناء تلك السنوات الثلاث.
2- سكرتير قسم التاريخ والحضارة بكليات اللغة العربية ( 1982 – 1984 ) و المسئول عن ندوة القسم الاسبوعية .
خبرات اخري مختلفة في مجال العمل العام ( 1980 – )
1- سكرتير عام جماعة دعوة الحق الاسلامية ، وهي تسيطر علي عشرات المساجد في القاهرة والجيزة وطنطا والمنوفية والشرقية ودمياط .( 1980 – 1986 ) .
2- الخطيب والمحاضر الاول لجماعة دعوة الحق الاسلامية في نفس الفترة ( 1980 – 1986 ).
3- سكرتير و مدير تحرير مجلة الهدي النبوي التي تصدرها جماعة دعوة الحق ( 1985 – 1987 ).
4- القاء محاضرات وندوات في ولايات ( واشنطن ، اريزونا ، سان فرانسيسكو ) { يناير : اكتوبر 1988 }.
5- عضو مجلس امناء المنظمة المصرية لحقوق الانسان ، والمشرف علي امانة التثقيف والفكر فيها فيما بين ( 1994 – 1995 ) .
6- عضو مؤسس للجمعية المصرية للتنوير ( 1993- ) والامين العام لها فيما بين ( 1993-1998).
7- عضو مؤسس للحركة الشعبية لمواجهة الارهاب ، ومقرر لجنة الفكر ( 1994 – 1996 ) .
8- عضو ومستشار الجمعية الدولية لأبن خلدون ( Ibn Khaldoun Society ) ( 1996 – ) .
9- المنسق العام لدراسات المجتمع المدني والتحول الديمقراطي ، ومشروع التطرف والارهاب في مركز ابن خلدون ومستشار المركز في الشئون الاسلامية .
10- المستشار الديني لكثير من منظمات المجتمع المدني ، ومراكزه مثل المنظمة المصرية لحقوق الانسان، مركز القاهرة لحقوق الانسان ( 1990 – ) .
11- ادارة الندوات في مراكز مثل المنظمة المصرية لحقوق الانسان ، والجمعية المصرية للتنوير ( 1994 – ) .
12- حضور ندوات عربية ودولية في تونس واليمن وليبيا وانجلترا وامريكا ( 1987 – 2000 ) .
13- ادارة رواق ابن خلدون وهو ندوة اسبوعية استمرت بدون انقطاع من الثلاثاء 2/1/1996 حتى 20 / 6/ 2000 .

أهم المنشورات :
( أ ) ابحاث ومقالات في الصحف والمجلات المصرية والعربية :
اكثر من خمسمائة بحث ومقال من ( 1982 : 2001 )
في ( الاخبار والجمهورية ، الاهالي ، روزاليوسف ،العربي الناصري ، القاهرة ، ابداع ، مجلة التنوير ، مجلة المجتمع المدني ، جريدة الخليج ، ادب ونقد ، العالم اليوم ، سواسية ، حواء ، سطور ، رواق بن عربي ، الانسان والتطور ، حقوق الناس، الهدي النبوي ، الاهرام ، الاهرام ويكلي ، جريدة الخليج ، الوطن الكويتية ، الوطن المصرية ، الميدان ، الاحرار ) الخ .
(ب ) كتب عربية منشورة :
1 – السيد البدوي بين الحقيقة والخرافة سنة 1982
2 – البحث في مصادر التاريخ الديني سنة 1984
3- شخصية مصر بعد الفتح الاسلامي سنة 1984 .
4- التاريخ والمؤرخون : دراسة في تاريخ التأريخ : سنة 1984 .
5- التاريخ والمؤرخون : دراسة في المادة التاريخية : سنة 1984 .
6- اسس البحث التاريخى سنة 1984
7- غارات المغول والصليبيين سنة 1985
8- العالم الاسلامي بين عصر الراشدين وعصر الخلفاء العباسيين 1985
9- حركات انفصالية في التاريخ الاسلامي سنة 1985
10- دراسات في الحركة الفكرية في الحضارة الاسلامية سنة 1985
11- الانبياء في القرآن الكريم : دراسة تحليلية سنة 1985
ملحوظة :
حوكم المؤلف في جامعة الازهر 1985 : 1987 ثم تركها سنة 1987 بسبب المؤلفات الخمس الاخيرة .
12- المسلم العاصي :هل يخرج من النار ليدخل الجنة . سنة 1987 .
ملحوظة :
صودر هذا الكتاب ودخل المؤلف بسببه السجن شهرين سنة 1987
13- مصر في القرآن الكريم سنة 1990
14- حقائق الموت في القرآن الكريم سنة 1990
15- حد الردة : دراسة اصولية تاريخية سنة 1993 ، اعيدت طباعته سنة 2000 وترجم الي الانجليزية سنة 1998 .
16- عذاب القبر والثعبان الاقرع سنة 1995 ، اعيدت طباعته سنة 2000 .
17- حرية الرأي بين الاسلام والمسلمين سنة 1994
18- قضية الحسبة في الاسلام سنة 1995 ، ونشر ثلاث مرات في نفس العام .
19- مقدمة لكتاب جاك بيرك عن اعادة ترجمة القرآن سنة 1995 .
20- مقدمة ابن خلدون : دراسة اصولية تاريخية : سنة 1998 .
21- النسخ في القرآن معناه الكتابة و الاثبات وليس الحذف والالغاء سنة 2000
22- العقائد الدينية في مصر المملوكية بين الاسلام والتصوف سنة 2000

(جـ ) وهناك اكثر من اربعين مؤلفا غير منشور ، اهمها موسوعة التصوف المملوكي ، وموسوعة القرآن والفكر السني .
وكل هذه المؤلفات المنشورة وغير المنشورة تدور في اطار المشروع الفكري للمؤلف الذي يهدف الي الاحتكام للقرآن الكريم في تراث المسلمين وعقائدهم لتبرئة الاسلام من تهم التطرف والارهاب .

د. احمد صبحي منصور
يونية 2001

لقراءة مقالات قديمة للدكتور احمد انقر هنا

* الاسناد في الحديث
* رد على شيخ الازهر

* الرجم في الاحاديث
* المسكوت عنه في سيرة عمر بن الخطاب
* ابو بكر ماذا تبقى منه في الفكر السني
* حريات لا يحميها القانون المصري

الموقع الفرعي في الحوار المتمدن


النص الكامل لكتاب في الشعر الجاهلي تأليف طه حسين




الكتاب الأول


1 – تمهيد


هذا نحو من البحث عن تاريخ الشعر العربي جديد لم بألفة الناس عندنا من قبل .
وأكاد أثق بأن فريقا منهم سيلقونه ساخطين عليه وبأن فريقا آخر سيزورون عنه ازورار ولكني علي سخط أولئك وازورار هؤلاء أريد أن أذيع هذا البحث أو بعبارة أصح أريد أن أقيده فقد أذعته قبل اليوم حين تحدثت به إلي طلابي في الجامعة .
وليس سرا ما تتحدث به إلي أكثر من مائتين . ولقد اقتنعت بنتائج هذا البحث اقتناعا ما أعرف أني شعرت بمثله في تلك الموقف المختلفة التي وقفتها من تاريخ الأدب العربي.
وهذا الاقتناع القوي هو الذي يحملني علي تقييد هذا البحث ونشره في هذه الفصول غير حافل بسخط الساخط ولا مكترث بازورار المزور .
وأنا مطمئن إلي أن هذا البحث وإن أسخط قوما وشق علي آخرين فسيرضي هذه الطائفة القليلة من المستنيرين الذين هم في حقيقة الأمر عدة المستقبل وقوام النهضة الحديثة وذخر الأدب الجديد .
وقد تناول الناس منذ حين مسألة القديم والجديد واشتد فيها اللجاجة بينهم وخيل إلي بعضهم أنة يستطيع أن يقضي فيها بين المختصمين .
ولكني أعتقد أن المختصمين أنفسهم لم يتناولوا المسألة من جميع أطرفها فهم لم يكادوا يتجاوزون فنون الأدب التي يتعاطاها الناس من نثر وشعر والأساليب التي تصطنع في هذه الفنون والمعاني والألفاظ التي يعمد إليها الكاتب أو الشاعر حين يريد أن يتحدث إلي الناس بعواطف نفسه أو نتائج عقله ولكن المسألة وجها آخر لا يتناول الفن الكتابي أو الشعري وإنما يتناول البحث العلمي عن الأدب وتاريخ فنونه .
نحن بين اثنتين : إما أن نقبل في الأدب وتاريخه ما قاله القدماء ، لا نتناول ذلك من النقد إلا بهذا المقدار اليسير الذي لا يخلو منه كل بحث والذي يطيح لنا أن نقول : أخطأ الأصمعي أو أصاب ووفق أبو عبيدة أو لم يوفق واهتدي ألكسائي أو ضل الطريق وإما أن نضع علم المتقدمين كله موضع البحث .
لقد أنسيت ، فلست أريد أن أقول البحث وإنما أريد أن أقول الشك .
أريد ألا نقبل شيئا مما قال القدماء في الأدب وتاريخه إلا بعد بحث وتثبيت إن لم ينتهيا إلي اليقين فقد ينتهيان إلي الرجحان .
والفرق بين هذين المذهبين في البحث عظيم فهو الفرق بين الإيمان الذي يبعث علي الاطمئنان والرضا والشك الذي يبعث علي القلق والاضطراب وينتهي في كثير من الأحيان إلي الإنكار والجحود .
المذهب الأول يدع كل شيء حيث تركه القدماء لا يناله التغير ولا تبديل ولا يمسه في جملته وتفصيلة إلا مسا رفيقا .
أما المذهب الثاني فيقلب العلم القديم رأسا علي عقب .
وأخشى إن لم يمح أكثره أن يمحو منه شيئا كثيرا .
ولندع هذا النحو من الكلام العام ولنوضح ما نريد أن مقولة بشيء من الأمثلة : بين يدينا مسألة الشعر الجاهلي نريد أن ندرسها وننتهي فيها إلي الحق .
فأما أنصار القديم فالطريق أمامهم واضحة معبدة ، والأمر عليهم سهل يسير .
أليس قد أجمع القدماء من علماء الأمصار في العراق والشام وفارس ومصر والأندلس علي أن طائفة كثيرة من الشعراء قد عاشت قبل الإسلام وقالت كثيرا من الشعر ؟
أليس قد أجمع هؤلاء العلماء أنفسهم علي أن لهؤلاء الشعراء أسماء معروفة محفوظة مضبوطة بتناقلها الناس ولا يكادون يختلفون فيها ؟
أليس قد أجمع هؤلاء العلماء علي أن لهؤلاء الشعراء مقدارا من القصائد والمقطوعات حفظه عنهم رواتهم وتناقله عنهم الناس حتى جاء عصر التدوين فدون في الكتب وبقي منه ما شاء الله أن يبقي إلي لأيامنا ؟
وإذا كان العلماء قد أجمعوا علي هذا كله فرووا لنا أسماء الشعراء وضبطوها ونقلوا إلينا آثار الشعراء وفسروها فلم يبق إلا أن نأخذ عنهم ما قالوا راضين به مطمئنين إلية فإذا لم يكن لأحدنا بد من أن يبحث وينقد ويحقق فهو يستطيع هذا دون أن يجاوز مذهب أنصار القديم فالعلماء قد اختلفوا في الرواية بعض الاختلاف وتفاوتوا في الضبط بعض التفاوت فلنوازن بينهم ولنرجح رواية علي رواية ولنؤثر ضبطا علي ضبط ولنقل : أصاب البصريون وأخطأ الكوفيون أو وفق المبرد وأم يوفق ثعلب لنذهب في الأدب وفنونه مذهب الفقهاء في الفقه بعد أن أغلق باب الاجتهاد : هذا مذهب أنصار القديم وهو المذهب الذائع في مصر وهو المذهب الرسمي أيضا مضت علية مدارس الحكومات وكتبها ومناهجها علي ما بينها من تفاوت واختلاف .
ولا ينبغي أن تخدعك هذه الألفاظ المستحدثة في الأدب ولا هذا النحو من التأليف الذي يقسم التاريخ الأدبي إلي عصور ويحاول أن يدخل فيه شيئا من الترتيب والتنظيم فذلك كله عناية بالقشور والأشكال لا يمس اللباب ولا الموضوع فما زال العرب ينقسمون إلي بائدة وباقية وإلي عارية ومستعربة ومازال أولئك من جرهم وهؤلاء من ولد إسماعيل ومازال امرؤ القيس صاحب ” قفا نبك ” وطرفة صاحب ” لخولة أطلال ” وعمرو بن كلثوم صاحب ” ألا هبي ” ومازال كلام العرب فغي جاهليتها وإسلامها ينقسم إلي شعر ونثر.
النثر ينقسم إلي مرسل ومسجو ع ألي آخر هذا الكلام الكثير الذي يفرغه أنصار القديم فيما يصنعون من كتب وما يلقون علي التلاميذ والطلاب من دروس هم لم يغيروا في الأدب شيئا وما كان لهم أن يغيروا فيه شيئا وقد أخذوا أنفسهم بالاطمئنان إلي ما قاله القدماء وأغلقوا علي أنفسهم في الأدب باب الاجتهاد كما أغلقه الفقهاء في افقه والمتكلمون في الكلام وأما أنصار الجديد فالطريق أمامهم معوجة ملتوية تقوم فيها عقاب لا تكاد تحصي وهم لا يكادون يمضون إلا في أناة وريث هما إلي البطء أقرب منهما إلي السرعة ذلك أنهم لا يأخذون أنفسهم بإيمان ولا اطمئنان أو هم لم يرزقوا هذا الإيمان والاطمئنان فقد خلق الله لهم عقولا تجد من الشك لذة وفي القلق والاضطراب رضا وهم لا يريدون أن يخطوا في تاريخ الأدب خطوة حتى يتبنوا موضعها وسواء عليهم وافقوا القدماء وأنصار القديم أم كان بينهم وبينهم أشد الخلاف هم لا يطمئنون إلي ما قال القدماء وإنما يلقون بالتحفظ والشك ولعل أشد ما يملكهم الشك حين يجدون من القدماء ثقة واطمئنانا هم يريدون أن يدوسوا مسألة الشعر الجاهلي فيتجاهلون إجماع القدماء علي ما اجمعوا علية ويتساءلون أهناك شعر جاهلي ؟
فإن كان هناك شعر جاهلي فما السبيل إلي معرفته ؟
وما هو ؟
وما مقداره ؟
وبم يمتاز من غيرة ويمضون في طائفة من الأسئلة يحتاج حلها إلي روية وأناة وإلي جهود الجماعات العلمية لا إلي جهود الأفراد هم لا يعرفون أن العرب ينقسمون إلي باقية وبائدة وعارية ومستعربة ولا أن لأولئك من جرهم وهؤلاء من ولد إسماعيل ولا أن امرأ القيس وطرفة وابن كلثوم قالوا هذه المطولات ولكنهم يعرفون أن القدماء كانوا يروون ذلك .
ويريدون أن يستبينوا أكان القدماء مصيبين أم مخطئين ؟
والنتائج اللازمة لهذا المذهب الذي يذهبه المجددون عظيمة جليلة الخطر فهي إلي الثورة الأدبية أقرب منها إلي أي شيء آخر وحسبك أنهم يشكون فيما كان الناس يرون يقينا وقد يجحدون ما أجمع الناس علي أنة حق لا شك فيه .
وليس حظ هذا المذهب منتهيا عند هذا الحد بل هو يجاوزه إلي حدود أخري أبعد منه مدي وأعظم أثرا فهم قد ينتهون إلي تغيير التاريخ أو ما اتفق الناس علي أنة تاريخ وهم قد ينتهون إلي الشن في أشياء لم يكن يباح الشك فيها وهم بين اثنتين : إما أن يجحدوا أنفسهم ويجحدوا العلم وحقوقه فيرخوا ويستريحوا وإما أن يعرفوا لأنفسهم حقها ويؤذوا للعلم واجبه فيتعرضوا لما ينبغي أن يتعرض له العلماء من الأذى ويحتملوا ما ينبغي أن يحتمله العلماء من سخط الساخطين .
ولست أزعم أني من العلماء ولست أتمدح بأني أحب أن أتعرض لللأذي وربما كان الحق أني أحب الحياة الهادئة المطمئنة وأريد أن أتذوق لذات العيش في دعة ورضا ولكني مع ذلك أحب أن أفكر وأحب أن أبحث وأحب أن أعلن إلي الناس متا أنتهي إلية بعد البحث والتفكير ولا أكره أن أحذ نصيبي من رضا الناس علي أو سخطهم علي حين أعلن إليهم ما يحبون أو ما يكرهون وإذن فلأعتمد علي الله ولأجتنب بما أحب أن أحدثك به في صراحة وأمانة وصدق ولأجتنب في هذا الحديث هذه الطرق التي يسلكها المهرة من الكتاب ليدخلوا علي الناس ما لم يألفوا في رفق وأناة وشيء من الاحتياط كثير.
وأول شيء أفجؤك به في هذا الحديث هو أني شككت في قيمة الشعر الجاهلي وألححت في الشك أو قل ألح علي الشك فأخذت أبحث وأفكر وأقرأ وأتدبر حتى انتهي بي هذا كله إلي شيء إلا يكن يقينا فهو أقرب من اليقين ذلك أن الكثرة المطلقة مما نسميه شعرا جاهليا ليست من الجاهلية في شيء وإنما هي منتحلة مختلقة بعد ظهور الإسلام فهي إسلامية تمثل حياة المسلمين وميولهم وأهواءهم أكثر مما تمثل حياة الجاهليين .
وأكاد لا أشك في أن ما بقي من الشعر الجاهلي الصحيح قليل جدا لا يمثل شيئا ولا يدل علي شيء ولا ينبغي الاعتماد علية في استخراج الصورة الأدبية الصحيحة لهذا العصر الجاهلي .
وأنا أقدر النتائج الخطرة لهذه النظرية ولكني مع ذلك لا أتردد في أثباتها وإذاعتها ولا أضعف عن أن أعلن إليك وإلي غيرك من القراء أن ما تقرؤه علي أنة شعر امرئ القيس أو طرفة أو ابن كلثوم أو عنترة ليس من هؤلاء الناس في شيء وإنما هو انتحال الرواة أو اختلاف الأعراب أو صنعة النحاة أو تكلف القصاص أو اختراع المفسرين والمحدثين والمتكلمين .
وأنا أزعم مع هذا كله أن العصر الجاهلي القريب من الإسلام لم يصنع ,إنا نستطيع أن نتصوره تصورا واضحا قويا صحيحا .
ولكن بشرط ألا نعتمد علي الشعر بل علي القرآن من ناحية والتاريخ والأساطير من ناحية أخري .
وستسألني كيف انتهي بي البحث إلي هذه النظرية الخطرة ؟
ولست أكره أن أجيبك علي هذا السؤال بل أنا لا أكتب ما أكتب إلا لأجيبك علية ولأجل أن أجيبك علية إجابة مقنعة يجب أن أتحدث إليك في طائفة مختلفة من المسائل .
وستري أن هذه الطائفة المختلفة من المسائل تنتهي كلها إلي نتيجة واحدة هي هذه النظرية التي ذكرتها منذ حين .
يجب أن أحدثك عن الحياة السياسية الداخلية للأمة العربية قبل ظهور الإسلام ووقوف حركة الفتح وما بين هذه الحياة وبين الشعر من صلة .
ويجب أن أحدثك عن حال أولئك الناس الذين غلبوا علي أمرهم بعد الفتح في بلاد الفرس وفي الشام والجزيرة والعراق ومصر ، مابين هذه الحال وبين لغة العرب وآدابهم من صلة .ويجب أن أحدثك عن نشأة العلوم الدنية واللغوية وما بينها وبين اللغة و الأدب من صلة .
ثم يجب أن أحدثك عن اليهود في بلاد العرب قبل الإسلام وبعده وما بين اليهود هؤلاء وبين الأدب العربي من صلة ويجب أن أحدثك بعد هذا عن المسيحية وما كان لها من الانتشار في بلاد العرب قبل الإسلام وما أحدثت من تأثير في حياة العرب العقلية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية والأدبية وما بين هذا كله وبين الأدب العربي والشعر العربي من صلة ثم يجب أن أحدثك عن مؤثرات سياسية خارجية عملت في حياة العرب قبل الإسلام وكان لها أثر قوي جدا في الشعر العربي الجاهلي وفي الشعر العربي الذي أنتحل وأضيف إلي الجاهليين وهذه المباحث التي أشرت إليها ستنتهي كلها إلي تلك النظرية التي قدمتها : وهي أن الكثرة المطلقة من الشعر الجاهلي ليست من الشعر الجاهلي في شيء .
ولكني مع ذلك لن أقف عند هذه المباحث لأني أقف عندها فيما بيني وبين نفسي بل جاوزتها .
وأريد أن أجاوزها معك إلي نحو آخر من البحث أظنه أقوي دلالة وأنهض حجة من المباحث الماضية كلها ذلك هو المبحث الفني واللغوي , فسينتهي بنا هذا المبحث إلي أن هذا الشعر الذي ينسب إلي امرئ القيس أو إلي الأعشي أو إلي غيرهما من ا لشعراء الجاهليين لا يمكن من الوجهة اللغوية والفنية أن يكون لهؤلاء الشعراء ولا أن يكون قد قيل وأذيع فبل أن يظهر القرآن .
نعم ؟
وسينتهي بنا هذا البحث إلي نتيجة غريبة وهي أنة لا ينبغي أن يستشهد بهذا الشعر علي تفسير القرآن وتأويل الحديث وإنما ينبغي أن يستشهد بالقرآن والحديث علي تفسير هذا الشعر و تأويله أريد أن أقوال إن هذه الأشعار لا تثبت شيئا ولا تدل علي شيء ولا ينبغي أن تتخذ وسيلة إلي ما اتخذت إلية من علم القرآن والحديث فهي إنما تكلفت واخترعت اختراعا ليستشهد بها العلماء علي ما كانوا يريدون أن يستشهدوا علية .
فإذا انتهينا من هذه الطرق كلها إلي غاية واحدة هي هذه النظرية التي قدمتها فسنجتهد في أن نبحث عما يمكن أن يكون شعرا جاهليا حقا وأنا أعترف منذ الآن بأن هذا البحث عسير كل العسر وبأني أشك شكا شديدا في أنة قد ينتهي بنا إلي نتيجة مرضية ومع ذلك فسنحاوله


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Are American Mosques Promoting Hate Ideology?

Despite its limitations, this study highlights an ugly undercurrent in modern Islamic discourse that American-Muslims must openly confront.


A new study entitled “Saudi Publications on Hate Ideology Fill American Mosques” was recently released by the conservative watchdog organization Freedom House. Whether the study is accurate or not, it will certainly invite greater governmental scrutiny on the American-Muslim community.

Continue reading ‘Are American Mosques Promoting Hate Ideology?’


Vice Squad


SINFUL PLEASURES: Risking the wrath of the religious police, a woman in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, loosens her veil to eat an ice cream


Thursday, Jul. 26, 2007

TIME Magazine

On a hot and humid evening two months ago, a dozen police cars rolled up to the simple Riyadh residence of Salman al-Huraisi, a 28-year-old hotel security guard. The policemen stormed into the house, breaking down doors, tearing through personal belongings and crying, “God is great!” Then they arrested al-Huraisi, along with 10 other family members. His alleged crime: consuming and selling beer. Continue reading ‘Vice Squad’


Hisba : A Historical Overview


Hisbah (Arabic: حسبة hisba, ḥisba, “verification”) is an Islamic doctrine of keeping everything in order within the laws of Allah. This doctrine is based on the Qur’anic expression Enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong.

This doctrine has the following major aspects.

  • An obligation of a Muslim

  • An obligation of a state to ensure its citizens observe the hisbah, in particular, the Sharia law.

  • In a broader sense, hisbah also refers to the practice of supervision of commercial, guild, and other secular affairs. Traditionally, a muhtasib  was appointed by the Caliph to oversee the order in marketplaces, in businesses, in medical occupations, etc. The position of muhtasib may be approximately rendered as “inspector“. See Hisbah (business accountability) for this aspect.

For example, in Saudi Arabia, the state establishment responsible for hisbah is the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice. Continue reading ‘Hisba : A Historical Overview’


Submission: The Movie

Submission is a 10-minute film in English directed by Theo van Gogh and written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali (a former Liberal party member of the Lower House of the Netherlands Parliament); it was shown on the Dutch public broadcasting network (VPRO) on August 29, 2004. The film’s title is a direct translation of the word “Islam” (see also the etymology and meaning of the word). Continue reading ‘Submission: The Movie’


The Power of Blogs in the Arab World

February 15, 2007 Edition 7 Volume 5

Arab blogs give youth venting space

By Mona Eltahawy


To appreciate the power of blogs in the Arab world, ponder for a moment a recent triple whammy–or hat trick, to use soccer parlance–scored by Egyptian blogs:

One: the exposure by blogs of sexual assaults on women in downtown Cairo by gangs of men during a religious holiday in Cairo in October 2006. Bloggers forced the issue onto the national agenda, turning it into headlines from satellite television channels to the Associated Press. Continue reading ‘The Power of Blogs in the Arab World’




By Muhammed Asadi


“They ask you concerning INTOXICANTS (Alcohol and other Drugs)…Say: In them is great harm and some benefits for humankind. But the harm of them is much greater than their benefit.”(Koran 2:219)

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, uses the criterion of the Koran, given in the above statement, when it tests any new innovative drug. If the harm or side effects of any drug are found to exceed their usefulness, they are banned from further production and marketing. Alcohol is such a “drug.” It is the most highly abused “drug” in the United States. Its harm far exceeds any benefits that it provides when used as a beverage. Therefore a call to outlaw alcohol and drugs on a community level, as the Koran suggests, is justified based on objective criteria, criteria routinely administered by the FDA. Continue reading ‘ALCOHOL: THE INSTRUMENT OF OPPRESSION’


Egyptian Exile


By Joshua Muravchik

Wall Street Journal

Far from the public eye a drama is playing out that will have the utmost consequences for the Bush administration’s goal of promoting democracy in the Middle East. The region’s most prominent dissident, Egyptian sociologist Saad Edin Ibrahim, suddenly finds himself in a kind of perambulatory exile, hopping from conference to conference — in nine countries in the last three months. The one place he dare not go is home to Egypt because well-placed officials have warned him not to put himself within President Hosni Mubarak’s grasp.

Continue reading ‘Egyptian Exile’


Peace and Religion

Prof. Dr. Nasr Abu Zayd
Islamic Studies
Leiden University


After September 11th the discussion about Islam and violence became the most favorite topic in the media. Because I do not want to repeat what I have been saying during the last 7 years since I came to Europe I will try here to address the topic “religion and peace”. By focusing on the issue of “peace” instead of dealing mainly and directly with the issue of “violence” I try my best to avoid getting into a ‘polemic’ or ‘apologetic’ mode of discourse. It goes without saying that the concept “peace” implies in its structure the other side of the coin “war” or “violence”. Continue reading ‘Peace and Religion’


Useful Hints for reading the Quran


By Brother A. Muhammed (e-mail:


As presented in the section (Quran, fully detailed Scripture), we will be accountable on the Day of Judgement to abiding by the law of God which is given to us in the ‘law giving’ verses of the Quran. Because of that, and since God is the most Fair Judge, He has given us these verses in very clear and straightforward language. Nevertheless, and as a reader, you may have often come across the situation where you have just read one of these ‘law giving’ Quranic verses only to find that in the interpretation it has been given a completely different meaning by the interpreter! If you should inquire into the reason behind this discrepancy you will be told that the Quran is very difficult to understand on your own, and that these proficient interpreters have spent many years of their lives in mastering the science of Quranic interpretation and thus their interpretation in fact presents what the verse really is supposed to mean! You may also be told that this is the interpretation given by the prophet himself. Continue reading ‘Useful Hints for reading the Quran’




By Brother Naveed (e-mail:

Asalaam alaikum all,

I have been linked with Education for sometimes now I have noticed several things regarding the attitudes in education as well as general attitudes in life. I would like to share some of my thoughts on that with you all.

The muslim countries of the world are at the bottom of the list when it comes to education and development. Many people have tried to blame the west for the backward muslim attitude. However, this problem is not an external problem, but an internal one. There are other countries in the world which are poorer than most muslim countries but when it comes to education they are far far ahead of ALL muslim nations. India is one example. They were also under colonial rule like Pakistan and are among one of the poorest countries in the world. However, their education system is better than any muslim country in the world. They produce more world class scientists and researchers than ALL the muslims countries combined together. You go to ANY major university in the world, you are bound to find Indian Professors in the faculty. Continue reading ‘Education’


Blogging your way into prison


It probably was not wise (or productive) for Abdel Kareem Nabil, who goes by the blogger name Karim Amer, to call his alma mater, Cairo’s Al-Azhar University, “the university of terrorism.” But few expected that his blog would land him in an Egyptian jail on charges of “incitement to hate Islam” and “defaming the president of the republic.” His case has sparked international outcry and many say his imprisonment represents an alarming and growing trend in Egypt tostifle bloggers. In response to a growing movement called “Kifayeh”emergency laws which have been in place nearly continuously since 1967. Nabil’s arrest is particularly alarming, says Amnesty International, because Egypt’s blogs provide perhaps the only avenue to document human rights abuses in Egypt and to encourage civic dialogue. Continue reading ‘Blogging your way into prison’


Faithful questions about Islamic law

The purpose of the Sharia is to promote justice and the common good. In a minority of instances, however, the Sharia has been an instrument of injustice and intolerance.




I do not think Hollywood could have come up with a more sensational movie. The famous Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) in Islamabad, Pakistan is raided by government security forces in a crackdown on militant religious seminary students locked in a stand off that lasted several days. The standoff began on July 3, when clashes erupted at the mosque and 16 people were killed. The mosque was then besieged by government forces, and negotiations began in hopes of ending the crisis. Continue reading ‘Faithful questions about Islamic law’


Sucking up to the Saudi king



Irshad Manji

Posted in Irshaddering Thoughts on Oct 30, 2007

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah is in the UK for a state visit. Just when you think the Bush White House has mastered how to kiss the ring of the king, British officialdom manages to out-do Washington — not only in ceremony but also in hypocrisy. Continue reading ‘Sucking up to the Saudi king’


From Muslim Youths, a Push for Change


Participants at Unprecedented Summit With U.S. Officials Confront Extremist Images

By Michelle Boorstein
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, July 15, 2007; A15

Attending what Muslim American activists say is the highest-level meeting ever between Muslim American youths and U.S. officials, Mohamed Sabur couldn’t help but notice a frustrating paradox. Continue reading ‘From Muslim Youths, a Push for Change’


Salman Rushdie is not the problem. Muslims are




June 21, 2007

In a battle between flaming fundamentalists and mute moderates, who do you think is going to win?

Growing up in Vancouver, I attended an Islamic school every Saturday. There, I learned that Jews cannot be trusted because they worship “moolah, not Allah,” meaning money, not God. According to my teacher, every last Jew is consumed with business. Continue reading ‘Salman Rushdie is not the problem. Muslims are’


Shias in Mecca: Unwelcomed pilgrims





For many Shias, an attack on Shia umrah pilgrims two weeks ago recalls a painful history of abuse in Mecca, and shatters hopes for a more inclusive and tolerant pilgrimage experience



By Zahir Janmohamed, August 23, 2007


For Shia pilgrims to Mecca and Medina, few can forget the that occurred in 1987. Each year prior to that, a group of Iranians, Saudis, and other nationals held a peaceful, Saudi government-approved demonstration to denounce internal hypocrisy in Islam (even though it was a not-so subtle jab at the Saudi monarchy). It was a tradition started by Imam Khomeini after the Iranian Revolution and one that continued with barely a scuffle for years.

In 1987, however, an argument broke out between demonstrators and Saudi police in which the police opened fire, forcing the demonstrators to flee in a stampede-inducing frenzy. Over four hundred people were killed with another 649 injured, an event described in vivid detail in the book Iran’s Persian Gulf Policy: From Khomeini to Khatami. While discrimination in Mecca and Medina continued afterwards against anyone the Saudi government deemed outside its definition of Islam, actual violence against worshippers rarely did. Continue reading ‘Shias in Mecca: Unwelcomed pilgrims’


Anti-al Qaeda base envisioned


Ahmed Subhy Mansour hopes for “official American help for our arrested people in Egypt” to further his moderate Islamic cause.


Article published Sep 26, 2007
an article from

By Willis Witter

Exiled Egyptian cleric Ahmed Subhy Mansour, whose teachings have earned him dozens of death “fatwas” from fellow Muslim clerics, uses the English translation for al Qaeda — meaning “the base” — to describe a plan to defeat Osama bin Laden and other terrorists, who he says have seized control of Islam.”Suppose you have here [in the United States] a base to counter al Qaeda in the war of ideas?” Sheik Mansour asked during a recent luncheon at The Washington Times. Continue reading ‘Anti-al Qaeda base envisioned’





By Prof. Mohammed Rafi

Individual, citizen, community, country, society, nation, state and sovereignty are concepts that have evolved through ages to establish the relationship between people, places and authority. These concepts have changed along with the social conditions and mental development of human beings. The Islamic concept in this regard is valid for all people and places. Its eternal value is based on the principles that act as guideline to facilitate the evolutionary process of man’s development and progress. It gives eminence to those who adopt its principles. They can adopt this progressive system of life that embraces all that is good, promotes the well being of humanity and avoids that which is evil and harmful to humanity at large. Furthermore, the Divinely inspired system of life is fully sustainable and durable. Continue reading ‘THE ISLAMIC CONCEPT OF STATE AND INDIVIDUAL’


Radical Reform : Ethics and Liberation


By Tariq Ramadan

On The Concept of Reform

The debate over the question of the renewal, revival and reform of Islamic sciences, and more particularly of law and jurisprudence (fiqh), has been running for a long time among Muslim scholars. Since the first schools of law (madhâhib, sing. madhhab) were constituted between the 8th and 10th centuries, intense legal discussions have opposed those who favour strict attachment to the historically constituted schools and those who call for a constant return to the primary scriptural sources, the Quran and the Prophet’s tradition (Sunnah). As early as the 12th century, Abû Hâmid al-Ghazâlî referred to the necessary “revival” (ihyâ’ of “religious sciences”, in a masterly, seminal work that precisely bears that title. The deep intuition that faithfulness to Islam through history required a permanent effort of research, renewal and reform of thought (and of methodologies) has been present in the world of Islamic sciences from their early days to the present, with highly flourishing periods and other utterly hostile ones. Closer to our own times, in the late 19th century, with the Nahda and Salâfiyya movements, and the critical output of Jamâl ad-Dîn al-Afghânî and Muhammad `Abduh,[1] those concepts spread and became constant in contemporary discourse, of course entailing many disputes, from the outright refusal of the idea of reform to the monopolising of its contents and objectives by some thinkers. For the past twenty years, the actors (whether scholars or thinkers), critics, commentators and observers of those debates have been expressing different, and sometimes radically opposed, views about the meaning of concepts – that of “reform” in particular – and about whether such or such a scholar or thinker could be labelled a “reformist” or a “reformer”. Continue reading ‘Radical Reform : Ethics and Liberation’


The Quranists as persecuted Muslim scholars


By: – Ahmed Mansour

In the early 1990’s, I was invited by the Egyptian association for religious brotherhood to lecture in a church in Cairo to Muslims and Christians about tolerance. I was warned that there was a suspicious bearded man waiting for me in front of the church.We talked. He told me that he had spent two months trying to meet me. He told me that he had been a member of secret fanatic organization and was assigned to rebut my discourse, but that my words had changed his and his family’s life. He asked me to join my weekly Friday prayer meeting at my home, and if possible bring his family.

After a month they became Quranists. Continue reading ‘The Quranists as persecuted Muslim scholars’


Basic Islamic Concepts in the Light of the Quran



Was Muhammad (p.b.u.h) Illiterate? Or did he write the revealed Quran with his own hands.


In 7/157-158, Quran mentions the prophet (p.b.u.h) as ‘Al-Nabbiyyil-ummi’.

007:157. “Those who follow the apostle, alnnabiyya alommiyya whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the law and the Gospel;- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper.”

007:158. day: “O men! I am sent unto you all, as the Messenger of Allah, to Whom belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no god but He: it is He That giveth both life and death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, alnnabiyya alommiyya, who believeth in Allah and His words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided.” Continue reading ‘Was Muhammad (p.b.u.h) Illiterate? Or did he write the revealed Quran with his own hands.’


Critical thinking: a right (and duty) of all Muslims


Posted in Irshaddering Thoughts, On The Road on Oct 11, 2007

Last night’s sold-out film screening at NYU drew a number of young Muslims who are genuinely struggling with Islam. One girl cried in my arms. Another wrote these words to me:

As a devout (but not extremist) Muslim myself, your documentary Faith Without Fear really touched me deeply. I think that it is important for Muslims who are frustrated/oppressed by extremist Islam to know that it is ok to follow the faith that is within their souls. Muslims need to know that instead of abandoning their faith or Allah, they can and should turn to ijtihad.

“Ijtihad” is Islam’s tradition of critical thinking, debate and dissent. To restore this progressive tradition to the practice of Islam, I and other reform-minded Muslims have launched Project Ijtihad.

Of course, our critics are loud and legion. They insist that ijtihad can only be exercised by “scholars.” In that case, they ought to read a scholarly paper written by Umar Faruq Abd-Allah, Ph.D.  To download the paper, click here, then go to the “Read and Learn” box at the right-hand side of the page.

Dr. Abd-Allah points out that ijtihad is a “duty of the first magnitude” for ordinary Muslims and not just for the elites. Throughout Islamic history, says Dr. Abd-Allah:

“… even the common people were required to perform their own type of ijtihad by striving to discern the competence of individual scholars and selecting the best to follow, a principle emphatically asserted by the majority of Sunni and Shi’i scholars and their schools.”

Today, he suggests, Muslims in North America are well-poised to revive ijtihad on behalf of Muslims everywhere:

“Like our counterparts in Canada, considerable sectors of the American Muslim community, in contrast to many of our co-religionists in the European Union, are highly educated and constitute, per capita, one of the most talented and prosperous Muslim communities in the world. Moreover, American Muslims, at least for the time being, enjoy a relatively favorable socio-political context with extensive freedoms and political enfranchisement. Few Muslims in the world today are in a more advantageous position to comprehend the essence of modernity and post-modernity and to formulate new directions for ijtihad in keeping with the best traditions of Islamic thought and the imperatives of an interconnected pluralistic world.”

I concluded last night’s event with a similar sentiment: We ijtihadists aren’t asking our fellow Muslims to import a foreign tradition or an alien virtue into the faith. We’re reminding Muslims that Islam itself once exhibited a tradition of indie thinking.

What in God’s name are we doing with that tradition now?




Muslims & the Internet : For Muslims, social networks bring new challenges




Are Muslim social networking sites viable and competitive enough to attract Muslim users from MySpace and Facebook? A group of new websites feels it is up to the challenge.




Feeling popular yet?


In the oft-cited glory days of the Islamic world, Muslim explorers like Ibn Battuta created vast networks around the world to promote trade and to learn about other cultures. The Silk Road Ibn Battuta travelled linked nations together in a way they never had before, changing them irrevocably and creating an interdependence that became the forerunner of today’s globalised world.

It’s hard to imagine what Ibn Battuta would think of today’s overly networked societies. Advances in transport, communication, and technology over the past century have made leaps beyond cultures instantaneous and accessible to nearly everyone. Commercial access and the free flow of money have been amplified immeasurably by the Internet. And on a personal level, online social networks have become the new frontier.

Among young people, these sites have proven themselves to be more popular than any other form of media. The rapid growth of FriendsterMySpace (now 160 million users and growing), led to the latter’s groundbreaking $580 million aqcuisition by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. Facebook, which started as a network among Harvard students, is now the fastest growing social network site, adding some 150,000 users each day. All of these users form a valuable demographic for advertisers, which accounts in part for MySpace’s wildly speculative valuation.

For the ever increasing Muslim diaspora, the appeal of social networks has also become widespread. They have taken to them in droves, with over 2.1 million of them self identified by religion on MySpace alone. Scores of others have done so on Friendster (45 million total users) and Facebook (30 million total users). But it is this popularity that has spurred the formation of social networks that cater specifically for Muslims, with entrepreneurs seeking both to capitalise on a growing economic market and also aiming to provide services and protections for Muslims who feel that the freewheeling worlds of existing social networking sites aren’t sensitive to their needs. Sites like,, Muslimica, and the soon to be launched have approached these challenges in a variety of different ways with differing degrees of success.

“There are over 105 million Muslims online globally, and Internet adoption rates in Muslim countries are among the highest in the world,” says Sami Al-Taher,’s CEO. “It’s hard to believe that the only mainstream online communities available to us are based in the USA, and don’t resonate with the Muslim population around the world.”, the first and currently largest of the Muslim social networking sites, has the most number of users, with over 320,000 so far. But others are catching up., a part of a Muslim portal called Muxlim, has 25,000 users and growing.

But what does a Muslim social network have to offer? For most users, it’s a sense of safety in numbers, with protection from content they find uncomfortable and a way to link with Muslims directly. “The aim of Muslim social networks is not necessarily to pull all Muslims away from general sites, but to complement users’ online experience with Muslim-oriented services, guidelines and features that they would not find otherwise in general communities,” explains Mohamed El-Fatatry,’s CEO. “Each social network tends to have its own flavour and its own audience.” Saleem Baig, of adds that he wants to “ensure Muslims from all over the world find a safe secure place to express themselves and their views.”

However, if a “safe” space implies that a user’s sensibilities are not offended, it doesn’t necessarily mean that views won’t be challenged. Even with the few Muslim sites available, there are variations in the aspects of “moral policing” that takes place. is arguably the more liberal, with areas of the site dedicated to music and debate and less emphasis on monitoring content. But makes it a key distinction. “Moral policing is one of the important aspects of Muslim-oriented sites, which I believe provides an extra degree of comfort to Muslim users who wish to use technology without crossing into grey areas of their values and ethics,” says El-Fatatry.

“Users are absolutely free to judge each other,” concurs Al-Taher. “That is part of what makes social networking and other online communities so engaging. People want to be free to express their opinions and to be heard. We encourage our users to be honest and open about their opinions.” Although a degree of these types of exchanges already occur between Muslims and non-Muslims on conventional sites, moderating it somewhat to attract a significant number of Muslims remains a primary motivator. Of course, many Muslim countries will moderate the sites anyway, potentially blocking access internally, as Facebook experienced recently in the relatively liberal U.A.E.

But like the main social networking sites, Muslim social networks are businesses that require economic viablity. The revenue potential from conventional social networks, particularly from advertising, varies wildly. Facebook claims they are on track to earn $1 billion/year by 2015. Friendster could have claimed the same at one point, but the company is now seen as having missed the revenue boat. Many of these sites rely on either their young, Western demographic (Facebook) or sheer numbers (MySpace) to attract the attention of marketers, but many users are becoming immune to ads that target them.

These issues are compounded for Muslim sites, which have to deal with targeted products and services that may be fewer in number and less developed than their secular counterparts. “Muslim businesses are currently too small or are simply not aware of the huge audience they can reach through advertising on Muslim network sites to reach their niche audiences,” says Muslimica’s Baig. Al-Taher is more optimistic. “We believe there are many ‘mature’ businesses that serve the Muslim community with exceptional products and services. However, it is true that these companies that have been leveraging limiting and antiquated media to reach prospective customers.” But if Muslim social networks can’t find enough funding to pass the startup phase, these theories may just be academic., in particular, has struggled to find Muslim investors.

Economics aside, the value of a Muslim social network may still be a hard sell. Any social network has to succeed on its utility and entertainment value. The argument for a safe space is understandable when viewed against the chaos of MySpace (where most “friends” can be anonymous and uninvited) but not necessarily with Facebook where friends are defined from the start as people you know directly. Muslims also may simply want to go where the buzz is, just like young people anywhere. In this regard, it’s far easier for well populated and well-designed non-Muslim sites to pull Muslim users in than vice versa. Facebook’s recent decision to open up its architecture to third party developers means that Muslims can create applications to modify the site’s functionality.

Recently, the Malaysian government criticised Britain’s Top Gear automotive show for buying a Malaysian-made Perodua Kalisa – a Muslim car, in other words – and blowing it up because it had “no soul.” The Kalisa, a budget car that sells for about $8,000 USD, may well suit the developing world, including Malaysia. But given the means, aspirational and increasingly affluent Muslim masses in Malaysia and elsewhere would gladly choose a Japanese or German make on the basis of quality, innovation, and branding. The marketing of a Muslim product alternative to Muslims means little if it is perceived as a pale imitation of a superior original.

For the young Muslim social networks available, this factor is both a warning and a challenge. To succeed in an increasingly crowded marketplace, developing a “soul” may be all they need – the “soul” of Ibn Battuta or the “soul” of the next big thing.

Zahed Amanullah is associate editor of He is based in London, England.


Anwar Ibrahim is proof that Tariq Ramadan has a point

Hudud Punishments


Anwar Ibrahim is proof that Tariq Ramadan has a point





Sharia may be a divinely-inspired legal system. But in the hands of the wrong people, it’s criminal punishments can become part of the devil’s handiwork.



Two prominent Muslims recently graced Australian shores.

Tariq Ramadan delivered lectures and moderated workshops in Sydney and Melbourne. He brought a message of Muslims needing to engage in and with the societies in which they live. He also gave us a taste of the inner aspects of faith, the tasawwuf (often misnamed as ‘sufism’), that his grandfather (the late Imam Hasan al-Banna) so thoroughly reflected.

Continue reading ‘Anwar Ibrahim is proof that Tariq Ramadan has a point’


Men are Maintainers and Supporters of Women


In 4:34 [Alrrijalu qawwamoona AAala alnnisai], the word “qawwamoona” has been translated by some as “those who are in charge or in control” or as “those who rule” and so the “Alrrijalu qawwamoona AAala alnnisai” is translated by some as “Men are in charge of women”. Continue reading ‘Men are Maintainers and Supporters of Women’


Girl’s Share in Inheritance


According to the Quran, the share of one boy is equal to that of two girls (4:11). Continue reading ‘Girl’s Share in Inheritance’


Restoring the Image of Islam

By: Luthfi Assyaukanie


Last month, I have attended the lecture of Karen Armstrong, a British scholar who is very sympathetic to Islam. She delivered a lecture entitled The Role of Religion in the New Millennium. Almost all through her lecture, she talked about Islam and its various challenges. This forum, attended by more or less thousand participants in a ballroom of a Singapore’s hotel, was very fascinating particularly for Muslims who perceived that they were supported. Continue reading ‘Restoring the Image of Islam’


What happened to “good Islam”?

Confronting extremism

What happened to “good Islam”?

I reject this “Islam” of carnage, irrationality, social disorder and murder. I accept an Islam of problem solving, love and rational thought. That is an Islam that people can live with. Continue reading ‘What happened to “good Islam”?’


البخاريون والقرآنيون

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
د. أحمد صبحى منصور
البخاريون والقرآنيون :
هذان خصمان إختصموا فى ربهم
البخاريون هم من يتبعون سنة البخارى وغيره من أئمة ما يعرف بالسنة والحديث ، والقرآنيون هم من يتبعون سنة الله عز وجل ورسوله الكريم المنصوص عليها فى القرآن الكريم . وقد أعلن البخاريون خصومتهم للقرآنيين حين بدأ القرآنيون رحلة الاصلاح للمسلمين بالاحتكام للقرآن الكريم فى كل ما جاء به البخارى وغيره من تشريعات ما أنزل الله تعالى بها من سلطان وأقاويل تسىء للرسول محمد عليه السلام. ولأن البخاريين هم الأكثر قوة ونفوذا فقد جعلوا من أنفسهم الخصم والحكم والقاض والمشرع والجلاد فى نفس الوقت. شحذوا كل قوتهم ضد مجموعة أفراد لا تملك سوى القلم والحجة القرآنية والمعرفة بالتراث . الغريب أنهم فى ظلمهم وافتراهم يعتمدون على أسم الله سبحانه وتعالى ويحتكرون لأنفسهم صفة المهتدين ويبررون بهذا ظلمهم .
ماذا يقول رب العزة جل وعلا عن هذه الخصومة بين فريقين كلا منهما يزعم أنه مؤمن بالله تعالى ؟
ماذا يقول رب العزة عن خصمين كلاهما يختصم الأخر ( فى الله ) ؟
يقول تعالى ” هَذَانِ خَصْمَانِ اخْتَصَمُوا فِي رَبِّهِمْ فَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا قُطِّعَتْ لَهُمْ ثِيَابٌ مِّن نَّارٍ يُصَبُّ مِن فَوْقِ رُؤُوسِهِمُ الْحَمِيمُ يُصْهَرُ بِهِ مَا فِي بُطُونِهِمْ وَالْجُلُودُ وَلَهُم مَّقَامِعُ مِنْ حَدِيدٍ كُلَّمَا أَرَادُوا أَن يَخْرُجُوا مِنْهَا مِنْ غَمٍّ أُعِيدُوا فِيهَا وَذُوقُوا عَذَابَ الْحَرِيقِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُدْخِلُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ يُحَلَّوْنَ فِيهَا مِنْ أَسَاوِرَ مِن ذَهَبٍ وَلُؤْلُؤًا وَلِبَاسُهُمْ فِيهَا حَرِيرٌ وَهُدُوا إِلَى الطَّيِّبِ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ وَهُدُوا إِلَى صِرَاطِ الْحَمِيدِ ” ( الحج 19 :24)
وفى نظرة سريعة للآيات الكريمة يتضح أن الله تعالى قد قسم إختلافات البشر العقائدية وخصوماتهم الدينية إلى قسمين فقط ، لكل منهما عقيدة فى الله تعالى تختلف عن الأخر ، فقال ” هَذَانِ خَصْمَانِ اخْتَصَمُوا فِي رَبِّهِمْ ” ولأنهما خصمان فلا يصح أن يكون أحدهما قاضيا أو حكما على الأخر بل لا بد أن يكون القاضى هو صاحب الشأن وموضوع الخصومة ، أى هو الله تعالى الذى سيفصل بين الخصمين يوم القيامة ، حيث سيحكم جل وعلا من هو على حق فى عقيدته فى الله تعالى ، ومن هو على باطل.
والحق تم توضيحه مقدما فى القرآن الكريم ، وأمر الله تعالى المؤمنين بالاحتكام للقرآن الكريم فى كل ما يتوارثونه من ثوابت وكل ما وجدوا عليه آباءهم ليتم تنظيف قلوبهم وعقائدهم وتدينهم الواقعى من كل عوامل التعرية و ووساوس الشيطان وأكاذيب الأسلاف . إن لم يحدث الاحتكام وإن لم تتم المراجعة و التنقية فإنه بغض النظر عن الشعارات والزعم بالتمسك بالاسلام سيكون المسلمون يوم القيام ضمن بقية البشر منقسمين الى خصمين ، وسيكون أحد الخصمين خالدا فى الجنة والأخر خالدا فى النار . وهذا ما دخلت فيه الأية الكريمة مباشرة فتتصف معاناتهم القادمة من العذاب الأبدى ، ثم بعدها تتحدث عن الخصم الأخر وخلوده فى النعيم الأبدى.
ثانيا :
تقسيم البشر إلى فريقين يوم القيامة يسرى على البخاريين والقرآنيين .
فماذا يتصور كل منهم رب العزة ؟! وكيف اختصموا فى ربهم ؟! .
خصومة البخاريين والقرآنيين فى الله تعالى تمتد من العقيدة إلى العبادات والمعاملات .
وهذا موضوع شرحه يطول ، ونوجزه قدر الإمكان فى الآتى:-
الخصومة العقيدية :-
• ذات الله تعالى
• يؤمن القرآنيون بأن الله تعالى واحد لا شريك له ولم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أحد ..
والبخاريون يؤمنون ظاهريا بهذا ولكن عقائدهم التراثية والواقعية تتناقض مع الأيمان بالله تعالى وحده لا شريك له . البخاريون يؤمنون بأن محمدا عليه السلام مخلوق من نور الله ويرون حديثا يقول : (أول من خلق الله نور نبيك يا جابر ) .ويؤمنون بأن النور المحمدى المقتبس من نور الله تعالى قد استوى فى نبوة محمد قبل خلق آدم . ويروون حديثا يقول: ( كنت نبيا وأدم بين الماء والطين وكنت نبيا وأدم لا ماء ولا طين ) هى نفس العقيدة القائلة بأن المسيح ابن الله ولكن مع تحوير لفظى ، جعلوا به محمدا نسخة من نور الله. وهذا ما ينكره القرآنيون الذين يؤمنون بأن الله تعالى لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أحد.
• وفى صفات الله تعالى
• يؤمن القرآنيون بأن الأسماء الحسنى لا تكون إلا لله تعالى وحده ولا يشاركه فيها ـ على الحقيقة ـ أحد من الخلق .ويكتفى القرآنيون بوصف محمد عليه السلام بأنه خاتم النبيين بينما يصفه البخاريون بأوصاف الهية وأسماء حسنى مثل ” نور عرش الله ” كما لو كان عرش الرحمن مظلما فأضاءه نور محمد ، ومثل سيد الكونين.. الخ …
• يؤمن القرآنيون بأنه لا يعلم الغيب إلا الله تعالى ” قُل لَّا يَعْلَمُ مَن فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ الْغَيْبَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ “: النمل 65 ” ولكن الله تعالى قد يعطى بعض الأنبياء العلم ببعض الغيب ليكون آية على نبوتهم كما حدث بالنسبة ليوسف عليه السلام ” قَالَ لاَ يَأْتِيكُمَا طَعَامٌ تُرْزَقَانِهِ إِلاَّ نَبَّأْتُكُمَا بِتَأْوِيلِهِ قَبْلَ أَن يَأْتِيكُمَا ذَلِكُمَا مِمَّا عَلَّمَنِي ربى: يوسف 37 ” وعيسى عليه السلام ” وَأُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا تَأْكُلُونَ وَمَا تَدَّخِرُونَ فِي بُيُوتِكُمْ ” : آل عمران 49″. وبعض الأنبياء لم يعطه الله تعالى علم الغيب فأعلن ذلك مثل نوح عليه السلام ” وَلاَ أَقُولُ لَكُمْ عِندِي خَزَآئِنُ اللّهِ وَلاَ أَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ ” : هود 31″ ومثل خاتم النبيين محمد ،عليهم جميعا السلام ـ الذى أمره الله تعالى أن يعلن أكثر من مرة أنه لا يغلم الغيب ” قُل لاَّ أَقُولُ لَكُمْ عِندِي خَزَآئِنُ اللّهِ وَلا أَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ َّ : الأنعام 50 ” ، ” قُل لاَّ أَمْلِكُ لِنَفْسِي نَفْعًا وَلاَ ضَرًّا إِلاَّ مَا شَاء اللّهُ وَلَوْ كُنتُ أَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ لاَسْتَكْثَرْتُ مِنَ الْخَيْرِ وَمَا مَسَّنِيَ السُّوءُ “:َ الأعراف 188″ ، ” قُلْ مَا كُنتُ بِدْعًا مِّنْ الرُّسُلِ وَمَا أَدْرِي مَا يُفْعَلُ بِي وَلَا بِكُمْ إِنْ أَتَّبِعُ إِلَّا مَا يُوحَى إِلَيَّ”: الأحقاف 9 ” ، ” قُلْ إِنْ أَدْرِي أَقَرِيبٌ مَّا تُوعَدُونَ أَمْ يَجْعَلُ لَهُ رَبِّي أَمَدًا. عَالِمُ الْغَيْبِ فَلَا يُظْهِرُ عَلَى غَيْبِهِ أَحَدًا إِلَّا مَنِ ارْتَضَى مِن رَّسُولٍ”: الجن28ـ “.
• ولكن البخاريين فى تأليههم للنبى محمد أسندوا إليه علم الغيب وملأوا أسفارهم وتراثهم أحاديث له فى الغيبيات وما سيحدث فى الدنيا وما سيحدث فى الأخرة .

• ومن تلك الأساطير الغيبية أسندوا له التحكم فى يوم الدين ، أى أن الله تعالى يأمر بإدخال أحد من البشر إلى النار فيتدخل محمد ويتشفع فيه ويستطيع بنفوذه أن يجعل الله تعالى يبدل القول ، أى يصبح محمد هو مالك يوم الدين الحقيقى وليس الله تعالى ، لأنهم جعلوا محمدا صاحب الكلمة الأخيرة التى لا معقب لها .
وينكر القرآنيون أسطورة شفاعة البشر التى تتناقض مع 150 أية قرآنية ، وتتنافى مع عدالة الله تعالى يوم القيامة. ويرى القرآنيون طبقا لما جاء فى القرآن أن الشفاعة المسموح بها هى شفاعة الملائكة الذين يحملون عمل الشخص المؤمن ويشهدون لصالحه بعد إذن الله تعالى ورضاه” يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلَا يَشْفَعُونَ إِلَّا لِمَنِ ارْتَضَى وَهُم مِّنْ خَشْيَتِهِ مُشْفِقُونَ الأنبياء 28″ ” وَكَم مِّن مَّلَكٍ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ لَا تُغْنِي شَفَاعَتُهُمْ شَيْئًا إِلَّا مِن بَعْدِ أَن يَأْذَنَ اللَّهُ لِمَن يَشَاء وَيَرْضَى : النجم 26″ ،” وَلَا يَمْلِكُ الَّذِينَ يَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِهِ الشَّفَاعَةَ إِلَّا مَن شَهِدَ بِالْحَقِّ وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ : الزخرف 86 ” .
• ويؤمن القرآنيون بأن العصمة المطلقة من الوقوع فى الخطأ لا تكون إلا لله تعالى وحده، ولذا يقال عنه عز وجل ” سبحانه وتعالى “. ويؤمن القرآنيون بأن كل البشر يقعون فى الأخطاء ، ومع أن الأنبياء هم صفوة البشر إلا أنهم يقعون فى الأخطاء وتقتصر عصمتهم فقط فى تبليغ الرسالة – الوحى الألهى – الذى يتعهدهم بالنصح والتوجيه والتقويم ” مَّا أَصَابَكَ مِنْ حَسَنَةٍ فَمِنَ اللّهِ وَمَا أَصَابَكَ مِن سَيِّئَةٍ فَمِن نَّفْسِكَ وَأَرْسَلْنَاكَ لِلنَّاسِ رَسُولاً وَكَفَى بِاللّهِ شَهِيدًا : النساء 79″ ، ” قُلْ إِن ضَلَلْتُ فَإِنَّمَا أَضِلُّ عَلَى نَفْسِي وَإِنِ اهْتَدَيْتُ فَبِمَا يُوحِي إِلَيَّ رَبِّي إِنَّهُ سَمِيعٌ قَرِيبٌ سبأ 50 ” .
أما البخاريون فإن الغلاة منهم يتجاهلون 150 تتحدث عن أخطاء الأنبياء ويسندون لخاتم النبيين العصمة المطلقة لإستكمال ملامح تأليه مع الله تعالى .!!
• يؤمن القرآنيون بأن الله تعالى وحده هو الحى الذى لا يموت ” وَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى الْحَيِّ الَّذِي لَا يَمُوتُ : الفرقان 58″ وهو جل وعلا الحى الذى لا ينام ” اللّهُ لاَ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لاَ تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلاَ نَوْمٌ البقرة 255″ وأن ما عداه تعالى سيفنى ويهلك ” كُلُّ شَيْءٍ هَالِكٌ إِلَّا وَجْهَهُ لَهُ الْحُكْمُ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ : القصص 88″،” كُلُّ مَنْ عَلَيْهَا فَانٍ وَيَبْقَى وَجْهُ رَبِّكَ ذُو الْجَلَالِ وَالْإِكْرَامِ ” الرحمن27:26″. ويؤمن القرآنيون أن كل نفس ذائقة الموت وهذا يشمل الأنبياء جميعا ” وَمَا جَعَلْنَا لِبَشَرٍ مِّن قَبْلِكَ الْخُلْدَ أَفَإِن مِّتَّ فَهُمُ الْخَالِدُونَ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ: الأنبياء 35:34 ” وحين كان خاتم النبيين حيا يعيش فى مكة قال له ربه جل وعلا : ” إِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ وَإِنَّهُم مَّيِّتُونَ: الزمر 30″. .
ولكن البخاريين يؤمنون بأن محمدا حى فى قبره ، وتعرض عليه أعمال أمته ، ولذلك يزورون قبره يتوسلون به وهم واثقون أنه يسمعهم وأنه يراجع أعمالهم ليشفع لهم … أى يسندون له حياة أبدية لتكمل له ملامح الألوهية .
1. ويؤمن القرآنيون بكل الكتب السماوية التى أخبر عنها القرآن الكريم وبكل الأنبياء ورسل الله جل وعلا ، وإيمانهم ليس بشخص النبى وإنما بالكتاب الذى نزل عليه ، ويسرى هذا على القرآن الكريم ، إذ يؤمن القرآنيون بالوحى القرآنى الذى نزل على محمد وليس بشخص محمد البشرى تنفيذا لقوله تعالى ” وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَآمَنُوا بِمَا نُزِّلَ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَهُوَ الْحَقُّ مِن رَّبِّهِمْ ” محمد 2 ” وقوله تعالى (قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَنَا بَشَرٌ مِّثْلُكُمْ يُوحَى إِلَيَّ أَنَّمَا إِلَهُكُمْ إِلَهٌ وَاحِدٌ فَمَن كَانَ يَرْجُو لِقَاء رَبِّهِ فَلْيَعْمَلْ عَمَلًا صَالِحًا وَلَا يُشْرِكْ بِعِبَادَةِ رَبِّهِ أَحَدًا ) ( الكهف 110) ولكن البخارييين يؤمنون بشخص محمد ، فيتحول إيمانهم بالشخص مستقلا عن الوحى نوعا من التأليه لذلك الشخص. ولذلك تراهم يجعلون سيرته الشخصية دينا ، كما يتبركون بكل ما ينسبونه اليه من أحاديث .
• ولأن إيمانهم هو بالكتاب السماوى الذى نزل على محمد وكل الأنبياء ولأنهم لا يؤلهون النبى محمدا فإن القرآنيين لا يجرءون على تفضيل خاتم الأنبياء على من سبقة من الأنبياء، أى لا يفرقون بين الرسل تمسكا يقوله تعالى ” آمَنَ الرَّسُولُ بِمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْهِ مِن رَّبِّهِ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ كُلٌّ آمَنَ بِاللّهِ وَمَلآئِكَتِهِ وَكُتُبِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ لاَ نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّن رُّسُلِهِ وَقَالُواْ سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا ” : البقرة 285″ . القرآنيون يقولون ” سمعنا وأطعنا ” ولكن البخاريون يقولون ” سمعنا وعصينا” . البخاريون جعلوا النبى محمدا سيد الأنبياء وأشرف المرسلين وجعلوه فى أحاديثهم (خير ولد آدم ولا فخر) ، وجعلوه مفضلا على الأنبياء بسبع خصال منها الشفاعة، وهذا أيضا من ملامح تأليههم للنبى محمد وجعله إلها مع الله .
• إن النهى عن التفريق بين الأنبياء تكرر فى القرآن الكريم (البقرة 136 ) ( آل عمران 84) (النساء 150 : 152 )
الخصومة فى الشريعة الإلهية
فى العبادات
1. لأن البخارييين جعلوا النبى محمدا عليه السلام إلها مع الله فى عقيدتهم فقد جعلوه شريكا لله تعالى فى عبادتهم ، فإلى جانب الصلوات الخمس المفروضة التى يتوجه بها المؤمن لله تعالى نجد البخارييين يصلون صلوات السنن لمحمد ، بل إنهم غيروا التشهد فى الصلاة فبدلا من تلاوة لآية التشهد “شَهِدَ اللّهُ أَنَّهُ لاَ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ وَالْمَلاَئِكَةُ وَأُوْلُواْ الْعِلْمِ قَآئِمَاً بِالْقِسْطِ لاَ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ آل عمران 18” نجدهم قد اخترعوا التحيات ليجعلوا محمدا شريكا لله تعالى فى الصلاة، وبدلا من أن تكون الصلاة لذكر الله تعالى وحده (إِنَّنِي أَنَا اللَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنَا فَاعْبُدْنِي وَأَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ لِذِكْرِي ) ( طه 14)أصبحت صلواتهم الخمس لذكر الله ولذكر محمد معه .
2. وجعلوا محمدا أيضا شريكا فى آذان الصلاة وشريكا فى شهادة الإسلام المكتوبة على كل مسجد ، متجاهلين قوله تعالى “وَأَنَّ الْمَسَاجِدَ لِلَّهِ فَلَا تَدْعُوا مَعَ اللَّهِ أَحَدًا الجن 18″.
3. وبدلا من أن يكون الحج لله تعالى فى بيته الحرام ، فقد أضافوا الحج لقبر الرسول فى مكة وجعلوا المدينة حرما ثانيا مع أنه لا يوجد فى الإسلام إلا حرم واحد فقط هو الكعبة ، يحجون الى القبر المنسوب للنبى فى المدينة بحيث انهم يعتقدون ان الحج للكعبة لا يتم و لا يقبل إلا بالحج للقبر المقدس عندهم ، وقد جعلوا له طقوسا وشعائر ما أنزل الله تعالى بها من سلطان ، ولم يعرفها عصر النبى محمد عليه السلام ، فلم يحدث أن حج لقبر النبى بعد موته أحد من الصحابة ، ولا يقول عاقل أن الحج فى حياة النبى محمد كان يشمل زيارة قبر النبى .أى أنه إختراع زوره البخاريون فى دينهم لتقديس النبى محمدا وتأليهه بعد موته .
4 ـ وطبقا لما جاء فى القرآن الكريم فإن الله تعالى يصلى على النبى هو وملائكته وقد أمر المؤمنين بالصلاة على النبى والتسليم بما جاء فى القرآن الكريم ” إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا .” الأحزاب 56 “. وهو نفس الحل بالنسبة للمؤمنين ، فالله تعالى وملائكته يصلون على المؤمنين “إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا : الأحزاب 43” والله تعالى أمر النبى أن يصلى على المؤمنين “وَصَلِّ عَلَيْهِمْ إِنَّ صَلاَتَكَ سَكَنٌ لَّهُمْ وَاللّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ:التوبة 103″ .أذن هو تساوى بين المؤمنين والنبى ، فالله تعالى وملائكته يصلون على النبى وعلى المؤمنين والله تعالى أمر النبى بالصلاة على المؤمنين وأمر المؤمنين بالصلاة على النبى .
والصلاة هنا تعنى الصلة ، وهى القرآن الكريم الذى يخرج به الناس من الظلمات إلى النور . وتلاوة القرآن هى تلك الصلة التى تربط بينك اليوم وبين النبى محمد عليه السلام لأنك تقرأ وتتلفظ ما كان يقرؤه ويتلفظ به محمد عليه السلام ، ولأنك تتمسك بما كان محمد يتمسك به فى حياته ” فَاسْتَمْسِكْ بِالَّذِي أُوحِيَ إِلَيْكَ إِنَّكَ عَلَى صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ وَإِنَّهُ لَذِكْرٌ لَّكَ وَلِقَوْمِكَ وَسَوْفَ تُسْأَلُونَ الزخرف 44:43″.
أما السلام على النبى محمد فذلك مأمور به ضمن السلام على كل الأنبياء والرسل “وَسَلَامٌ عَلَى الْمُرْسَلِينَ الصافات 181” ، “قُلِ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ وَسَلَامٌ عَلَى عِبَادِهِ الَّذِينَ اصْطَفَى آللَّهُ خَيْرٌ أَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ : النمل 59″.
ولكن البخارييين حولوا الصلاة على النبى إلى عبادة وتقديس له متجاهلين الآيات الكريمة السابقة ، فمن الخطأ عندهم ذكر إسم محمد بدون المسارعة بالصلاة عليه ، بل إنهم فى تطرفهم فى تطبيق تلك العبادة تناسوا عبادة أخرى مماثلة وهى بالفعل مفروضه عليهم وهى تسبيح الله تعالى ، فالمفروض أنه عند ذكر لفظ الجلالة ” الله ” أن يرد المؤمن بتسبيح الله تعالى وحمده وإجلاله جل وعلا ، ولكن الذى يحدث هو العكس ؛ فعندما يخطب أحدهم- مثلا – فيذكر أسم الله تعالى فلا نجد أحد يستجيب بالتسبيح لله تعالى وحمده ، فإذا ذكر اسم النبى محمد سارع الجميع بالصلاة عليه والتسليم فى خشوع وخنوع . أى أنهم فى عبادتهم للنبى محمد يفضلونه على عبادتهم لله تعالى .
هذا مع أن فريضة التسبيح مأمور بها فى القرآن الكريم ولها أوقات محددة ” فَاصْبِرْ عَلَى مَا يَقُولُونَ وَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ قَبْلَ طُلُوعِ الشَّمْسِ وَقَبْلَ غُرُوبِهَا وَمِنْ آنَاء اللَّيْلِ فَسَبِّحْ وَأَطْرَافَ النَّهَارِ لَعَلَّكَ تَرْضَى طه130 ” ، ” فَاصْبِرْ عَلَى مَا يَقُولُونَ وَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ قَبْلَ طُلُوعِ الشَّمْسِ وَقَبْلَ الْغُرُوبِ وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَسَبِّحْهُ وَأَدْبَارَ السُّجُودِ : ق 40:39″، ” وَاصْبِرْ لِحُكْمِ رَبِّكَ فَإِنَّكَ بِأَعْيُنِنَا وَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ حِينَ تَقُومُ وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَسَبِّحْهُ وَإِدْبَارَ النُّجُومِ :الطور 49:48″ . هذه الفريضة تناساها البخاريون لتطرفهم فى عبادة النبى محمد.
فى المعاملات :-
يؤمن القرآنيون أن الله تعالى أرسل محمدا بالقرآن ليكون رحمة للعالمين وليس لإرهاب العالمين ” وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ : الأنبياء 107″ ومن خلال أكثر من ألف أيه قرآنية يؤمن القرآنيون ان الله تعالى قرر تمام الحرية للبشر فى العقيدة وأن مرجعهم إليه جل وعلا يوم القيامة ليحكم بينهم فيما هم فيه مختلفون . كما يؤمن القرآنيون بأن السلام هو الأصل فى الأسلام ، وأن الحرب فى الأسلام لمجرد الدفاع عن النفس وليس للهجوم ،وأن من يعتدى ويظلم يكون كافرا بسلوكه وفق تشريعات القرآن الكريم والقيم الأسلامية العليا من العدل والأحسان والرحمة والعفو والمغفرة والتيسير والصبر ..
ولكن البخارييين يجعلون الله تعالى خلاف ذلك ، فيزعمون أن الله تعالى أمر الرسول عليه السلام أن يقاتل الناس حتى يرغمهم أن يدخلوا فى الأسلام وأنه جل وعلا أباح للمسلمين استحلال دماء غير المسلمين وأموالهم وسبى نسائهم وأولادهم وفرض الجزية عليهم بعد إحتلال أوطانهم ..
وهذا فارق هائل بين رؤية القرآنيين لله تعالى وعقيدة البخاريين فى الله تعالى. وتلك العقيدة البخارية طبقها المسلمون قبل البخارى وبعده ، ولكن البخارى هو أشهر من قام بتشريعها حين زور آحاديث ونسبها للنبى محمد عليه السلام فأصبحت دينا يناقض دين الأسلام الحقيقى الذى نزل فى القرآن الكريم والذى طبقه خاتم المرسلين عليهم جميعا السلام .
1 ـ تلك العقيدة البخارية لا تقتصر على تأليه النبى محمد ولكن تؤله أيضا العلماء والأئمة والأولياء.
2 ـ تلك العقيدة البخارية تنظر لله تعالى على أنه إله منزوع السلطات لا يملك التحكم فى الدنيا ولا فى الاخرة ، وعلى أنه إله دموى يأمر بالعدوان وقتل المسالمين ، وتجعل له شركاء فى الالوهية يقومون عنه بالسلطة و يحوزون دونه بالصلاة و العبادة و التقديس و التمجيد .
3 ـ ومن أجل تلك العقيدة البخارية يتعرض القرآنيون للأضطهاد والأذى والتعذيب لأن القرآنيين :
*يؤمنون بالله تعالى وحده وليا وشفيعا ” اللَّهُ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى الْعَرْشِ مَا لَكُم مِّن دُونِهِ مِن وَلِيٍّ وَلَا شَفِيعٍ أَفَلَا تَتَذَكَّرُونَ : السجدة 4 ”
*ولأنهم يؤمنون أن الله تعالى له تمام السيطرة على الخلق (مَّا مِن دَآبَّةٍ إِلاَّ هُوَ آخِذٌ بِنَاصِيَتِهَا ) ( هود 56) وأنه جل وعلا لا يشرك فى حكمه أحدا (مَا لَهُم مِّن دُونِهِ مِن وَلِيٍّ وَلَا يُشْرِكُ فِي حُكْمِهِ أَحَدًا) (الكهف 26) وأن له تعالى وحده الخلق والأمر (أَلاَ لَهُ الْخَلْقُ وَالأَمْرُ تَبَارَكَ اللّهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ ) (الأعراف54 )
*ولأنهم يؤمنون أن الله تعالى أنزل القرآن تاما ” وَتَمَّتْ كَلِمَتُ رَبِّكَ صِدْقًا وَعَدْلاً لاَّ مُبَدِّلِ لِكَلِمَاتِهِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ ” الأنعام 115″ ، كاملا مكتملا ” الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الإِسْلاَمَ دِينًا المائدة 3″ مبينا واضحا ” الَرَ تِلْكَ آيَاتُ الْكِتَابِ وَقُرْآنٍ مُّبِينٍ: الحجر 1″ ولا يحتاج إلى تفسير خارجى ” وَلَا يَأْتُونَكَ بِمَثَلٍ إِلَّا جِئْنَاكَ بِالْحَقِّ وَأَحْسَنَ تَفْسِيرًا .”الفرقان 33 ” .
4ـ ومع ما يتعرض له القرآنيون من البخارييين إلا أن القرآنيين ـ طبقا لأوامر الله عز وجل ـ يعفون ويصفحون انتظارا ليوم الخصومة أمام الله تعالى ” وَإِنَّ السَّاعَةَ لآتِيَةٌ فَاصْفَحِ الصَّفْحَ الْجَمِيلَ .” الحجر 85 ” ،” وَقِيلِهِ يَارَبِّ إِنَّ هَؤُلَاء قَوْمٌ لَّا يُؤْمِنُونَ فَاصْفَحْ عَنْهُمْ وَقُلْ سَلَامٌ فَسَوْفَ يَعْلَمُونَ .” الزخرف 88 : 89 ”
ويتنظر القرآنيون مجىء يوم الفصل ليحكم الله تعالى بينهم وبين البخارييين فيما هم فيه يختصمون ” وَقُل لِّلَّذِينَ لاَ يُؤْمِنُونَ اعْمَلُواْ عَلَى مَكَانَتِكُمْ إِنَّا عَامِلُونَ وَانتَظِرُوا إِنَّا مُنتَظِرُونَ : هود 122:121″
5 ـ ويتمنى القرآنيون أن يتوب البخاريون المعاصرون وألا يسيروا على نهج البخاريين السابقين ..
وأملا فى التوبة والاصلاح ندعوهم الى قراءة الآيات العشر الأخيرة من سورة يونس.




بقلم: سامر اسلامبولي

الســنة والحديـث

   يسرني أن ألتقي بكم في هذا المركز الإسلامي المبارك. إن شاء الله للتحاور وتداول وجهات النظر والاستماع إلى الآراء الأخرى لتزكية الأفكار ونقدها النقد البناء الإيجابي وتحديثها، لأن لكل زمن معطيات واستخدام للأفكار بصورة اجتماعية وسياسية. ومن هذا الوجه يجب الانتباه أثناء دراسة الأفكار واستحضار المعطيات التاريخية التي كانت الباعث على صياغة الأفكار بهذه الصورة التي تخدم مصالح الفئة المستبدة حينئذ. فمن المعلوم أن الصراع السياسي كان وراء صياغة معظم المفاهيم الإسلامية وولادة الفرق والطوائف، ولا ننسى أيضاً دخول الوافدين من الثقافات الأخرى إلى الإسلام لقد أدخلوا معهم ثقافتهم وتم مزجها بالثقافة الإسلامية. ناهيك عن كمون العقلية الجاهلية في المجتمع الإسلامي وظهورها في الثقافة الإسلامية كآلية عقلية تم استخدامها في فهم الإسلام وخاصة بعد وفاة النبي صلى الله عليه وآله إذ بدأت تظهر رويداً رويداً. إلى أن ظهرت تماماً بعد انتهاء العصر السياسي الراشد وولادة عصر القهر والغلبة وتم قيادة الناس من خلال الاستبداد السياسي والاستعباد الاجتماعي والاقتصادي وظهرت الأدبيات التي تكرس هذا المنحى أصولاً ولغة وفقها ، وشعراً وعقيدة وفكراً، فصارت الثقافة الإسلامية ثقافة استبدادية واستعبادية كامنة في نفوس المجتمع فإذا قام المجتمع بتغيير مستبد حاكم فيكون ذلك باستبداله بمستبد آخر لأننا لا نعرف إلا ثقافة الاستبداد، وكذلك فيما يتعلق بالإصلاح الاجتماعي، إذا قام الحاكم بإصلاح ظلم وفساد في جانب فيكون ذلك على حساب جانب آخر، أي ينتقل الظلم والفساد من جانب إلى آخر والنتيجة واحدة وربما أسوء، ومَرَدَّ ذلك إلى ثقافة الاستعباد المهيمنة على قلوب الشعوب، حتى صار عند الحاكم قناعة ومفهوم سياسي أن الشعوب لا تقاد إلا بالعصا والجوع والحرمان- جَوِّع كلبك يتبعك- وظهر مفهوم رعاية الناس قياساً على القطعان الحيوانية ورعايتها، وانتفى مفهوم العناية بالناس فالرعاية هي عمل المقصد به مصلحة الراعي وليس الرعية، فالإنسان يرعى البقر ليس حبّاً لها وإنما ليستفيد هو منها فهو يقوم بتسمين العجول ليأكلها. بينما العناية موجهة إلى الآخر لمنفعته ومصلحته وليس إلى الفاعل!. فالحاكم يجب أن يقوم بالعناية للمجتمع وليس برعايته، والسياسة تتحول من سياسة الرعاية إلى سياسة العناية، والناس من الرعايا إلى المواطنين. فالثقافة التي وصلت إلينا من خلال التراكم التراثي لثقافة المجتمعات السابقة هي في معظمها مفاهيم تكرس الاستبداد، ومعظم المحاولات التحررية التي قامت في التاريخ إنما قامت على أساس استبدال مستبد بمستبد آخر وهذا يقتضي تعبئة المفاهيم بما يخدم مصلحة المستبد الجديد ومن هذا الوجه تم وضع آلاف الأحاديث على لسان النبوة كذباً وافتراء يحاول كل حزب إضفاء الشرعية على حركته وأهدافه وكان ذلك يتم غالباً بعد عملية القهر والغلبة والاستيلاء على السلطة فلم يصل منهم إلى قيادة الأمة أحد بصورة شرعية ابتداء وهذا هو التاريخ شاهد على ما أقول فحكام اليوم ليسوا بأسوأ من حكام الأمس! حتى أن الإمام محمد عبده رحمهأن الإمام محمد عبده رحمه الله يقرر هذه الحقيقة والمأساة فيقول: لا خلاص للأمة إلا بوجود مستبد عادل!. هذا هو الوضع في الثقافة الإسلامية الحالية، ثقافة استبدادية وممارسة استعبادية ومع ذلك يطالب المثقفون بإزالة الاستبداد ليُحِلُّوا مكانه استبدادهم!! والنتيجة صراع بين المستبدين، والضحية هو المجتمع المستباح ماله والمسروق جهده والمنهوب ثروات وطنه. إذاً نحن الآن وجهاً إلى وجه أمام التراث الإسلامي الممزوج بسياسة الصراع على السلطة القائم على فكر الاستبداد والاستعباد. لذا يجب فرز الأفكار وفصلها عن الصراع السياسي التاريخي ودراستها بصورة موضوعية دون ربطها بالرجال والأحداث وتنقيتها من ثقافة الاستبداد والاستعباد. أيها الأخوة إن التاريخ هو أحداث قد مضت فلا يمكن لإنسان أن ينتمي الآن. إلى الأمويين أو ينتمي إلى المعارضين لهم- سنة وشيعة- والمعارك التاريخية أيضاً قد انتهت وبالتالي لا يمكن أن نصحح نتيجة معركة أو ننصر المظلوم منهم، ناهيك عن استحالة إعادة عظماء الأمة الشهداء إلى الحياة. Continue reading ‘TO DINO MOHAMADINOOO’





(O mankind!) Give full measure; and be not of those who give less. And weigh with right scales. And wrong not men of their things (or rights), and act not corruptly in the earth, making mischief. –Shu’ara (26): 181-183


Some might question if economics or an economic system has anything to do with religion. Yet, it is instructive to see if religion has anything to offer in this regard. Religion provides normative guidance and inspiration to man to be true and honest in all respects, to be good to others and to do justice in all of his dealings, including economic dealings. We do need to translate the concept of justice as proclaimed by religion in the conduct of ourselves in all affairs, including economic activities and transactions. And, for maintaining equity and ensuring special humanitarian treatment of disadvantaged groups, religion offers not only inspiration but also specific guidelines. Overall, we get broad guidelines from religion for conducting our economic affairs. Everything cannot perhaps be specifically spelled out by religion. God repeatedly exhorts us in the Quran to reflect on His message, and apply our sense [Sad (38): 29; Yunus (10): 24; Muhammad (47): 24; Zumar (39): 27; Hashr (59): 21]. This highlights the need for efforts to interpret the Quranic message carefully and appropriately to work out its implications in various areas. Continue reading ‘SOME IMPLICATIONS OF THE QURANIC MESSAGE FOR THE ECONOMIC SYSTEM’


Pilgrimage – The Lost Legacy of abraham

Written by Layth (e-mail:

“The first Sanctuary established for the people is the one in Bakk’a, blessed, and a guidance for the worlds. In it are clear signs: the situation of Abraham. And whoever enters it will be secure. And God is owed from mankind to make Pilgrimage to the sanctuary, whoever can make a path to it. And whoever rejects, then God has no need of the worlds.” (Quran 3:96-97)

Every year we see millions of Pilgrims heading towards Mecca for the annual “Pilgrimage/Hajj”. The Pilgrimage takes place in the Arabic month of “Zul Hujja” and lasts for a period of 3 days in which the Pilgrims perform a number of rites, of which is being dressed in a white cloth “Ihraam”, circling the Kaab’a several times, running between the two stones of the “Safa” & “Marwa”, and throwing the pebbles at the devil.

This article will examine the subject of Pilgrimage using the Quran to try and re-create its details in full. Continue reading ‘Pilgrimage – The Lost Legacy of abraham’


Not a Single Verse of the Quran is Abrogated?

“None of AYAT do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?” [2:106]

According to 2:106 quoted above, some people believe that some of the AYAT of Quran are abrogated. There is not a single AYAT of Quran that is abrogated. What is abrogated and is referred to in 2:106 are the past scriptures or revelations, revealed to the prophets who came before Muhammad [p.b.u.h]. Please consider the following points for proof: Continue reading ‘Not a Single Verse of the Quran is Abrogated?’


Dogs! Are they dirty prohibited animals?


Editor’s Note:

It is traditional among Muslims all over the world to regard the dog as a dirty animal that when touched would void your wudu (ablution) and give you nagasah (dirty impurity!

Sadly, this concept comes from fabricated hadith which claims that the prophet ordered the killing of dogs and gave numerous hadith that prohibit the keeping of dogs except for hunting and guarding, due to their dirty status!

However, by studying the Quran we find no such claims.  Nowhere in the Quran are dogs prohibited.  Consequently, we must dismiss all these hadith that fabricate lies against the prophet.  Continue reading ‘Dogs! Are they dirty prohibited animals?’


Stereotyping Of Muslims Demeans Our Democracy


By Benjamin J. Hubbard

Stereotyping is a deceptive and malicious way of asserting the superiority of one ethnic, national or religious group over another. Its fruits are bigotry, violence and war. It thrives on half-truths, generalizations and fear.

A recent example is an email floating like space garbage through the Internet that I have received from five different sources within the past year. It makes several assertions about Islam and Muslims that are either false or simplistic. The email begins with the question, “Can a Muslim become a good American citizen?” The anonymous email then provides a series of negative responses or stereotypes from “a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years.” Here are five of the most misleading of the stereotypes followed by clarifications. Continue reading ‘Stereotyping Of Muslims Demeans Our Democracy’


Reinterpreting Islam


A post-era feeling has gripped the world of Islam. It appears to many of us that we are living in an age of agonizing boredom when history is wrapping itself up and when momentous events are not taking place any more. Our allurement of the past – when our history was at its zenith and when we enjoyed the Golden Age wherein the pious elders perfected the process of thinking, leaves almost no role for us in any future scheme of things. In short, the future history, as we conceive it today, is no more than an empty shell of a used cartridge. Continue reading ‘Reinterpreting Islam’




Surah 3. The Family Of ‘Imran, The House Of ‘Imran:

33. Allah did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of ‘Imran above allpeople,-

34. Offspring, one of the other: And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

35. Behold! a woman of ‘Imran said: “O my Lord! I do dedicate unto Thee what is in my womb for Thy special service: So accept this of me: For Thou hearest and knowest all things.”

36. When she was delivered, she said: “O my Lord! Behold! I am delivered of a female child!”- and Allah knew best what she brought forth- “And no wise is the male Like the female. I have named her Mary, and I commend her and her offspring to Thy protection from the Evil One, the Rejected.” Continue reading ‘MARY IN QURAN’


The Quranists are finally released !

Finally the national security released the five arrested Quranists after 130 days of arbitrary detention. They are now recovering safely in their homes and ruining medical checks/operations to heal their physical problems caused by the torture received during the arrest.

The Quranists were released because of lack of evidences. On the other hand, no decision was made regarding the accusation of Contempt of Religion, whether to transfer to court or to preserve it.


Sunni Scholar


“One must research Religion, and not just study it”

Interview with Professor Amin Abdullah, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Jogjakarta.


Universitas Islam Sunan Kalijaga is one of the pioneers in the field of Islamic studies in Indonesia today, if not in the ASEAN region. Upgraded from a state Islamic Studies Academy (IAIN) to a fully-fledged Islamic university (UIN) a few years ago, it has produced a steady stream of graduates who have moved on to other fields ranging from academia to finance, the bureaucracy to politics, media to activism. Continue reading ‘“One must research Religion, and not just study it”’


Massoud’s Letter To The People Of America

Date: 1998

A Message to the People of the United States of America

I send this message to you today on behalf of the freedom and peace-loving people of Afghanistan, the Mujahedeen freedom fighters who resisted and defeated Soviet communism, the men and women who are still resisting oppression and foreign hegemony and, in the name of more than one and a half million Afghan martyrs who sacrificed their lives to uphold some of the same values and ideals shared by most Americans and Afghans alike. This is a crucial and unique moment in the history of Afghanistan and the world, a time when Afghanistan has crossed yet another threshold and is entering a new stage of struggle and resistance for its survival as a free nation and independent state. Continue reading ‘Massoud’s Letter To The People Of America’




Sayyid Qutb (IPA pronunciation: [‘saɪjɪd ‘qʊtˁb]) (also Seyyid, Sayid, Sayed; also Koteb, Kutb) (Arabic: سيد قطب; October 9, 1906August 29, 1966) was an Egyptian author, Islamist, and the leading intellectual of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950s and 60s. He is best known in the Muslim world for his work on the social and political role of Islamic fundamentalism, particularly in his books Social Justice and Ma’alim fi-l-Tariq (Milestones). His extensive Quranic commentary Fi zilal al-Qur’an (In the shades of the Qur’an) has contributed significantly to modern perceptions of Islamic concepts such as jihad, jahiliyyah, and ummah. He is best known in the West as “the man whose ideas would shape Al Qaeda.” Alternative spellings of his first and last names include Saïd, Syed, Koteb (rather common), Qutub, Kotb, etc.



Islam Needs an Age of Reason


Love and religion do not always mix. No wonder the most common question sent to my website these days comes from young Muslims in America and Europe. They desperately want to know if they can marry non-Muslims.

Their parents and imams tell them that Islam forbids marriage outside the faith. But that is not necessarily true. Dr. Khaleel Mohammed, a progressive American imam educated at traditional universities in the Middle East, has written a clear defense of inter-faith marriage from an Islamic perspective. I have posted his “blessing” on my website. Continue reading ‘Islam Needs an Age of Reason’


No Justice, No Peace


Continue reading ‘No Justice, No Peace’


Religion Within the Limits of Reason


On March 17, 2006, the weekly magazine of the Israeli daily Haaretz published an intellectual profile of Tunisian-born reformist thinker Lafif Lakhdar, which was titled “The Roots of Jihad.” In the interview section of the profile, Lakhdar, a veteran activist,(1) analyzes the roots and goals of Islamism and Islamist movements, and presents his vision of reform in the Arab and Muslim world. Continue reading ‘Religion Within the Limits of Reason’


The Multiple Understandings of the QUR’AN


Generally it is believed by many, if not all, Muslims that there is one authentic interpretation of the Qur’an. It is far from true. Even the closest companions of the Prophet differed from each other in understanding various verses. Also, in Islam, since there is no concept of official church, no one interpretation can command following of a majority of Muslims, let alone all Muslims. There is hardly any major issue on which Muslim ‘ulama (scholars) do not differ. These differences, more often than not, are due to different interpretations of the Qur’anic text. Continue reading ‘The Multiple Understandings of the QUR’AN’


Fundamentalism from a Fundamentalist’s Perspective

By Mu’adz D’Fahmi


Title: The Battle for God

Author: Karen Armstrong

Publisher: Serambi and Mizan

Edition: I, August 2001

Content: xx + 641 page

Karen Armstrong is a British prominent researcher in religious studies. After seven years as a Roman Catholic nun who failed to find “God” in the Papal system, she left the church in 1969 and continued her study of religion at Oxford University. Some of her works have become best sellers listed in the New York Times, as for example, The Gospel According to Woman (1987), Holy War (1991), Muhammad; A Biography of the Prophet (1992), and A History of God (1993). Continue reading ‘Fundamentalism from a Fundamentalist’s Perspective’


Islamic Studies Textbook and Violence




By Luthfi Assyaukanie


Recently, U.S. Freedom House’s Centre for Religious Freedom released a report analyzing the syllabus and textbook of Islamic studies courses used in Saudi schools. One of the important findings is that ideology of hatred and enmity toward Christians, Jews and Muslims who do not subscribe to the Wahhabi doctrine remains in this area of the public school system.

Continue reading ‘Islamic Studies Textbook and Violence’


Fighting Terrorism: Recommendations by Arab Reformists


The question of how to fight Islamic terrorism preoccupies many Arab reformists who are working to denounce Islamist thought, to encourage independent and critical thinking, and to establish values of democracy and human rights in the Muslim world. For example, in February 2005, a group of reformists submitted to the U.N. a request that it establish an international court to judge Muslim clerics who incite to violence and bloodshed. The request was examined by the U.N. legal counsel and distributed to the U.N. Security Council.(1) Continue reading ‘Fighting Terrorism: Recommendations by Arab Reformists’


Blind Faith

By Irshad Manji
The Wall Street Journal

Muslim reaction to the beheading of Nicholas Berg tells us a lot about what’s happening in the Islamic world. More than that, it reveals what’s not happening, yet needs to, if Muslims are going to transcend the intellectual and moral crisis in which we find ourselves today.

First, the good news. A few scholars at Cairo’s Al-Azhar University, the Harvard of Sunni Islam, are denouncing Mr. Berg’s decapitation. So are a handful of Muslim lobby groups in Europe and North America. Add some English-language newspapers based in the Middle East, and a picture of progress emerges. Continue reading ‘Blind Faith’


Don’t Blame the “Jews”

Another disturbing trend that is heavily propagated by extremists and accepted by many naive Arabs and Muslims is the blaming of all Muslim problems on the Jews. There are numerous examples for this but most recently news broadcasts out of Iraq quoted Iraqi victims of violence who blamed the bombings on Jews or a Jewish conspiracy.Many Arabs and Muslims still blame the 9-11 attacks on a Jewish conspiracy that was allegedly perpetrated to demonize Arabs and Muslims in the eyes of the world. Continue reading ‘Don’t Blame the “Jews”’


Solving the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict


No issue has the same global impact as the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. During the cold war, the United States and the Soviet Union twice raised their security alerts and aggressively challenged each other over this conflict. The oil embargo of the 1970s was inspired by the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Numerous militants, terrorist groups and governments around the world which seek legitimacy place the Palestinian/Israeli conflict at the forefront of their agenda. And while the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is not the cause of terrorism, solving this conflict may transform the political landscape of the entire Middle East and expose the various agendas of numerous violent groups who leach on this conflict to win the hearts and minds of emotional and unsuspecting people. Continue reading ‘Solving the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict’


Our Positions


The Free Muslims Coalition believes that there can NEVER be a justification for terrorism. The Coalition believes that fundamentalist Islamic terror represents one of the most lethal threats to the stability of the civilized world. The existence of Islamic terrorists is the existence of threats to democracy. There is no room for terrorism in the modern world and the United States should take a no-tolerance stance on terrorism in order to avoid another tragedy, along the lines of 9-11. With the added threat of biochemical weapons, the call to defeat terrorism has never been so urgent. Continue reading ‘Our Positions’


Personalities Renowned By Mother Names

Originally Posted By: Ahmad Ammar
Date: Wednesday, 22 September 2004, at 3:08 a.m.

Personalities Renowned By Their Mother Names

There are many personalities in history that are famous by their
mother’s manes (as their mothers were renowned personalities) as
“Kuniat”. These names does not imply that they have no fathers nor
their names can be translated as “abc” son of “their mother’s
names”, because they have their fathers and they should be called
with their father names as is a general rule described in QURAN,
however their “Kuniat” may be of their mother names & this practice
does not violate the rule of QURAN. Continue reading ‘Personalities Renowned By Mother Names’


The Ulema (Scholars) —Who Are They?

Glossary of Terms:

                The Quran was revealed in the Arabic language, the expression of which is neither poetry nor prose, but has its own unique style and rhythm.  It has rare beauty and grandeur; it is sublime.  To translate such a language into another and retain its spirit, beauty, force, and depth is just not possible.  An attempt can be made to translate a piece of literature, but when it comes to the Quran, which is a charter of human rights—a constitution—one has to be absolutely certain that the actual meaning is not lost during the course of translation.   In addition, each language has its own phrases, idioms, and expressions that are specific for its culture and values.  It is not possible to translate a concept that exists in one culture into a single word of another language that does not even recognize that concept.  This can be illustrated by Persian and Urdu translations—they retain Arabic words like kafir, momin, mushrik, rahman, raheem, sabr, sawab, salat, zakat, etc.  These words were in use before the advent of Islam and so the Arabs knew what they meant.  It is of paramount importance for the reader to know the meanings of these words because they convey specific Quranic concepts and a simple English translation would either be in Biblical terms, or out rightly contradictory to the spirit of the message.  Finally, because these words are used repeatedly in the Quran, we have provided a glossary to more efficiently explain the concepts in their original form. Continue reading ‘The Ulema (Scholars) —Who Are They?’



Primitive Age

ANTHROPOLOGY does not support the view that man ever lived a solitary life like the tiger or the lion. He was weak and defenceless against the powerful beasts that roamed about him. He could survive only through some form of group life. A band of men could survive under conditions in which a single individual had no chance, so early men naturally lived in groups. Some form of social Organisation is necessary for group life. Men can co-operate with each other only at the cost of their egoistic impulses. The dictates of group life invade individual liberty. The first social ties came from blood relationship. The groups were almost overgrown families. The authority exercised by the father passed into the hands of the patriarch, the head of the tribe. Custom regulated the conduct of the members, of this group. Primitive man believed that the customs of his tribe were unchangeable and inviolable. Patriarchal authority and rigid customs protected the social order and were an effective check to all kinds of anti-social activities in which individuals might be tempted to engage. However, a new authority enlarged in the group—this was the priest. His supremacy was founded on his expert knowledge of the religious ritual, and of correct behaviour in the temple and on solemn occasions. Ritual had gradually become very complex, and the patriarch had to place it in the charge of a professional man. Superstitious, a factor to be reckoned with in primitive life, lent powerful support to the authority of the priest. In a changing world no form of social organisation can be permanent. The tribal organisation dissolved giving place to a purely political organisation. The Raja or King supplanted the patriarch. He was usually a man who had organised a military force which had enabled him to extend his dominion over several tribes. The political system that arose was composed of different tribes. A consequence of this change was that the hold of tribal customs on man was considerably weakened. People saw their fellow-citizens observing different customs, and hence any particular custom could no longer be regarded as sacred and inviolable. The social order had now to be maintained by physical force. If the king was powerful, he usually succeeded in this task and held the straggling group together He usually relied on officials whom he had personally appointed. The new social order, however, could not be as stable as the tribal order which was based on blood-ties and time-honoured customs. Men could not be held in check for long by mere brute force. Risings and rebellions often shook the king’s authority. In this predicament he sought for an ally and such an ally was close at hand. The priest also had vested interests which he was not willing to relinquish. Any social or political upheaval would endanger the vested interests of both the king and the priest. The result was that the king and the priest made common cause, and each gave the other mutual support. The king bolstered the power of the priests in the religious domain and took steps to protect the interests of the sacerdotal order. The grateful priest cloaked the king with sanctity and awe. The obedience of the people was now enforced both by force and superstition. Continue reading ‘POLITICAL SYSTEM: Man-Made Systems’



Posted By mike On May 28, 2007 @ 1:42 am In QXP iv May, 2007, The Qur’an as it explains itself

The author of the Qur’an is none but Almighty God. Before the reader is an English rendition of the Glorious Book by Shabbir Ahmed (1947 to ?) an ordinary servant of God.

The work although close to translation, is more of an understanding from within the Qur’an itself. This Divine Writ calls itself An-Noor (the Light) and light needs no extrinsic sources to show itself. Therefore, I have based my presentation on two principles:

  1. Focusing on the language in which the Qur’an was revealed.
  2. Making use of Tasreef, that is, how the Qur’an repeats its messages from very diverse vantage points.

A diligent study of the Book using Tasreef helps us look at the Qur’an in its Big Picture, and this method gives us a phenomenal advantage toward its understanding.

I have rendered the terms and linguistics of the Qur’an using the Quraish (Quresh) dialect of Makkah since it is the Arabic dialect in which the Qur’an was revealed to the exalted Muhammad bin Abdullah, the Final Prophet, Messenger and Apostle of God. [570-632 CE] Continue reading ‘Preface’


Ban Islam?

by Daniel Pipes
New York Sun
August 29, 2007

[NY Sun title: “Keep the Koran Legal”]

Non-Muslims occasionally raise the idea of banning the Koran, Islam, and Muslims. Examples this month include calls by a political leader in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders, to ban the Koran — which he compares to Hitler’s Mein Kampf — and two Australian politicians, Pauline Hanson and Paul Green, demanding a moratorium on Muslim immigration. Continue reading ‘Ban Islam?’


Combating the Ideology of Radical Islam

by Daniel Pipes and Graham Fuller
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
April 10, 2003

Special Policy Forum Report
Analysis of Near East Policy from the Scholars and Associates of the Washington Institute

On April 3, 2003, Daniel Pipes and Graham Fuller addressed The Washington Institute’s Special Policy Forum. Mr. Pipes is director of the Middle East Forum and an adjunct scholar of the Institute. His most recent book is Militant Islam Reaches America (W.W. Norton, 2002). Mr. Fuller is former vice-chair of the National Intelligence Council at the Central Intelligence Agency and senior political scientist at RAND. His latest book is The Future of Political Islam (Palgrave, 2003). The following is a rapporteur’s summary of their remarks. Continue reading ‘Combating the Ideology of Radical Islam’


Muslims Silence Critics

By Robert Spencer | 8/6/2007

After a police raid Friday at Your Black Muslim Bakery in Oakland, bakery employee Devaughndre Broussard admitted to murdering Chauncey Bailey, the editor of the Oakland Post. Bailey was writing a series of investigative articles about the Bakery – and that’s why, according to police, Broussard killed him. Continue reading ‘Muslims Silence Critics’


Hitler’s Racial Ideology: Content and Occult Sources

by, Jackson Spielvogel and David Redles

In a 1931 interview with a Leipzig newspaper editor, Adolf Hitler made a passionate declaration of the true significance of his National Socialist movement:

The Frenchman Gobineau and the Englishman Chamberlain were inspired by our concept of a new order-a new order, I tell you, or if you prefer, an ideological glimpse into history in accordance with the basic principle of the blood. We do not judge by merely artistic or military standards or even by purely scientific ones. We judge by the spiritual energy which a people is capable of putting forth, which will enable it in ten years to recapture what it has lost in a thousand years of warfare. I intend to set up a thousand year Reich and anyone who supports me in battle is a fellow-fighter for a unique spiritual-I would almost say divine-creation. At the decisive moment the decisive factor is not the ratio of strength but the spiritual force employed. Betrayal of the nation is possible even when no crime has been committed, in other words when a historical mission has not been fulfilled.1 Continue reading ‘Hitler’s Racial Ideology: Content and Occult Sources’


Fanatics and terrorists misguided

“America’s fight against terrorism is justified by the Quran”, says Imam Tammam Adi Ph.D, Director of the Islamic Cultural Center of Eugene, Oregon.

I will try to show that America’s fight against terrorism is justified by the Quran, and that fanatics and terrorists misinterpret the Quran to justify their views.

Islam’s prophet, Muhammad, is a descendant of Abraham. His message, the Quran, confirms the Gospel and the Torah. Its essence is that we should love God above everything and not play God on this earth (Allahu akbar), and also that we should treat all humanity as brothers and sisters. Continue reading ‘Fanatics and terrorists misguided’


The Philosopher of Islamic Terror


I. In the days after Sept. 11, 2001, many people anticipated a quick and satisfying American victory over Al Qaeda. The terrorist army was thought to be no bigger than a pirate ship, and the newly vigilant police forces of the entire world were going to sink the ship with swift arrests and dark maneuvers. Al Qaeda was driven from its bases in Afghanistan. Arrests and maneuvers duly occurred and are still occurring. Just this month, one of Osama bin Laden’s top lieutenants was nabbed in Pakistan. Police agents, as I write, seem to be hot on the trail of bin Laden himself, or so reports suggest. Continue reading ‘The Philosopher of Islamic Terror’




It is seen as a monolithic bloc, static and unresponsive to change.

It is seen as separate and “other.” It does not have values in common with other cultures, is not affected by them and does not influence them.

It is seen as inferior to the West. It is seen as barbaric, irrational, primitive, and sexist.

It is seen as violent, aggressive, threatening, supportive of terrorism, and engaged in a clash of civilizations.

It is seen as a political ideology, used for political or military advantage.

Criticisms made of “the West” by Muslims are rejected out of hand.

Hostility towards Islam is used to justify discriminatory practices towards Muslims and exclusion of Muslims from mainstream society.

Anti-Muslim hostility is seen as natural and normal. Continue reading ‘Islamophobia’


A Statement From

By: – Ahmed Mansour

In the name of Allah, the Almighty, the most Merciful

A condemnation statement against the kidnapping of the Korean hostages by “Taliban”

The international Quranic Center (IQC) strongly denounces the “Taliban” movement for kidnapping innocent people and taking them hostages for political gains.

While IQC condemns this cowardly act by Taliban against peaceful innocent foreigners who are guests in Afghanistan, it is worth mentioning that: Continue reading ‘A Statement From’


Factionalism, Social Movement Structure & Social Change

Wednesday June 13th, 2007, by Muhammed Asadi

An urban area has certain characteristic features that shape the structure and determine the success or failure of a social movement. Whereas a city provides a “critical mass” for mobilization of people and resources, the heterogeneity of a city fractures collective identity so consensus on broad issues is difficult to achieve and maintain, success is therefore limited (even though greater resources are available). Continue reading ‘Factionalism, Social Movement Structure & Social Change’


The Suicide Bomber


By: – Ahmed Mansour | 8/3/2005

As we face our Islamist terrorist enemy in this post-Cold War era, it becomes clear that we are engaged in yet another world war. This present war on terror is, without a doubt, a new kind of war. We can summarize its new aspects with one concrete example: the suicide bomber. He is eager to blow himself up in order to kill as many innocent people as possible from among Christians, Jews and, yes, other Muslims. Young men are usually inspired by dreams of the future and of enjoying their lives, but the suicide bomber is motivated only by the thought of being a martyr and he is convinced that virgins are waiting for him in paradise and will reward him for blowing himself up amongst “infidels.” Continue reading ‘The Suicide Bomber’


What is the Definition of Terrorism?

What is the Definition of Terrorism?

“Terrorism is simply a word, a subjective epithet, not an objective reality and certainly not an excuse to suspend all the rules of international law.”

– John V. Whitbeck, The Daily Star

Continue reading ‘What is the Definition of Terrorism?’


Abrogation, The Biggest Lie Against Quran

Researched by: A. Muhammad [taken from the book by the author titled ‘THE LIE OF ABROGATION’ ]


The abrogation of Quranic verses, arguably the greatest lie against the Quran, was originally invented during the fourth century A.H. (late 10th century A.D.) by some Muslim scholars notably Ahmed Bin Ishaq Al-Dinary (died 318 A.H.), Mohamad Bin Bahr Al-Asbahany (died 322 A.H.), Hebat Allah Bin Salamah (died 410 A.H.) and Mohamad Bin Mousa Al-Hazmy (died 548 A.H.), whose book about Al-Nasekh and Al-Mansoukh is regarded as one of the leading references in the subject. Continue reading ‘Abrogation, The Biggest Lie Against Quran’


Submitters (Muslims) Vs. Believers (Mumins)

Are you a Muslim (Submitter) or a Mu’min (Believer)?

The above question may seen ‘irrelevant’ for most people who follow the Quran, but by the end of this article (GOD Willing) you will realize just how important it is to know what is required of you by the Almighty.

The terms ‘Muslim’ & ‘Mumin’ are used interchangeably by Islamic societies and almost everyone who is a ‘Muslim’ is also regarded as a ‘Mumin’ by their standards.

The following are the ‘traditional’ definitions which regulate a ‘Muslim’ and ‘Mumin’: Continue reading ‘Submitters (Muslims) Vs. Believers (Mumins)’


What is Heaven?

Translated from the book “Political Islam’ by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud.

There is nothing more beautiful than Heaven or talking about it…We depart with it from the hell of this world which we live in.

Most translators understand the verses which talk about the pleasures, luxury and joy of heaven in an ‘Earthly’ meaning. It is palm trees, and grapes and fruits and pomegranate and cold springs bursting with pearly waters, and rivers from milk, and rivers from honey, and rivers from wine and virgin women of heaven… Continue reading ‘What is Heaven?’


What is Religion?

This word that most people are willing to die for, that wars have been fought over, that people have been persecuted and isolated for…Is something most people don’t really know much about!.

As amazing as that sounds, it is absolutely true. Different people have different understanding of the word ‘religion’. Some think it is a ‘club’ which only the ‘chosen ones belong’; Continue reading ‘What is Religion?’



Written for Free-Minds.Org (e-mail:

“And kill them wherever you find them…” (Quran 2:191)

The above part of a verse has been duplicated in countless sites and many publications to be used as a testimony for the ‘violence’ and cruelty that is encouraged by the words of the Quran…

In this article, we will dispel the myths surrounding warfare in the Quran and show exactly ‘what’ the GOD of Submission (Islam) teaches. Continue reading ‘WAR IN THE QURAN’


What Is Islam ?

The system of God “Islam/Submission” has been taught to us through God and His messenger and is fully outlined in the final Book of God (The Qur’an) which was revealed centuries ago…

The Qur’an claims legitimacy for itself and within itself, allowing NO room for self-made priests, or religious leaders, who have distorted and misquoted the Book of God to give themselves authority and partnership with the Almighty… Continue reading ‘What Is Islam ?’


Archive for the ‘Global Warming’


The Big Picture

Posted by Stefan on 16th May 2007


Architecture & Design Backgrounder


Buildings produce roughly a third of carbon dioxide emissions and other emissions that harm air quality. Additionally, buildings generate waste during construction and operation; can have poor indoor air quality, affecting worker health; and often don’t consider the impact made on the community through increased transportation, sprawl, and cultural and historical impact. By integrating natural resource, human health, and community concerns into building design and construction, architects and designers can create buildings that are cleaner, healthier for occupants and the environment, and which deplete fewer resources. Read the rest of this entry » Continue reading ‘Archive for the ‘Global Warming’’


Salat Timings of Quran, part-II

Salat Timings of Quran are mentioned in the following verses:

In Quran 11:114, three Salat Times are described at both ends of the day, and at night.

And establish regular prayers at the two ends of the day and at the approaches of the night. (Sura Hud (11), 114. Translation by Yusuf Ali). Continue reading ‘Salat Timings of Quran, part-II’









“…O people of the Scripture, let us come to a common agreement between us and between you; that 1) we do not serve except God, and 2) do not set up anything at all with Him, and 3) that none of us takes each other as patrons besides God….” (The Message 3:64) Continue reading ‘FREE-MINDS.ORG’



18.1 Jewish Scriptures (Hebraic Bible)

The Old Testament – or the Hebrew Bible – is a collection of works of differing lengths, written over a period of more than nine-hundred years. They were written in several languages and, like the Hadith literature, were based on materials collected from oral traditions. The contents of the Hebrew Bible is the same as Protestant Old Testament, but in a different order. The Catholic Old Testament includes extra books ejected from what became the Protestant version. Continue reading ‘JEWISH SCRIPTURES AND THE BIBLE’


Seeking Moderation : Giving the Wahhabis too much credit.

In his rush to exculpate the Islamic extremists who would impose sharia as the exclusive form of law in every Muslim society, David F. Forte writes in his NRO piece, “Religion Is Not the Enemy,” that “as offensive to human rights and dignity as the stoning of a woman for an act of sexual immorality is, it is not the same as flying a plane into a building to kill thousands of innocent civilians.” Continue reading ‘Seeking Moderation : Giving the Wahhabis too much credit.’



Obedience to the Prophet (s) and Universal Freedom (III)

by Dr. Mansoor Alam 

 In this part of our article on the Prophet’s Sunnah we will concentrate on how the Prophet (P) liberated human beings from all kinds of oppressions and opened the door of true freedom for humanity. But first, let us briefly summarize the main points of the first two parts of this article.

In the first part, we discussed some of the basic issues relating to our Prophet’s Sunnah. Contrary to popular belief, we saw that our scholars are divided on the Sunnah. As a consequence, Sunni and Shi’ia scholars (and even Sunni scholars among themselves) disagree on the definition or interpretation of our Prophet’s Sunnah. It is a myth to say that all Muslim scholars agree on a common definition or interpretation of Sunnah. Concrete examples were given to illustrate this point. Continue reading ‘OBEDIENCE TO THE PROPHET (PBUH) III’



By: Dr. Mansoor Alam

In order to provide a measure of continuity, first we provide a brief summary of the important points from the previous article.

  • The Quran is the final word of God.
  • It has been preserved exactly as it was revealed to the Prophet (PBUH).
  • The Prophet (PBUH) left only the Quran in written form since he forbade writing of hadith during his life time (Sahih Al-Muslim).
  • The Quran was written by very honorable scribes (80:16).
  • There were many companions who had memorized the entire Quran word by word.
  • Unlike the authenticity of hadith, there is no dispute among scholars (Sunni or Shi’ia) about the authenticity of the Quranic verses.
  • There are six Sunni books of hadith which are normally referred to as “sa’hha sitta” (six true books). Shi’ias have their own four important books of hadith. These were compiled and written based on (a chain of) oral narration mostly in the third century Hijrah or later.
  • Scholars agree that the chain of narrators transmitted the meaning of hadith and not the exact words of the Prophet (PBUH).
  • It is generally agreed that the chain of narrators, no matter how reliable, were humans and subject to human errors. Consequently, their narrations are subject to errors. The Quran is the only Book beyond error.
  • As a consequence, ahadith are classified into several categories starting from “correct” on one side to “coined” on the other. (Verses of the Quran do not have such classification.)
  • Shi’ia scholars do not accept Sunni books of hadith. Even among the Sunnis, there are some ahadith which are accepted as ‘correct’ by one group of scholars (Ahlul-Hadith, for example) but not by other groups (like Ahlul Fiqh and others).
  • The authenticity of hadith is not equal to the authenticity of the verses of the Quran.
  • “The sayings of the Prophet (PBUH) and the sayings we find in the books of ahadith are not necessarily one and the same.” (Maulana Maududi, Rasayel-o-Massayel, Volume I, 1951 edition, page 270).

Brothers and Sisters! Let me repeat once again, before we move on, that every Muslim is required to believe in the sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). But what is the sunnah? What is obedience to the sunnah? And what is the goal of obeying the sunnah? This article addresses these questions. Continue reading ‘OBEDIENCE TO THE PROPHET (PBUH) II’



By: Dr. Mansoor Alam

“O Prophet – behold, We have sent thee as a witness [to the truth], and as a herald of glad tidings and a warner, and as one who summons [all human beings] to God by His leave, and as a light-giving beacon.” (33: 45-46)

“Now [as for thee, O Muhammad,] We have not sent thee otherwise than to humankind at large, to be a herald of glad tidings and a warner; but most people do not understand [this].” (34:28)

“Say: [O Muhammad]: “O humankind! Verily, I am a Messenger of God to all of you, [sent by Him] unto whom the dominion over the heavens and the earth belongs.” (7:158)

“And [thus O Prophet,] We sent thee as [an evidence of Our] grace towards all the worlds.” (21: 107)

The above Quranic verses clearly establish that Islam does not discriminate against human beings on the basis of color, race, blood relationships, language, or nationalities. Islam is for everyone. This means that Allah wants us to build a society based on the Quranic principle of universal brotherhood. While no one can question the value of this high goal, the problem is working to achieve it. Continue reading ‘OBEDIENCE TO THE PROPHET (PBUH) I’


Lailat’ul-Qadar: The Night of Manifestation of a New World

by Dr. Manzoor-ul-Haque

The Traditional View of “Shab Qadr”

According to this view, “Lailat-ul-Qadar” or “Shab Qadr” belongs to the transcendental world. It is the most virtuous and the most reverend night of the year. Its complete detail has not even occurred in Hadith. However, according to this view, it is the Hadith through which it has been identified that it falls in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan: 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, the five nights. The mind of great many religious scholars goes to the 27th night. It unfolds the open expediency of Sharia, that all the five nights and when it becomes a habit: all the ten nights be lived busy in striving for the Divine prayer, the invocation and the revamping of one’s self. Surely there would have been shower of special lightning and sparkling and a few of the pious men (Ahl-i-Dil) would have had the visibility of something through their material eyes. The real, the genuine, phenomenon is that maximum preparations be made for the awakening of the soul and the purification of the self – and no opportunity for supplication and benediction be lost. This is the traditional view of “Lailat-ul-Qadar” or “Shab Qadr.”The Quran’s Point of View

The Quran has simply said that “Lailat-ul-Qadr” is that night in which the revelation of the Quran was initiated. And the Quran’s revelation was started in the month of Ramadan. Since through the Quran’s revelation the world got new values, so the night in which its revelation burgeoned was surely the Laila-tul-Qadr, the night of VALUES, THE NIGHT OF MANIFESTATION OF A NEW WORLD. The Quran does say nothing more than that and does never support the Traditional View.

Dr. Manzoor-ul-Haque



by Dr. Manzoor-ul-Haque

If we look into the Quran we will find that the word Zikr occurs 268 times in the Quran and has 63 derivatives used in the Book, the Quran. This word Zikr has many connotations in Islam. Its almost opposite is Nissiyane (forgetting). This verb occurs 45 times in the Quran; and 28 of its derivatives have also been mentioned in the sacred Book.

The root of Zikr is Za-Kaf-Ra. Some of its meanings are:

Az-Zikro Wattazk’aro: It means

· To preserve something, to keep alive in mind; this word is used opposite to NASYUN, which means to forget (6:68)

At tazkerato: It means

  • To remind something which is needed (76:29)
  • The Quran has also been called As-Zikro (16:14) because it contains the history and Causes or Laws for the rise and fall of nations
  • Zikrun also means to remain steadfast in the battlefield and thus ensures the supremacy of Divine Laws (51:45). The Divine Laws are also called Zikrullah (39:23). It has also been used in the context of dignity, honour, respect, fame and saying something good (43:44)
  • Verses (2:152) says Faz Kurunee Azkur Kum -‘You keep in view My Laws and I shall protect your rights and grace you with dignity and honour’
  • In short Zikr means
  1. To remain steadfast in the battle field
  2. Ponder over the secrets of nature
  3. Take lesson from the previous history of nations
  4. Keep in view the Divine Laws and take decisions accordingly
  5. Propagate or give publicity to the Divine Laws
  6. These are the steps which install peace of mind (13:28) and not the rotation of beads or retreating to the caves or hujras

Keep these meanings in view, study the Quran and grasp the places where this word has been used. You will understand the real perspective and get the action verbs commanding you to do the things practically.

Dr. Manzoor-ul-Haque

Jesus, peace be upon him, was a Muslim


We hear a great deal today about a “war,” “conflict,” or “clash” between Islam and Christianity. The topic is so prominent in the media that many people assume that there is something irreconcilable between these two approaches to God. It is not surprising, then, that so many Christians of good will have concluded that Islam and Christianity are fundamentally incompatible. Yet, if, by “Christianity,” we mean “that which Jesus Christ (pbuh) meant to convey to his hearers,” I believe that these people of good will are mistaken when they tell us that Islam is incompatible with Christianity. Continue reading ‘Jesus, peace be upon him, was a Muslim’



One of the most wide spread myths that has been associated with God’s religion over the centuries is the issue of “Polygamy”. It is customary for people when they think of Islam, or even when they embrace Islam, that they automatically have a license to marry more than one wife (upto a maximum of 4). Continue reading ‘Polygamy’



By Layth (e-mail:

You are Divorced! Divorced! Divorced!

These have become the most dreaded three words that any Muslim woman can hear in her lifetime, for they signify not only the end of her marriage, but a hard and difficult road ahead where she has to re-build her entire life when the only foundation she has spent years building has just fallen away.

Can it really be so simple!

Can years of building, sharing and loving be shattered beyond repair by the mere utterance of words?. Continue reading ‘DIVORCE’


“GOD Alone” (Islam based on the laws of the Holy Book)

(This article was sent on August 21st, 2002 to be published in the magazine )

In the age of the internet, we hear time and time again the phrase ‘GOD Alone’ being used is some chat rooms and appearing on some websites…

What does this phrase mean and what are its origins?.

GOD Alone in its most basic form means: following the laws of GOD and NO ONE ELSE.

GOD, being represented by His words, is the ultimate authority with which all matters are to be returned and all matters to be judged:

“Shall I seek other than GOD as a JUDGE, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt. (Quran 6:114)

The Book of GOD has been revealed to take mankind out of the darkness and into the light…It has come after an age where the message of previous prophets was lost and/or distorted…It has come at a time of our great need.

What strikes traditionalists when reading the above statements is the question: ‘What about the prophet!’. Continue reading ‘“GOD Alone” (Islam based on the laws of the Holy Book)’


Inheritance and Testament

By Khurram Chaudhry (e-mail:



1. It is enjoined upon every Muslim to make a testament as regards his bequest before he dies. The last will ought to cover the entire property and all persons to whom he wants to give something without any distinction of heir or non-heir:

(2:180) “It has been enjoined upon you that when you approach death and you are leaving behind your personal property, make a testament according to law for your parents and others close to you. This has been enjoined upon Muttaqeen as a duty from Allah. (The distribution of left-over property shall take place after the provisions of the ‘will’ have been fulfilled (4:11).” Continue reading ‘Inheritance and Testament’


Islamic Etiquette

By Layth (e-mail:

Besides the laws revealed by GOD that were designed to govern our lives, the Quran has also indicated a list of ‘Etiquette’ which we are advised to maintain in our dealings with each other on this planet.

“This Reading (Quran) guides to the best path, and brings good news to the believers who lead a righteous life, that they have deserved a great recompense.” (17:9) Continue reading ‘Islamic Etiquette’


9/11 was an inside job

Saturday, Sep. 22, 2001

US officials are compiling what one called “growing” evidence that other hijackings may have been planned for September 11. Officials from both the government and the airline industry tell TIME Magazine that a knife-like weapon was found on each of two separate Delta Airlines aircraft later that day, although neither plane took off due to the nationwide grounding after the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks on hijacked United and American airlines planes. Continue reading ‘9/11 was an inside job’


On the Search for Divine Revelation Outside of It

By Rashid Shaz

Divine revelation is a definite and self-contained entity. Even after its revelation if supplementary materials for human guidance are needed then it would be considered a lack or an inadequacy of the divine revelation. At all places in the Qur’an where divine guidance has been alluded to, it has been clarified beyond doubt that whenever such guidance was sent, it was sent in the most comprehensive form, including all details related to it. Verses like ثم آتينا موسى الكتاب تماماً (Al- Ina’m: 154) and وكتبنا له في الألواح من كل شئي موعظة و تفصيلا لكل شئي (Al- A’raf: 145), in fact, point to the fact that after the revelation of Torah, the Israelites did not need any other supplementary sources for their guidance. The attitude of the Qur’an towards its addressee, as evidenced in verses like –  افغير الله ابتغى حكما وهو الذي أنزل إليكم الكتاب مفصلاَ(Al- Ina’m: 115) is a pointer to its nature of being complete, comprehensive and definitive. Be they the Divine scrolls revealed to earlier prophets or the Qur’an revealed to Prophet Muhammad, if they do not have the status of being the primary and seminal sources of guidance, then they raise questions about the very nature of the divine revelation. As the Qur’an is the final document in the chain of divine revelations, it has the status of the guide to humanity after the Prophet. This is the reason why it includes the wisdom revealed to the past prophets. The style of the Qur’an at numerous places aims at teaching lessons to the present community through the narration of the stories of the earlier communities. These parables provide them the guidance to lead life righteously. وما كان هذا القرآن أن يفترى من دون الله ولكن تصديق الذي بين يديه وتفصيل الكتب لا ريب فيه من رب العالمين (Yunus: 37). Continue reading ‘On the Search for Divine Revelation Outside of It’


The Nature Of The Environmental Crisis

By Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim

Ours is a period when the human community is in search of new and sustaining relationships to the earth amidst an environmental crisis that threatens the very existence of all life-forms on the planet. While the particular causes and solutions of this crisis are being debated by scientists, economists, and policymakers, the facts of widespread destruction are causing alarm in many quarters. Indeed, from some perspectives the future of human life itself appears threatened. As Daniel Maguire has succinctly observed, “If current trends continue, we will not.”[1] Thomas Berry, the former director of the Riverdale Center for Religious Research, has also raised the stark question, “Is the human a viable species on an endangered planet?” Continue reading ‘The Nature Of The Environmental Crisis’



Francis Robinson

In 1993 the journal Foreign Affairs published an article entitled ‘Clash of Civilizations’ by Samuel Huntington, Harvard Professor, former Director of Security Planning for the National Security Council, and President of the American Political Science Association. By 1996 Huntington had developed his article into a book, and it was published under the title The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. 1 Continue reading ‘ISLAM AND THE WEST: CLASH OF CIVILISATIONS?’


Is Religion all about Rituals and a Fancy Dress Code?

The Muslim community is going through a deep crisis. The intensity of this crisis can be gauged from the fact that everyone, be he a leader or commoner, is asking the question as to why, despite the presence of the Qur’an amongst us, we cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel. Why the community that was entrusted with the task of leading the world, despite the presence of the Qur’an and the teachings of the scholars and commentators, is going through a deepening ideological crisis? After the trauma of Auschwitz this question had raised its head among the Jews too as to how could God abandon His chosen community to fend for itself? The Jewish scholars and intellectuals asked themselves the question that if the community of Jews was wiped out from the face of earth, then what possible meaning can the history have for them? The Israelites who, for a long time, have been accustomed to live in history are yet to fully recognise the fact that they have been ejected from the seat of authority and guidance. The basic difference between the Israelites and the Muslims is that while the deposition of the former is a divine decision, the deposition of the latter is an historical aberration that can be corrected through recourse to the Last Revelation. However, the irony of the situation is that instead of critically assessing their situation and attempting to light up their path with the help of the Divine Revelation, the Muslim have become prisoners of history. This has made it difficult for them to come to grip with this historical aberration and understand the full extent of their decline. Continue reading ‘Is Religion all about Rituals and a Fancy Dress Code?’


Digression from Iqra

The much publicised notion that the Prophet Mohammed was an unlettered person had a far-reaching impact on the Muslim mind. It not only discouraged attitude of scientific enquiry among muslims, in some Sufi circles, it even led to eulogising ignorance. In later centuries of Islam, the very concept of knowledge witnessed radical transformation. The Ilm Sharei, knowledge of religious sciences, that emerged mostly during the Abbasid Baghdad, attained prominence and a cloak of holiness surrounded those who mastered this knowledge. Since then, the Muslim world was never able to attain a unified vision of knowledge. The Qur,anic definition of an scholar took a back seat as the new rahban of Islam placed themselves on the high pedestal of Ahl-e-dhikr, ever willing to provide an answer to any question under the sky. At the root of the crises lay the common misconception that the prophet whom we as Muslims were supposed to emulate had nothing to do with the tradition of reading and writing, the basic tool of rational enquiry. This misconception about a prophet of pen- &-paper-age was mainly responsible in keeping the Muslim world at bay from its own divinely ordained Iqra tradition. Continue reading ‘Digression from Iqra’


Islamophobia after September 11

By S. Nadeem Kazmi

Islamophobia is a new and vile form of racism. You are hated because of the way you dress. You are hated because of the views you might hold. You are hated because of the religion you follow. You are hated not just for what you are but for what you, in the eyes of others, might become. Continue reading ‘Islamophobia after September 11’


Sharia Laws–Heavy Deception With Abusive Divinity


Published in Daily News Monitoring Service on February11, 2004

The dogmas of Fatwa and Sharia Laws still dominate million of Muslim lives

No doubt, early Islam possessed many fine and noble attributes. But Islam couldn’t have swept Arabia and its adjacent lands so fabulously if Sharia Laws and Fatwa had been the models of Islamic edicts at that time.

It is an irony to iron-out the deep wrinkles of Islam, we know today. Corrupted beliefs are too profoundly ingrained in Islam. The dogmas of Fatwa and Sharia Laws still dominate million of Muslim lives and the vulnerable ones get succumb to Fatwa’s claws.
Continue reading ‘Sharia Laws–Heavy Deception With Abusive Divinity’


Sunnah – The Misconceived Dogma That poisoned Islam


Published in Daily News Monitoring Service on December 12, 2004

Too frequently, the Muslim scholars quote Sir George Bernard Shaw and refer his book -‘The Genuine Islam”. The paragraph that most often appears in their works reads: “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him – the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savor of Humanity.” [Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936.] Continue reading ‘Sunnah – The Misconceived Dogma That poisoned Islam’



by Aidid Safar (pseudonym), April 10, 2005


According to the Quran, Chapter 3 Verse 20 it says:- “The Way of life (deen) according to God is Islam.”

Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad were God’s prophets. The three of them brought the same deen or Islam to mankind.

The Children of Israel first conspired against Islam when they abandoned the Torah and called themselves Jews. Later they rejected Jesus the son of Mary who came to reconfirm the scripture. They remained Jews. Continue reading ‘ISLAM HIJACKED’



by Alan Watts

When I consider the weirdest of all things I can think of, do you know what it is? Nothing. The whole idea of nothing is something that has bugged people for centuries, especially in the Western world. We have a saying in Latin, Ex nihilo nihil fit, which means, “Out of nothing comes nothing.” In other words, you can’t get something out of nothing. It’s occurred to me that this is a fallacy of tremendous proportions. It lies at the root of all our common sense, not only in the West, but in many parts of the East as well. It manifests as a kind of terror of nothing, a putdown on nothing, a putdown on everything associated with nothing such as sleep, passivity, rest, and even the feminine principle which is often equated with the negative principle (although women’s lib people don’t like that kind of thing, when they understand what I’m saying I don’t think they’ll object). To me, nothing—the negative, the empty—is exceedingly powerful. I would say, not Ex nihilo nihil fit, but, “You can’t have something without nothing.” Continue reading ‘NOTHINGNESS’


Psychedelics and Religious Experience


Alan Watts

(Originally appeared in the California Law Review,
Vol. 56, No. 1, January 1968, pp. 74-85.)
Copyright Alan Watts & California Law Review.

The experiences resulting from the use of psychedelic drugs are often described in religious terms. They are therefore of interest to those like myself who, in the tradition of William James, (1) are concerned with the psychology of religion. For more than thirty years I have been studying the causes, the consequences, and the conditions of those peculiar states of consciousness in which the individual discovers himself to be one continuous process with God, with the Universe, with the Ground of Being, or whatever name he may use by cultural conditioning or personal preference for the ultimate and eternal reality. We have no satisfactory and definitive name for experiences of this kind. The terms “religious experience,” “mystical experience,” and “cosmic consciousness” are all too vague and comprehensive to denote that specific mode of consciousness which, to those who have known it, is as real and overwhelming as falling in love. This article describes such states of consciousness induced by psychedelic drugs, although they are virtually indistinguishable from genuine mystical experience. The article then discusses objections to the use of psychedelic drugs that arise mainly from the opposition between mystical values and the traditional religious and secular values of Western society. Continue reading ‘Psychedelics and Religious Experience’


QURAN: A Reformist Translation

Dear brothers and sisters:

The long-awaited book, after being abandoned by Palgrave/Macmillan from fear of controversy and perhaps political considerations (see below), is finally out. Its first print is now offered at:

Let the world hear about the book, so that we can break the blockage of the corrupt establishment and reactionary forces.


A Reformist Translation


Translated and Annotated by

Edip Yuksel

Layth Saleh al-Shaiban

Martha Schulte-Nafeh

  • The Reformist Translation of the Quran offers a non-sexist understanding of the divine text; it is the result of collaboration between three translators, two men and a woman.
  • It explicitly rejects the right of the clergy to determine the likely meaning of disputed passages.
  • It uses logic and the language of the Quran itself as the ultimate authority in determining likely meanings, rather than ancient scholarly interpretations rooted in patriarchal hierarchies.
  • It offers extensive cross-referencing to the Bible and provides arguments on numerous philosophical and scientific issues.
  • It is God’s message for those who prefer reason over blind faith, for those who seek peace and ultimate freedom by submitting themselves to the Truth alone.

“A bold and beautiful translation that serves as a timely reminder to all believers that the Qur’an is not a static scripture, but a living, breathing, ever-evolving text whose sacred words are as applicable today as when they were first uttered by the Prophet Muhammad fourteen centuries ago.” – Reza Aslan, CBS News Consultant; Author, No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam.

“A testament to the fact that faith need not suffocate reason. This is bound to be among the smartest of ‘smart bombs’ in the battle of ideas within Islam.”  – Irshad Manji, Fellow, Yale University and author, The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim’s Call for Reform in Her Faith.

“Every conversation begins with a single voice. This Reformist Translation of the Quran and its ancillary materials should begin many conversations, between and among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. In many parts of the Muslim world this is a dangerous discussion, and sometimes that danger can reach well into the West, as evidenced by the 1990 fatwa-inspired murder of Rashad Khalifa in Tucson, Arizona . It is an important discussion, however, and the editors of this book have assumed this risk to argue for a perspective that sets violence aside both in discourse and living. One can imagine that a broader adoption of their perspective across the Muslim world would reduce strife and invite greater examination of Islam by non-Muslims as something other than a threat. It would expand the conversation.” – Mark V Sykes Ph.D. J.D. Director, Planetary Science Institute.

“Very Interesting and Timely” – Riffat Hassan, Ph.D. Professor of Religious Studies and Humanities at the University of Louisville, Kentucky. A pioneer of feminist theology in the context of the Islamic tradition.

“I completely agree with you in your rejection of the right of any group to arrogate to themselves the sole interpretation of the Quran. The Quran, being a book containing divine knowledge and wisdom, can only be understood progressively. It has to be interpreted anew by every generation and through a scientific methodology…. Your effort is praiseworthy. Well done. Keep it up.” – Kassim Ahmad, former president of Malaysian Socialist Party and head of Malaysian Quranic Society who was declared “apostate” by religious authorities for his controversial work on the Prophetic Traditions.

“This translation is the best tool for those who want to understand the uncorrupted Message of Islam – justice and peace. This translation shows that the Quran is but the confirmation and continuation of God’s system memorialized through Abraham, demonstrated in Torah through numerous prophets, and in the Hebrew Gospel through Yeshu’a/Jesus, the righteous of God. This translation is a message of peace, justice and judgment. I pray that the Reformist translation of the Quran will replace all others not only because it is the best but also because it is the closest to the original Arabic text.” – Gershom Kibrisli, theologian and communal leader, The Karaim of the Early Hebrew Scriptures, Holy Land & Benelux.

“Quran: A Reformist Translation is distinct from other translations of the Qur’an in several important ways. First, to the best of my knowledge, it is only the second English translation of the Qur’an produced by Qur’anists–advocates of the concept of the Qur’an as the sole legitimate scriptural source of religious law and guidance in Islam. As Qur’anists, Yuksel and his colleagues reject the Hadith as sources of religious law and guidance and do not rely on them in this translation and commentary. The first Qur’anist English translation was done by the late Rashad Khalifa, a seminal figure in the late twentieth-century Qur’anist movement who directly influenced both Yuksel and Shulte-Nafeh. Quran: A Reformist Translation is also unique because it is the product of collaboration between two key figures in the present-day Qur’anist movement: Edip Yuksel and Layth Saleh al-Shaiban. The Qur’anist approach offers religious rather than secularist challenges to traditional understandings of Islam, whether Sunni, Shia, or academic, on a number of critical issues; so this translation and commentary have the potential to spark extreme controversy among Muslims and non-Muslims.” – Aisha Y. Musa, PhD, Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Florida International University; author of An Examination of Early and Contemporary Muslim Attitudes toward Hadith as Scripture (Doctoral Dissertation, Harvard University, 2004).

“With its lucid language, brilliant theological and philosophic arguments, Edip Yüksel removes the smoke of distortions and ignorance generated by clergymen that have concealed the light of the Quran from masses. Pulling our attention to numerous scientific evidences supporting the authenticity of the divine nature of the Quran, the Reformist Translation is destined to create a Copernican Revolution in the realm of religions. I highly recommend it to Agnostics, Skeptics, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, or anyone who seeks truth about God without suppressing or compromising their brains.” – Caner Taslaman, PhDs in Theology and Political Science; Post doc fellow at Harvard University; author, The Quran: Unchallengeable Miracle; The Big Bang and God; The Theory of Evolution and God; and The Invented Religion ;

“Allah has gifted humanity with many signs for guidance. The Qur’an not only directs us towards these signs all over creation, but also in itself is a most miraculous sign. We can never know the full meaning of the Qur’an even as we exercise our minds and peacefully surrender our hearts to Allah so that we become able to read the signs and grow to know more. A Reformist Translation directs us to this miracle by offering an intense and challenging addition to the practice of sincere reading for knowing. I cannot accept its Qur’an only perspective, even as I support the efforts of these translators to engage, as they have, in reading and growing with knowledge while relaying to others some new possibilities of meaning for the sake of reflection and peacefully surrender. I hope many will examine their efforts to gain benefit and challenge.” – Dr. Amina Wadud, Author: Inside the Gender Jihad: Reform in Islam.

“A timely and stimulating contribution to scholarship on Islam that offers cogent testimony to the diversity of views within the Islamic community.  This new translation challenges those in East and West alike who see Islam as irreconcilably opposed to the scientific and democratic impulses of modernity.” – Germaine A. Hoston, Ph.D, Professor, University of California. San Diego, former Director of the Center for Democratization and Economic Development, and author of The State, Identity, and the National Question and Faith, Will, and Revolutionary Change (forthcoming), a comparative study of theologies of liberation.

“I have to say that this translation –following in the same spirit of Dr. Khalifa’s Quran: The Final Testament — not only is daring, brave and non-traditional in its approach, it will open a lot of eyes that the Quran is dynamic in nature and relevant for all times. The spirit of using the Quran to explain the Quran, namely trying to understand a certain word by searching for the meaning of the same word in many different contexts within the Quran, is very evident in this translation. This is a book that encourages the reader to use his/her intelligence faculty in order to understand the message, true to the key message of the Quran itself . Gatut Adisoma, PhD, Indonesia .

“From the perspective of the academic study of the Qur’an, this book has very little to contribute. … To proclaim that the Qur’an contains 20th-century scientific discoveries renders meaningless the religious faith of Muslims of the past who could not possibly have been aware of such a concept. … Controversy may assist book sales, as happened in the case of The Satanic Verses, but it would be a cynical and questionable strategy to publish a book simply because it arouses the wrath of many people. Simply to publish this work as it is basically gives this religious group a platform to express their distinctive theology, which is highly polemical and dismissive of other perspectives…” – A anonymous Sunni Scholar who was described by the editor of Palgrave-Macmillan as “a very well-established professor.”

EDIP YUKSEL is an American-Turkish-Kurdish author and activist who spent four years in Turkish prisons in the 1980’s for his political writings and activities promoting an Islamic revolution in Turkey. He experienced a paradigm change in 1986 transforming him from a Sunni Muslim leader to a reformed muslim or rational monotheist. Edip Yuksel has written more than twenty books and hundreds of articles on religion, politics, philosophy and law in Turkish, and numerous articles and booklets in English. Edip is the founder of, and the Islamic Reform organization. His personal site is After receiving his bachelor degrees from the University of Arizona in Philosophy and Near Eastern Studies, Edip received his law degree from the same university. Edip is an Adjunct Philosophy professor at Pima Community College , and teaches various classes at his children’s school. He is fluent in Turkish, English and Classic Arabic; proficient in Persian, and barely conversant in Kurdish, his mother tongue.

LAYTH SALEH AL-SHAIBAN is an author of various books and articles on Islam, founder of Progressive Muslims, and co-founder of Islamic Reform. Layth works in a financial institution as a financial adviser, and lives in Saudi Arabia.

MARTHA SCHULTE-NAFEH is Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of Arizona and Language Coordinator of Middle Eastern Languages at the Department of Near Eastern Studies. Martha received her B.S. from Wharton School , University of Pennsylvania in Economics, received her M.A., in Linguistics from the University of Arizona in 1990, and her Ph.D. from the same university in Near Eastern Studies – Arabic Language and Linguistics 2004. In 1982, she taught English as a Foreign Language at American University in Cairo, Egypt .

Following a Fatwa-Review of Establishment,
Palgrave/Macmillan Abandoned the Publication of this Book

In 2004, my colleagues and I signed a contract with Palgrave/Macmillan publishing house for the publication of Quran: a Reformist Translation. The editor and other staff of the publishing house were very encouraging and enthusiastic, and during the summer of 2006, I was personally introduced to the director of the publishing company at its New York headquarters. Palgrave even published an announcement about the upcoming Reformist Translation in their 2006 Fall/Winter Catalogue, which was later postponed to the summer of 2007. The publishing house posted information about the Reformist Translation for pre-orders at and other online bookstores. However , in December 2006, the editor informed me that the board had determined that my manuscript was not acceptable for publication.

Apparently, they were convinced or intimidated by a review (more accurately, a fatwa) of “a very well-established professor,” who misleadingly likened our annotated translation of the Quran to Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses. This was akin to a medieval publishing house turning down Martin Luther’s 95 Theses after consulting “a very well-established” Catholic Bishop! It is telling that Palgrave’s “very well-established scholar” in his several-page review, had only one substantive criticism, which consisted of our usage of a word, yes a single word in the translation: progressive.

I believe that without hearing my defense against this Sunni version of excommunication in the guise of a “scholarly review,” the publishing house committed an injustice against my person and our work. I called the publishing house and asked them to give me the chance to respond to the reviewer and defend myself and work against his disparagement and distortions; I was told he remain anonymous.

We were not surprised to hear negative remarks, insults, or false associations from a reviewer who considers a rejection of backward and bankrupt sectarian dogmas “heresy.” However, we were surprised to learn that the board of the publishing house cancelled the publication of a potentially controversial yet crucial book that would introduce the message of the Quran ¾the message of peace, justice, reason, and progress ¾without the distortion of sectarian teachings. Any scholar who can see beyond his or her office can see the growing reform movement, open or clandestine, particularly in Turkey, Malaysia , Iran, Egypt and Kazakhstan where people take great risks to question the popular sectarian dogmas.

You may visit the following websites for the full text of the letter of the Sunni scholar whose advice was taken at face value by Palgrave/Macmillan, and for our response to the letter. You may also find in the following websites, recent updates, reactions, and feedback from reviewers, our responses, related news in the media, and the activities of the global reformist movement:

Let the world hear the message. Let the West hear the voice of monotheism, the voice of reason, peace, justice and progress. Let the East and the Middle East hear the clear message of the book that they have abandoned for centuries, despite efforts by their leaders to repress it.

9:32      They want to extinguish God‘s light with their mouths, but God refuses such and lets His light continue, even if the ingrates hate it.

9:33      He is the One who sent His messenger with guidance and the system of truth, to make it manifest above all other systems, even if those who set up partners hate it.



How Did We Become So Hateful?

4/24/2005 – Social Interfaith – Article Ref: IV0309-2080
By: James Brooks


America’s long festering animus toward Arabs and Islam has finally arrived. From black tie affairs to your local barbecue, you can see it in the U.S.A. You can hear it, too, whispering in the White House and booming from Capitol Hill. Language that would get people fired if applied to blacks or Jews now passes without comment when used against Arabs and Muslims. It can be found somewhere, every day, in almost every newspaper and TV news show in the land. We tend to view this disturbing trend as the result of two, or twenty, or fifty years of politics and events. But we are children of a history we do not know. The roots of our “new” bigotry stretch through our racist American past to a thousand-year old blind spot, one big enough to drive half the world through. It’s time to learn where we came from.

It’s true that our reaction to September 11, twisted and amplified through the gov-media input stream, opened a dark door in the American heart. Softened up by decades of neoconservative, fundamentalist, pro-Israeli and Hollywood propaganda, we were easy marks for politicians brewing a spirit of national retribution. Continue reading ‘How Did We Become So Hateful?’


Qur’an and Hadith: The Final Debate

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


This booklet exposes the conflict existing in Muslim society today, between belief and unbelief of the Holy Qur’an, between what is “Qur’anic” and what is claimed to be “Islamic”, and above all, between Truth and Falsehood. The debate presented in this booklet is not an intellectual game but has a serious purpose.

This booklet is divided into three parts. In Part One, the report, “Pro-Quran group at centre of controversy” which was published in a local newspaper is reproduced as an introduction to the debate found in Parts Two and Three of this publication. The centre of controversy, as may be found later, is not the group but the Holy Qur’an itself. Continue reading ‘Qur’an and Hadith: The Final Debate’





Of all topics most popular in today’s media, issues concerning homosexuals and homosexuality in general top the list. Homosexuality is generally defined as a sexual relationship between partners of the same sex. Debate concerning its causes and consequences has been going on for many centuries and almost in every period in human history. However, never before in human history has it been granted such wide scale acceptance in western society as it has now. The question that I seek to answer in this paper is whether such wide scale acceptance should in fact be granted to homosexual behavior? Is such behavior rational, scientifically functional or is it actually detrimental to the high level of civilization that we’ve achieved? Continue reading ‘HOMOSEXUALITY:THE COST TO SOCIETY’


Hadith plagiarized from the Bible



I hope you will all read this book with an objective and intelligent mind (which is not an easy thing to do for the Ahlul Sunnah or the Shiah) and I hope that this book will help you in your journey towards the beautiful and powerful Islam that was revealed to the Prophet of Islam.

The first inkling I got about the influence of Christianity on the Ahlus Sunnah and Shiah are the too many similarities in the beliefs between Christianity and the Ahlus Sunnah and Shiah which are taught to us since we are children. But we have been taught by the priests of Ahlus Sunnah and Shiah that its alright to have so many similarities with the Christians as well as the Jews because all the the Jewish scriptures and the Christian Bible all bore the same teachings. This is not true at all. Only the Quran carries the Truth that withstands scrutiny, criticism and investigation. The Jewish scriptures and the Bible carry too many falsehoods.

But (quite unfortunately and sadly too ) I will prove in this book that what is written in the scriptures of the Christians and Jews that is accepted by the priests of Ahlus Sunnah and Shiah is actually not part of the Prophet’s teachings. Continue reading ‘Hadith plagiarized from the Bible’


Islamic Teachings From The Bible

– Anon

In the recent turn of events happening on the world stage the ummah has again come under the criticism and the scrutiny of the world in general and the West in particular.

After the tragic attacks of the September 11, 2001 the President of the United States Mr George Bush gave a televised speech where he chose to address the Muslim world directly. There was no accusation made against the Muslims of the world but it was clear that Mr Bush did not address any other faith or religion in his address. Then the call to be “either with us or you are against us” was made which sounded more of a threat and again aimed at the ummah. Continue reading ‘Islamic Teachings From The Bible’



If the hadiths were to be a source of Islam like the Quran, the Prophet would have asked his companions to copy and learn them by heart. Yet, he prohibited their copying, let alone ordering them to be copied as we have seen in the previous chapters. Had the Prophet desired them to be learned by heart, the companions nearest to him like Abu Bakr, Omar, Usman, Ali, Sugry, Zed b. Sabit and Selma al Farsi, would have transmitted thousands of hadiths. Instead, the words that have been transmitted from the abovementioned companions are very few. For instance, not even one third or one fourth of the hadiths alleged to have been transmitted by Abu Hurayra, one of the fabricators, can be ascribed to all the words spoken by other prominent companions. We shall be dealing in this chapter with some fabricators, including Abu Hurayra, instrumental in interpolating into the established creed Jewish and Christian legends and parables. We shall see the reason why the infinite number of hadiths these people invented cannot be relied upon. We shall also observe the lack of fastidiousness and meticulousness, which they claimed to have had in collecting and sorting out the hadiths. Continue reading ‘SOME PROMINENT HADITH FABRICATORS’



Below is a list (200 examples) of typical interpolations made to the Quran. These additions have been presented as part of the body of religious percepts. Some among them may have been useful and wholesome considerations although without any religious foundation. For instance, cleaning of teeth with miswak may be useful. But this must not be taken as if ordained by God. We may, of course, enumerate many principles related to the individual’s health, etc.; however, they should not be made into religious principles. Thus, persons may, at their discretion, put on long robes and avoid eating shrimp, but this has nothing to do with religion. All interpretations not based on the Quranic text and are qualified as sins, charitable acts, makruh, haram, sunna are additions. You may have a better idea of the extent of interpolations once you go over the following 200 examples. Continue reading ‘LIST OF INTERPOLATIONS’


Free Books authored by the Webmaster:

In the cause of spreading the Truth, reading and downloading of the following books is FREE. You may quote the unedited passages from the books to spread the Truth. Copyright restrictions have now been waived as long as the author’s name and source is published. You may translate and circulate the texts in other languages. Click the links below to open the books in PDF format.

Bible-front Bible-back
Read: Understanding the Bible Through Koranic Messages
A History Front A History Back
Read: A History of the Agakhani Ismailis
Understanding Front Understanding Back
Read: Understanding Ismailism – A Unique Tariqah of Islam Learn the first hand, inner rituals and beliefs.
Myths Front Myths Back
Read: Myths and Realities of Hadith Secondary Document prevails Primary
Rediscovering Front Rediscovering Back
Read .pdf: Rediscovering the Realities of Jesus  Deut. 18:15 & 18; Isaiah 53:10; Luke 22:37; John 5: 46-47; Qur’an 13:38; 21: 7-8 & 34 all support Jesus was married, lived longer. 

 ‘THE LAST SUPPER’  by  Leonardo Da Vinci     Image appears on page 166 of a printed copy & on page 69 of .pdf version linked above for this book.


زَوَاجُ اَلْمُتْعَة


لشهيد الكلمة الدكتور


فرج فودة






مقدمة الناشر


الإرهاب الفكرى وفقه القتل:




مقدمة د. أحمد صبحى منصور


نص فتوى الشيخ شلتوت


مقدمة الكاتب


الباب الأول: زواج المتعة بين السنة والشيعة


الفصل الأول: زواج المتعة ونصوص السنة


مقدمة الفصل


سؤال وجواب


ويبدأ الحوار السنى الشيعى [1] , [2], [3], [4], [5], [6] , [7] , [8] ,


[9] كان يأتيها وهى حائض


ملك الموت


ثلاث ليال


باب رضاع الكبير


[10] , [11] , [12] , [13].


الفصل الثانى: مداخلة توثيقية


الفصل الثالث: زواج المتعة والنص القرآنى




الباب الثانى: حوار حول المتعة




تنويعات هادئة فى حوار شائك


Continue reading ‘زَوَاجُ اَلْمُتْعَة’


Apostasy, Freedom and Da’wah

Written by Mohammad Omar Farooq
Aug 31, 2007 at 06:16 AM

While Islam may have been a vanguard of freedom and progress evidenced by magnificent civilizations that it helped spawn all the way to the rise of Western civilization, some traditional or orthodox position in Islamic law, apostasy for example, remain seriously at odds with the notion of freedom. Muslim orthodoxy continues to invoke a legal position to issue fatwa against heresy, apostasy, blasphemy and so on. In the last few decades there has been cases, some widely publicized, in Muslim-majority countries where fatwas were issues against apostates.1 Because the law of apostasy is ingrained in orthodox Islamic law, one can’t approach this issue without taking a closer look at some of the fundamental precepts or even usul (source methodology) of Islamic law.

Continue reading ‘Apostasy, Freedom and Da’wah’


The History of Abraham

Copyright 2006 by Zeeshan Hasan. First published in Bangladesh on January 10, 2006 in The Daily Star.

The figure of Abraham is equally revered in Judeo-Christian and Muslim traditions as the common ancestor of the major monotheist faiths. However, modern Biblical scholarship has raised questions about the sources of the sacrifice of Abraham’s son. In particular, some modern scholars believe that in one of the original versions of the Biblical story, Abraham may really have sacrificed his son. This is in agreement with other texts asserting the practice of child sacrifice in early Israel. However, later Israelite religion seemingly abandoned the practice of child sacrifice, and this change resulted in the sacrifice story that we are now familiar with. Thus the Qur’anic sacrifice story is the product of a mythological evolution which occurred during the compilation of the Biblical book of Genesis, which contains the sources of the oldest Abraham tales. Furthermore, two other important Qur’anic stories of Abraham, namely that of his arrival at monotheism through star-gazing and that of his divine rescue from being burned alive, may be seen to be the results of a similar mythological evolution which occured in later Biblical times (in particular in the Book of Jubilees’ retelling of the Abraham story). The history of the Abraham stories will be seen to have important implications for Qur’anic narrative and view of history. Continue reading ‘The History of Abraham’


Islam is wonderful, but I can’t stand the Muslims

“Why should I try to convert my non-Muslim friends when I often prefer them to the Muslims that I know? How will being Muslim change their lives for the better if they already display more of the Islamic virtues than most of the Muslims they are likely to meet?”
By British convert to Islam, Michael A. Malik.

There was a white face in the mosque. You don’t see very many, so I went over and asked if he was a Muslim, “I used to be, but not any more.” he said, “I thought Islam was wonderful, but I couldn’t stand the Muslims”. What could I say except “I know how you feel”;. Most converts do.

Continue reading ‘Islam is wonderful, but I can’t stand the Muslims’


Miraj – The True Story

The Miraj is considered to be of great importance in Hadith literature. For this is when God is supposed to have commanded the five daily prayers.

Whenever it is pointed out that the Quran is fully detailed people ask: ‘If the Quran is fully detailed then where is the salat prayer’. By asking this question in the first place, they have doubted God’s word.

Popular belief among all the ‘muslim’ who claim to be Islamic is that although the Quran instructs us to observe salat, it is the prophet’s hadith which shows us how to perform the salat prayers. This not only shows their ignorance but also exposes their disbelief in the Quran as a detailed book. Continue reading ‘Miraj – The True Story’




The advocates of hadith are fond of saying that the hadith explains the Quran without which, they say, the Quran cannot be understood. In other words without the hadith they will have to reject the Quran or at the very least they will ignore the Quran.

The scholars also say that the hadith they call ‘Sahih Bukhari’ (Authentic Bukhari) is the best hadith. In other words without the “Sahih” of Bukhari these people will be at a total loss. They will have to reject the Quran. Continue reading ‘BUKHARI EXPLAINS QURAN’



The Almighty God Who created all things has given us the Quran for our guidance. Nothing else. The word “hadith” is mentioned by God Almighty twenty eight times in His Quran. “Hadith” simply means a tiding, discourse or story.

However it is a necessary condition for the other “hadith” writers like Bukhari and Abu Muslim (for the Sunnis) and Jaafar Al Tusi (for the Shias) and also others, to insist that the alleged sayings of the Prophet or the alleged “hadith” or “khabar” of the Prophet are a second source of guidance other than the Quran. Continue reading ‘THE BEST HADITH’


Sheikhs of Alazhar: Quranists are Apostates; and the Evidence from the Holy Book Proves Their Guilt


Alshark Alawsat in 07-08-30


Lately, the Quranists’ case occupied the Egyptian public and the religious circles. The Department of Islamic Research at Al-Azhar is currently studying the Fatwa prepared by the Sunna Committee at the department to consider the Quranists to be apostates if they insist to continue refusing the Sunna as a second source of Sharia . On the other hand, The Misdemeanor Court in Cairo decided to arrest what is known as “the Quranists Group” for more fifteen days for investigating the charges of Contempt of Religion, advocating non-stream ideas that cause disturbances in the society.
ALsharq Alawsat asked many Sheikhs of AL-Azhar whether there are proofs from the holy Quran that Sunna is a revelation from God (and since it should be considered as obligatory as the holy Quran)? Alsharq Alawsat asked as well whether these Quranists are really Muslims or not, and whether there are justifications for their call to rely on the holy Quran alone and ignore the Sunna? Continue reading ‘Sheikhs of Alazhar: Quranists are Apostates; and the Evidence from the Holy Book Proves Their Guilt’


Myth and Reality about Homosexuality–Sexual Orientation Section, Guide to Family Issues

Posted on 12/05/2003 6:20:43 PM PST by Coleus

Sexual Orientation Section
United Families International
Guide to Family Issues

*Documentation to support the arguments in the Myth/Reality Section can be found in the section entitled “Fast Facts” located toward the end of the document.

Sexual Orientation

Gender is an innate component of a person’s being and an essential characteristic of individual identity and purpose. Marriage is between a man and a woman for the purpose of building a nuclear family–the place where children historically and statistically fare best. Homosexuality is not just another alternative lifestyle or even a sexual “preference;” it is unhealthy and destructive behavior which negatively impacts individual persons, families, and society. Same sex attraction is a symptom of a developmental disorder that can often be prevented and can be treated. Homosexual advocacy groups seeking to normalize homosexual behavior by equating homosexuality with innate characteristics such as race or ethnicity should be opposed. United Families International is adamantly opposed to verbal abuse and violence against homosexually attracted persons, and seeks to offer compassion and assistance to help those experiencing same sex attractions overcome these tendencies. Continue reading ‘Myth and Reality about Homosexuality–Sexual Orientation Section, Guide to Family Issues’


How Evil Works

Friday August 24th, 2007, by Martin LeFevre

Evil is the intentional component of the collective darkness in human consciousness. It is the calculated expression of the entire content of the willful ignorance, hatred, envy, jealousy, and selfishness built up in the human mind and heart over the generations. Darkness is a vast content, needless to say, and it is not only accumulative, but it’s growing exponentially.

As such, darkness must be confronted within, or it will snuff out the human spirit, perhaps soon. If that happens, it won’t matter how much longer we go on physically. Continue reading ‘How Evil Works’


Profit of Doom: Of Vampires, Parasites, and the Demise of Capitalism

Monday August 27th, 2007, by Jason Miller

“It is impossible for capitalism to survive, primarily because the system of capitalism needs some blood to suck. Capitalism used to be like an eagle, but now it’s more like a vulture. It used to be strong enough to go and suck anybody’s blood whether they were strong or not. But now it has become more cowardly, like the vulture, and it can only suck the blood of the helpless. As the nations of the world free themselves, the capitalism has less victims, less to suck, and it becomes weaker and weaker. It’s only a matter of time in my opinion before it will collapse completely.”

–Malcolm X

Continue reading ‘Profit of Doom: Of Vampires, Parasites, and the Demise of Capitalism’


War is the Enemy

Perceptions of Reality & the U.S. ’War on Terror’

Monday June 19th, 2006, by Muhammed Asadi

Arguments by media pundits regarding the ‘war on terror’ and how the U.S. can ‘win’ it, assume that the U.S. is fighting a genuine war in which it seeks victory and ultimately peace. This assumption is based on a flawed assessment of the causes of war and its relationship to the U.S. political economy. The faulty premise, almost always involves an equation in which war is considered an abnormality (something undesirable) and peace, the normal (or desirable) state of affairs. In the past, war was a means to an end, be it self-defense or protection (just) or ruthless conquest, political or economic (unjust). The military, as an institution was subservient to the political economy. That hierarchy of institutions does not exist anymore. War now has become a ‘fact’ of life, that people have accepted as a normal state of affairs, and other institutions have adjusted to accommodate this new reality. Victory or no victory, post World War 2, the U.S. has never settled for peace; when one conflict ended, it has started another. Continue reading ‘War is the Enemy’


Dogmatism, Modernization and Islam

Sunday June 24th, 2007, by Muhammed Asadi

Secularization of social thought, of worldview is an indicator of what has been described as “modernization”, a Gesellschaft, when the collective conscience and individual conscience are not in harmony. This is in contrast to a Gemeinschaft, or a community-type social system where both collective conscience and individual conscience are perfect matches for each other and as a result tradition and dogma rules.

What happens with pluralization is a breakdown of tradition, and a weakening of what can be understood as ’faith-based’ religion. When the Quran emphasized reason and thinking in order to break the hold of tradition on people, a tradition that had entrapped them and made them un-free, it attempted and was successful in achieving a type of ’modernization’, a freeing of the thought process that the West achieved only slowly because of the nature of their ’faith based’ religion, Christianity. Continue reading ‘Dogmatism, Modernization and Islam’







Researchers at the University of Ottawa have linked pork consumption with cirrhosis, a chronic degeneration of the liver.

In a study of 16 nations with readily available statistics for consumption of pork, beef, alcohol, and fat, Dr.Amin Nanji and Dr. Samuel French found a CORRELATION between eating pork and the incidence of cirrhosis of the liver- an even higher incidence when both pork and alcohol were consumed. No connection was found between cirrhosis and beef consumption….The researchers said that the way in which pork consumption ‘might cause or enhance’ cirrhosis remains a mystery. Yet the team concludes that cirrhosis mortality directly relates to the amount of pork consumed. Cirrhosis of the liver is one of the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. Continue reading ‘PORK: A NATIONAL HEALTH HAZARD’


The Terrorist’s Propaganda Works!

Syu’bah Asa:

Dimuat: 5/12/2005

The video recorded testimony of Bali suicide bombers made before launching their attacks (01/10/2005) indicates that suicide bombing has become a trend among Muslim youths in Indonesia. Did they become more radical and dauntless on executing a suicide bombing? Bellow is the interview conducted by Novriantoni and Mohamad Guntur Romli from Liberal Islam Network with Syu’bah Asa, a senior journalist and author of Tafsir Ayat-Ayat Sosial Politik (Tafseer on Social-political Verses of Quran), on Thursday (17/11). Continue reading ‘The Terrorist’s Propaganda Works!’


Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahab

Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahab (1703-1791)

Oleh: Luthfi Assyaukanie

Dimuat: 12/1/2004

Modern observers often consider fundamentalism to exist in the margins of power and to have no significant influence upon state policies. This claim is however incorrect if we relate it to the role of Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahab and his disciples whom are well-known as Wahabiyah. This movement did not merely exist in the center of power, but had a great influence upon the formation and growth of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Continue reading ‘Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahab’


Islamic Studies Textbook and Violence


Oleh: Luthfi Assyaukanie

Dimuat: 9/2/2007

Recently, U.S. Freedom House’s Centre for Religious Freedom released a report analyzing the syllabus and textbook of Islamic studies courses used in Saudi schools. One of the important findings is that ideology of hatred and enmity toward Christians, Jews and Muslims who do not subscribe to the Wahhabi doctrine remains in this area of the public school system.

The research was quite comprehensive since it involved several researchers from Middle East who collected the study materials for elementary and secondary students. Most of them was concerning on theology (tawheed), Islamic jurisprudence (fikh) and prophet traditions (hadith). Despite of the fact that the object of research was Saudi Arabia, this finding is interesting and important to discuss since the issue of Islamic teaching and doctrine is concerning Muslims in general. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is regarded as the Islamic “centre” and “model” for most of Muslim in the world. Continue reading ‘Islamic Studies Textbook and Violence’


We Need Dearabization of Islam

Soheib Bencheikh:


Dimuat: 9/2/2007

Islam is in the midst of rapid growth in France. However, the rise of the puritan and ideological Islam has been specific concern there. Dr. Soheib Bencheikh, the former mufti of Marseille who established French Institute for Islamic Science, said that Islamic dearabization is necessary in order to fit better into French culture during his 10 days visit in Indonesia to Novriantoni from Liberal Islamic Network, Saturday (25/11/2006).
Continue reading ‘We Need Dearabization of Islam’





(C) Copyright 2001
Muhammed Asadi



Islam & Christianity
Conflict or Conciliation?

Author: Muhammed A. Asadi
A Comparative/Textual Analysis of the Koran and the Bible

ISBN: 0-595-21258-1
Publisher: Writer’s Club Press
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Quranic Day & Night

By Brother Joe (e-mail:

What is the Quranic day? What is the Quranic daytime? What is the Quranic night? This article answers these three questions as follow.

The Quranic day starts at dawn the same day and ends at dawn the following one. The Quranic Friday starts then from Friday dawn and ends Saturday dawn.
The Quranic daytime starts at dawn (the first twilight) and ends at dusk (the last twilight)
The Quranic night (or nighttime) starts at sunset and ends at sunrise. This article is divided into two parts. The first part proves the first statement. The second part proves the second and third statements altogether. Continue reading ‘Quranic Day & Night’


What Is Salat?

By Layth Al-Shaiban (e-mail:


The word “Salat” and its derivates occur in the Scripture over 70 times and is emphasized by God Almighty as a critical aspect for the spiritual development and progress of believers.


The Sunni and Shia sects have all claimed that the Quran does not contain the details of Salat and that such omission is enough to reject God’s assertion that the Quran is complete and detailed. 


This article will attempt to deconstruct the myths and lies that have been associated with this topic for far too long. Continue reading ‘What Is Salat?’


Why I Chose Islam Instead of Judaism

I have publicly discussed my journey to Islam only in a limited way before.

I was not born Jewish. I was born in the American heartland (Ohio) of a Jewish father and a Christian mother. My mother was the daughter of a Protestant preacher, and I was baptized as an infant in the Presbyterian church. But both of my parents were radical leftists and quite antireligious. As a child I received no religious instruction, and was not informed that I was half-Jewish until late in childhood.

So I did not “convert” to Islam because “conversion” means a change in religions, and I did not have a religion from which to change. Continue reading ‘Why I Chose Islam Instead of Judaism’


Ram Bahadur Bomjon


Palden Dorje in meditation.


Palden Dorje in meditation.

Ram Bahadur Bomjon (born May 9, 1989, sometimes Bomjan or Banjan), also known as Palden Dorje (his official Buddhist name), is from Ratanapuri village, Bara district, Nepal and drew thousands of visitors and media attention for spending months in meditation, allegedly without food or water, although this claim is widely contested. Nicknamed the Buddha Boy, he began his meditation on May 16, 2005, disappeared from his hometown on March 11, 2006, and reappeared elsewhere in Nepal on December 26, 2006 only to leave again on March 8, 2007. On March 26, 2007, inspectors from the Area Police Post Nijgadh in Ratanpuri found Bomjon meditating inside a bunker-like square ditch of seven feet.

Continue reading ‘Ram Bahadur Bomjon’


History, Myth, and the War on Terror

By Stephen Schwartz 

The propaganda campaign waged in the American mainstream media (MSM) against the war on terror includes falsification of history and the recycling of myth.  One particularly egregious case involves both: continuing revisionism about the relocation of enemy aliens during the Second World War.   As I shall seek to demonstrate, hysterical legendary about wartime relocation, usually miscalled “internment,” may be employed to discourage U.S. law enforcement from consequential action today against terrorists and their supporters.           Continue reading ‘History, Myth, and the War on Terror’


Jesus is dead

Imam Shaltuts Fatwa
Extracts from Imam Shaltut s Fatwa

These are the verses of the Holy Qur’an which relate all that Jesus experienced at the hands of his people. The last verse relates an incident in the Hereafter when Allah will ask Jesus concerning him and his mother being worshipped in the world and Jesus will reply that he did not say anything to his followers except that which God had commanded him, that is, worship Allah who is your God and my God, and he kept watch over them during the period of his stay among them and that he did not know what they did after Allah caused him to die. Continue reading ‘Jesus is dead’


What has been said concerning the Rejecters of the Sunnah.

It is stated in al-Muheet that if a religious scholar is speaking points of knowledge or is relating authentic Hadith i.e., Hadith that are proven and not fake, and someone laughed at it saying that “all this is nothing”, whereby the purpose is to reject it, he will become an infidel. Because it is a contradiction of Allah’s statement: “But honour, power and glory belong to Allah and to His messenger and the believers.” and “While the word of Allah that became the uppermost” [Fatawa al-Muheet]

Muhammad bin Nasr al-Marwazi said concerning the wiping of the khuffs, “Whoever rejected that, then rejection of all of what we have mentioned from the Sunan is binding upon him, and also other than that from what we have not mentioned. And this constitutes exiting from the main body of the people of Islaam”. [As-Sunnah, p.104].

And al-Aajurree said, “The ruling concerning all of the obligatory duties that Allah has made incumbent in His Book is not known except by way of the Sunan of Allah’s Messenger (sallAllahu alaihi wasallam). This is the saying of the Scholars of the Muslims, and whoever says other than this has left the fold of Islaam and entered into the religion of the (apostate) heretics.” [Ash-Sharee’ah 1/412].

Ibn Hazm said, “If a man was to say, ‘We do not take except what we find in the Qur’aan’, then he would be a Kaafir (disbeliever) by unanimous agreement of the Muslims, and there would not be binding upon him (as a result of this saying of his) except a single rak’ah (of prayer) between the rising of the sun until the night time, since this is the least of what can actually be given the label of salaah (prayer), and there is no definition for that is greater than that (i.e. that one rak’ah is sufficient for it to be considered salaah). And the one who says this a Kaafir (disbeliever), Mushrik (pagan), whose blood is lawful to be shed, and whose wealth is lawful to be taken. Indeed, some of the extremist Raafidah – upon whose kufr (disbelief) the whole Ummah is agreed upon – have tended towards this view.” [Al-Ihkaam Fee Usool il-Ahkaam 2/80].

And Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said, “Muhammad (sallAllahu alaihi wasallam) was sent to the two worlds, the men amongst them and the jinn amongst them. Whoever believes that it is permissible for anyone to exit from his Sharee’ah and from his obedience, then he is a kaafir, it is obligatory to kill him”. [al-Wasiyyat ul-Kubraa Dimn Majmoo’at ar-Rasaa’il al-Kubraa 1/315].

Ibn Daqeeq al-Eid commented upon the revilement of some of the deviants of the hadeeth of the fly, “Indeed this (hadeeth) and its likes, from what which has come the authentic hadeeths, if the one who speaks against them intends to nullify them, after having belief that the Messenger (sallAllahu alaihi wasallam) did speak with them, then is an open kaafir (disbeliever). And if he intends to nullify their ascription to the Messenger (sallAllahu alaihi wasallam) on account of a reason that returns back to the text of the hadeeth, then he is not a kaafir, though he is one who falsifies the authenticity of the hadeeth.” [Sharh ul-Ilmaam 2/177-178].

As- Suyootee said, “Whoever rejects that the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallAllahu alaihi wasallam) – whether it is related to speech or action – on account of the well known conditions in the Usool (sciences related to this subject), is considered a proof, has disbelieved, and has left the fold of Islaam, and he will be raised alongside the Jews and Christians, or alongside whomever Allah wills amongst the sects of disbelievers.” [Miftaah ul-Jannah Fil-Ihtijaaj Bis-Sunnah p.14]

Al- Mu’allimee said, “The one who rejects the obligation of acting upon the hadeeth in absolute terms (i.e. in principle), the proof is to be established upon him, and if he persists, then he is a kaafir (disbeliever). And the rejecter of the obligation to act upon some of the ahaadeeth, then if he has an excuse amongst the well-known excuses amongst the people of knowledge and what approximates to them, then he is excused. But otherwise, he is disobedient to Allah and His Messenger, and the disobedient one is a sinner, a faasiq.” [Anwaar ul-Kaashifah p.81-82].

And the Allaamah, ‘Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) said: “What Rasheed Khalifah has expressed of rejection of the Sunnah, by claiming the lack of need and dependency upon it is kufr and apostasy from Islaam. This is because whoever rejects the Sunnah has in fact rejected the Book, and whoever rejects them both or just one of them is a kaafir by unanimous concensus, and it is not permissible to interact with him and his likes. Rather, it is obligatory to boycott him and to warn against his fitnah and to explain his kufr and misguidance at ever opportunity until he repents to Allah from all of that, with an openly proclaimed repentance, in the various newspapers (and otherwise) – due to the saying of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic: “Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which We have sent down, after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, they are the ones cursed by Allah and cursed by the cursers. Except those who repent and do righteous deeds, and openly declare (the truth which they concealed). These, I will accept their repentance. And I am the One Who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful” (Baqarah 2:159-160).” [Majmoo’ Fataawaa Wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi’ah 2/403].

And he also said, “It is known to all the people of knowledge that the Sunnah is the second foundation of the foundations of Islam and that its position in Islaam is that it comes after the Book of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic. Hence, it is a foundation that is depended upon after the Book of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, by the unanimous consensus of the people of knowledge, without exception. And it is also an independent proof and authority over all of the Ummah. Whoever denied or rejected it, or claimed that it is permissible to turn away from it and to suffice with the Qur’aan only, then he has gone far astray, and he has disbelieved with the major kufr and has apostatised from Islaam with this saying of his. For by this saying and by this belief he has belied Allah and His Messenger, and has rejected what Allah and His Messenger have commanded, and he has rejected a mighty foundation that Allah has made it obligatory to refer back to, depend upon, and take from. And he has also rejected the unanimous consensus of the people of knowledge that is binding upon him and has denied it.

And a new band has emerged, and this saying has not ceased to be repeated at one time or another, and this new band has been labelled “al-Qur’aaniyyah” (Quranites) and they have claimed that they are the people of the Qur’aan and that they seek proof in the Qur’aan only and that the Sunnah is not to be sought for proof (as an authority), since it was written a long time after the Prophet (sallAllahu alaihi wasallam) and that a person can forget and make mistakes, and that mistakes and errors can also creep into books – and other such deviations, mocking deceptions, and corrupt viewpoints. And they claimed that by all of this they are actually safeguarding their religion by not taking from anything but the Qur’aan alone. And they have indeed strayed far from the path, and they belied and disbelieved on account of all of this with the major kufr, that is open and clear. For indeed, Allah the Mighty and Majestic ordered with obedience to the Messenger (alaihis- salaatu was-salaam) and with Ittibaa’ (following) of what he came with, and He also called his speech “wahiy” (revelation), as occurs in His, the Most High’s, saying: “By the star when it goes down, (or vanishes). Your companion (Muhammad) has neither gone astray nor has erred. Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is only an Inspiration that is inspired.” (Najm 53:1-4).

And if His Messenger was not to be followed or obeyed then there would have been no benefit or worth in His commands and prohibitions. And he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) ordered that his Sunnah be conveyed, and hence, when he gave a sermon he ordered that his Sunnah be conveyed and transmitted. And this shows that his Sunnah is obligatory to be followed and that obeying him is obligatory upon the whole Ummah and whoever reflects upon the Mighty Qur’aan will find this abundantly clear. [Majmoo’ Fataawaa Wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi’ah 9/176-178].

And the respected Shaikh, Abdul-Azeez bin Baaz made takfeer of the main spokesman of their sect, Ghulaam Ahmad Perweiz, and this is one of his comments in the Hajj Magazine, “At- Tadaamun al-Islaamee” which actually published the verdict that was sought by Shaikh Muhammad Yoosuf al-Banaori concerning the Sharee’ah judgement upon Ghulaam Ahmad Perweiz, and who also presented about twenty examples of what Perweiz had spoken or written. So Ibn Baaz (rahmatullaahi alaihi) said, “Everyone from those possessing knowledge and insight who reflects upon the abovementioned examples knows with certain knowledge which does not carry any doubt from any angle whatsoever that the one who is satisfied with them and believes them and who calls to them is a kaafir with the major kufr, an apostate from Islaam. It is obligatory that his repentance be demanded. If he repents with an open repentance, declaring himself to be a liar in a most clear manner, spreading all of this in the newspapers, just like he spread within them the beguiling false beliefs, then fine, otherwise, it is obligatory for the wali ul-amr (one in authority) over the Muslims to kill him. And this affair is known from the religion by necessity, and the evidences for it from the Book and the Sunnah and the consensus of the people of knowledge are very many indeed. It is not possible to enumerate all of them in this answer. And every example from those examples that the questioner has presented, from the beliefs of Ghulaam Ahmad Perweiz necessitate his kufr and his apostasy from Islaam in the view of the scholars of the Islamic Sharee’ah.” [Majmoo’ Fataawaa Wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi’ah 3/268-270, and then the Shaikh refuted him with verses of the Qur’aan, and ahaadeeth. And he ended his words by saying, “The kufr of Perweiz is known most clearly and evidently to the common Muslims, let alone the Scholars, hence, there is no need to provide ample evidences for it.”

Taken from Sunnipoint


Yes! I converted to Islam and here is Why -SAIFUDDIN

Sunday, March 4. 2007

How was I committed to Islam?

I was born in a German Christian family during the most ferocious part of World War II, in Berlin, in 1943. My family moved first to Spain, during the same year, and later in 1948, to Argentina. There I stayed for 15 years. I attended my grade and high school at the Roman Catholic “La Salle” school, in Cordoba, Argentine. As was to be expected, I became very soon a fervent Catholic. I was lectured over an hour daily on Catholic religion and I often attended religious services. At twelve, my dream was to become a Roman Catholic priest. I was completely committed to the Christian faith. Continue reading ‘Yes! I converted to Islam and here is Why -SAIFUDDIN’


Christianity or Paulinity?

By: Adeel Rehman

Paul’s influence on Christianity has been a big one perhaps even more then Jesus (Pbuh). In My article I will show how majority of Christians today have taken Paul’s doctrine over that of what Jesus aught.

Paul said that you cannot be justified by the law of Moses:
“Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: And by him all that BELIEVE are JUSTIFIED from all things, from which ye COULD NOT BE JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW OF MOSES.” [Acts 13:38-39] Continue reading ‘Christianity or Paulinity?’


Top 100 Hot-Pop Billboard 06-09-07 Charts

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019 – Gym Class Heroes ft. Patrick Stump – Cupid’s Chokehold [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Atlantic).MP3 Audio 6.4 M
020 – Blake Lewis – You Give Love A Bad Name [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ ’19’).MP3 Audio 5.07 M
021 – Huey – Lock & Drop It [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Zomba).MP3 Audio 7.08 M
022 – Linkin Park – What I’ve Done [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Warner Bros.).MP3 Audio 5.5 M
023 – Akon – Don’t Matter [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Universal Motown).MP3 Audio 7.71 M
024 – Elliott Yamin – Wait For You [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Hickory).MP3 Audio 6.93 M
025 – Plain White T’s – Hey There Delilah [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Hollywood).MP3 Audio 6.2 M
026 – Ne-Yo – Because Of You [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ IDJMG).MP3 Audio 6 M
027 – The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus – Face Down [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Virgin) .MP3 Audio 5.05 M
028 – Mims – This Is Why I’m Hot [Torrent Tatty] (â?¢ Capitol).MP3 Audio 6.82 M
029 – Baby Boy Da Prince ft. Lil Boosie – The Way I Live [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Universal).MP3 Audio 8.58 M
030 – Daughtry – It’s Not Over [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ RCA-RMG).MP3 Audio 5.73 M
031 – Hinder – Better Than Me [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Universal).MP3 Audio 5.92 M
032 – Ciara – Like A Boy [Torrent Tatty] (â?¢ Zomba).MP3 Audio 6.29 M
033 – Nickelback – If Everyone Cared [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Lava).MP3 Audio 5.77 M
034 – R. Kelly Or Bow Wow ft. T.I. & T-Pain – I’m A Flirt [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Zomba).MP3 Audio 7.29 M
035 – Enrique Iglesias – Do You Know (edit) [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Universal-Interscope).MP3 Audio 5.78 M
036 – Bow Wow ft. T-Pain & Johnta Austin – Outta My System [Torrent Tatty] (â?¢ Columbia).MP3 Audio 6.22 M
037 – Nelly Furtado – Say It Right [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Geffen).MP3 Audio 5.79 M
038 – Lloyd – Get It Shawty [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Universal Motown).MP3 Audio 5.52 M
039 – T.I. – Big Things Poppin’ (Do It) [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Grand Hustle – Atlantic).MP3 Audio 7.7 M
040 – Justin Timberlake – What Goes Around [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Zomba).MP3 Audio 11.99 M
041 – Beyonce & Shakira – Beautiful Liar [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Columbia).MP3 Audio 5.24 M
042 – DJ Khaled ft. Akon, T.I., R.Ross, L.Wayne, Baby & Fat Joe – We Takin’ Over (â?¢ Koch).MP3 Audio 6.99 M
043 – Dashboard Confessional – Stolen [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Interscope).MP3 Audio 6.17 M
044 – Unk – 2 Step [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Koch).MP3 Audio 5.27 M
045 – Down A.K.A. Kilo – Lean Like A Cholo [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Silent Giant-Machete).MP3 Audio 5.27 M
046 – Green Day – Working Class Hero [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Reprise).MP3 Audio 7.08 M
047 – Taylor Swift – Teardrops On My Guitar [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ BigMachine).MP3 Audio 5.65 M
048 – Gwen Stefani – 4 In The Morning [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Interscope).MP3 Audio 6.71 M
049 – Boys Like Girls – The Great Escape [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Columbia).MP3 Audio 5.46 M
050 – The Smashing Pumpkins – Tarantula [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Reprise).MP3 Audio 6.15 M
051 – Kat Deluna ft. Elephant Man – Whine Up [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Epic).MP3 Audio 5.31 M
052 – Amy Winehouse – Rehab [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Universal).MP3 Audio 5.66 M
053 – Crime Mob ft. Lil Scrappy – Rock Yo Hips [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Warner Bros.).MP3 Audio 6.06 M
054 – Ozzy Osbourne – I Don’t Wanna Stop [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Epic).MP3 Audio 6.41 M
055 – Big & Rich – Lost In This Moment [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Warner Bros).MP3 Audio 5.6 M
056 – Lil Boosie ft. Foxx & Webbie – Wipe Me Down [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Atlantic).MP3 Audio 7.29 M
057 – Brad Paisley – Ticks [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Arista Nashville).MP3 Audio 6.31 M
058 – Papa Roach – Forever [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Geffen).MP3 Audio 6.56 M
059 – Bobby Valentino ft. Timbaland – Anonymous [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ IDJMG).MP3 Audio 7.49 M
060 – 50 Cent – Straight To The Bank [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Interscope).MP3 Audio 4.97 M
061 – Young Jeezy ft. R. Kelly – Go Getta [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ IDJMG).MP3 Audio 6.13 M
062 – Fall Out Boy – This Ain’t A Scene, It’s An Arms Race [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ IDJMG).MP3 Audio 5.62 M
063 – Akon ft. Snoop Dogg – I Wanna Love You [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Universal).MP3 Audio 6.38 M
064 – The White Stripes – Icky Thump [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Warner Bros.).MP3 Audio 6.72 M
065 – Sean Kingston – Beautiful Girls (edit) [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Beluga Epic).MP3 Audio 5.97 M
066 – Carrie Underwood – Wasted [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Arista-RMG).MP3 Audio 7.25 M
067 – Bon Jovi – (You Want To) Make A Memory [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Mercury IDJMG).MP3 Audio 6.57 M
068 – Christina Aguilera – Candyman (Basic @160) [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ RCA-RMG).MP3 Audio 5.23 M
069 – Timbaland ft. Keri Hilson & D.O.E. – The Way I Are [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Interscope).MP3 Audio 5.33 M
070 – Billy Currington – Good Directions [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Mercury).MP3 Audio 5.72 M
071 – Rob Thomas – Little Wonders [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Atlantic).MP3 Audio 5.94 M
072 – Daddy Yankee ft. Fergie – Impacto [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Interscope).MP3 Audio 5.49 M
073 – Nelly Furtado – All Good Things (Come To An End) [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Geffen).MP3 Audio 5.9 M
074 – Kelly Rowland ft. Eve – Like This [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Columbia).MP3 Audio 5.71 M
075 – Lifehouse – First Time [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Geffen).MP3 Audio 5.41 M
076 – Carrie Underwood – I’ll Stand By You [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Fremantle & iTunes-@128).MP3 Audio 6.18 M
077 – Rihanna & Sean Paul – Break It Off [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ IDJMG).MP3 Audio 5.62 M
078 – Freak Nasty ft. Crazy Mike – Do It Just Like A Rockstar [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Hard Hood).MP3 Audio 6.67 M
079 – Lily Allen – Smile [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Capitol).MP3 Audio 5.16 M
080 – Katharine McPhee – Over It [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ RCA-RMG).MP3 Audio 5.66 M
081 – Tank – Please Don’t Go [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Blackground-Universal Motown).MP3 Audio 7 M
082 – Lumidee ft. Tony Sunshine – She’s Like The Wind [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ TVT Rec).MP3 Audio 6.72 M
083 – Yung Berg ft. Junior – Sexy Lady [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Yung Boss — Epic-Koch).MP3 Audio 6.06 M
084 – Mims – Like This [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Capitol).MP3 Audio 5.39 M
085 – Three 6 Mafia ft. Chamillionaire – Doe Boy Fresh [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Columbia).MP3 Audio 6.6 M
086 – Fat Joe ft. Lil Wayne – Make It Rain [Torrent Tatty] (â?¢ Imperial-Virgin).MP3 Audio 6.42 M
087 – Avril Lavigne – Keep Holding On [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ RMG).MP3 Audio 6.4 M
088 – Colbie Caillat – Bubbly [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Universal Republic).MP3 Audio 5.25 M
089 – Robin Thicke – Lost Without U [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Interscope).MP3 Audio 6.61 M
090 – Tim McGraw – Last Dollar (Fly Away) [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Curb).MP3 Audio 7.22 M
091 – Lil Mama – Lip Gloss [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Zomba).MP3 Audio 5.82 M
092 – The Used – The Bird And The Worm [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Reprise).MP3 Audio 6.04 M
093 – Amy Winehouse ft. Ghostface Killah – You Know I’m No Good (â?¢ Universal Republic).MP3 Audio 6.16 M
094 – Hilary Duff ft. Slim Thug – With Love (Rmx) [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Hollywood).MP3 Audio 6.07 M
095 – Rascal Flatts – Stand [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Lyric Street).MP3 Audio 5.49 M
096 – Rich Boy ft. Polow Da Don – Throw Some D’s [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Interscope).MP3 Audio 6.33 M
097 – Omarion – Ice Box [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Columbia).MP3 Audio 6.88 M
098 – Pink – Who Knew [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Zomba).MP3 Audio 5.49 M
099 – Emerson Drive – Moments [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Midas-New Revolution).MP3 Audio 6.21 M
100 – Three Days Grace – Pain [Torrent-Tatty] (â?¢ Zomba).MP3 Audio 5.36 M


Progressive Thinking in Contemporary Islam

Conference of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,
the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
and the Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung
(This translation form the German original into English has been
checked by the author.)

Prof. Dr. Christian W. Troll
Honorary Professor at St. Georgen,
Graduate School of Theology and Philosophy, Frankfurt/Main
– Check against delivery –
Thursday, September 22 – Saturday, 24 September 2005
at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Continue reading ‘Progressive Thinking in Contemporary Islam’


A Critique of Mawdudi’s view on Islamic Change as a SYSTEMATIC PROCESS

1. Islamic Change as a Change in the Leadership of the Human World

What is Mawdudi’s view of “Islamic Change”? What is, according to him, the nature of transformation brought about by Islam in the individual as well as in the society? These and such other questions will be discussed in the following pages. Due to the radical nature of Islamic change, Mawdudi sometimes calls it “Islami inqalab” 1 or “The Islamic revolution”. But he holds that this revolution is altogether different from all other revolutions2. Removing the misunderstanding of his people who seemed to view formation of an Islamic State as merely a political change, Mawdudi emphasized repeatedly that Islamic change is much deeper than a mere political change3. Mawdudi always underlined the significance of political power 4_ as will be clear from the following lines. Still according to him, in its own nature, a political change as such, remains a superficial change5. Likewise, Islamic revolution is in no way similar to a political revolution6. Just as blood revolution can never be a way of bringing Islamic change. In fact, Mawdudi uses the word “inqalab” (“revolution”) in this context, only to underline that a whole new world is born out of this radical change7. Continue reading ‘A Critique of Mawdudi’s view on Islamic Change as a SYSTEMATIC PROCESS’



Surah 2. The Cow:


87. We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of apostles; We gave Jesus the son of Mary Clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Is it that whenever there comes to you an apostle with what ye yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up with pride?- Some ye called impostors, and others ye slay!



by  G. A. Parwez



Chapter 1:    WHAT IS RELIGION ?

The So-Called Urge for Religion
The Definition of Religion
The Idea of God
What is Religion?


Deen and Man
The Self
The Quranic Concept of the Self
God and Man
Religion or “Deen”


Self and Physical Body
Self and Memory
Survival of the Self
The God of Life


Evidence of Guidance
Wahi and the World of Creation
Man and Wahi
Belief in God without Belief in Revelation

Chapter 5:    REASON AND IMAN

Reason and Its Limitations
The Function of Reason
Reason and Faith (Iman) – The Quranic View
Approach to the Quran


Reason and Passion
Reason and Revelation
Revelation and Values
Iman is Indispensable


God as a Dictator
Divine Will According to the Quran
The Quranic View of God


What is It?
Man and the Law of Requital
Its Working

Chapter 9:    SALVATION

 Religion and Salvation
The Quranic Concept of Salvation
Life: A Struggle


Man’s Passion for Life
Life and Death
Will and Action
Immorality and Eternity


 The Law of Rabubiyyat
Course of Self-development


The Order of Rabubiyyat: Its Nature and Purpose
The Problem of Subsistence
The Mystical Way


 The Rabubiyyat Order of Society
Capitalism and the Rabubiyah Order
Means of Production
Period of Transition


Man-Made Systems
Primitive Age
Struggle Between the Rulers and the Subjects
Might is Right
Theory of Contract
Democracy’s Failure
UNO’s Questionnaire
Western Thinkers
Moral Standard
Locke’s Mistake
Higher Law
Modern Man in Search of Light
Declaration of Human Rights
Search of Permanent Values


Islamic View of Humanity
Universal Humanity
International Humanity
Freedom, Justice and Beauty
Adl and Ihsan
War and Ideological Differences

Chapter 16MAN AND WAR

The Distant Past
Christianity and War
Quran and War
Law and the Use of Force
Rules of Conduct
Prisoners of War
Is the Abolition of War Impossible?


Quran and History
The Law at Work
The Quranic View of History
Doom of the Nations
Cosmic Process


Man and the Universe
The Quran on Man and Nature
Men of Knowledge

Chapter 19WOMAN

Man and Woman: A Comparative Study
Woman (Mother)
Slave Girls
Sex and Society


Religion and Deen
Concept of God
Permanence and Change
Human Personality
Permanent Values



Is Islam a Failure?

by G.A. Parwez

This question should worry every student of the rise and fall of the Muslim people. At their dawn they rose high and reached the far ends of the then known world with a speed unknown in history. Equally steep has been their fall, too steep for a recovery. Hard facts of history lead a group of students to the conclusion that while Islam undoubtedly infused a new spirit among the Arabs, enabling them to over-throw the Persian and the Roman empires and become master of the world, it did not have the capacity to keep pace with the times, Islam lagged behind and the steep rise of the Muslims took a precipitous downward trend for good. The experiment has failed and it would, according to M. Abul Kalam Azad, be stupid to give it another trial, see his book India Wins Freedom (page 227). There is another group of students, which though not so out-spoken, finds it hard to reconcile that if Islam sponsors eternal truth and is capable of keeping abreast of the times, why it should have, only a while, come to a dead stop. Skepticism born out of the irreconcilable, shakes the very foundation of their faith in the eternal truth of Islam. The question is important and deserves to be seriously considered and satisfactorily answered. Continue reading ‘Is Islam a Failure?’


Only One Question

This article was originally published in Urdu language, titled “Sirf Eik Sawal” by Idara Tolu-e-Islam

Translated byUbedur Rahman Arain


It has been a concern for centuries that Muslims irrespective of the sect, group or country they belong to, have left Islam. As a matter of fact this is true for the whole MUSLIM Nation.

Of course it is true, but has any one ever thought about the reasons for it? How come the whole nation has left Islam? It was not for a few days, but centuries! why is all this? This much is clear that we have to think about it and try to analyze the prevailing situation.

********************************** Continue reading ‘Only One Question’


Protected: Prophets & Messengers

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Dr. Ahmed Subhy Mansour

The loving and tolerant teachings of the Quran and Islam have been perverted over the years by hypocrites who twist the word of God to gain money and power. The consequences include the hateful ideology that has created several terrorist groups. This false doctrine of hate has been spread throughout the Middle East and even in America with Wahabi money, the sect practiced in Saudi Arabia. The story of John Henry below illustrates the dangers and intolerance of most Islamic leaders in the US and hopefully will give you insight on what must be done to make a safer, more peaceful world. To understand this story the reader should know that there is a difference between Islam as a religion and Muslims as human beings who have their own human traditions and human civilization and history. Even Muslims are not the same. They are mainly three sects; the Sunni, the Sufi and the Shiites. In modern times, the Sunni sect has become the most fanatical sect among Muslims. It has four schools; the most fanatic school inside the Sunni sect is the Wahabi sect which is more like a cult. The Wahabi teachings are practiced mainly in Saudi Arabia. The Wahabi cult has hijacked the name of Islam, controlling most of the mosques in the U.S and the West. Because of their recent influence in the Midle East in traditional moderate countries like Egypt, moderate Muslims who follow the Quranist philosophy are increasingly persecuted. The Quranist Muslims are free minded Muslims who believe in Islam as the religion of peace, tolerance, justice, human rights, democracy and freedom of belief and speech. The writer of this article is the founder of this trend in Islam. As a witness he gives here his story in the U.S and Egypt comparing tolerance here and there.


ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY AND MUSLIM TYRANNY:Peaceful Solution For The 21’st Century

Peaceful Solution For The 21’st Century

Written by
Ahmed Subhy Mansour (PH.D) Continue reading ‘ISLAMIC DEMOCRACY AND MUSLIM TYRANNY:Peaceful Solution For The 21’st Century’


Is Jesus God ?


LUKE 18:19 Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God

LUKE 2:52 Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.

JOHN 8:42 I proceeded forth and came from God, neither came I of myself but he sent me. Continue reading ‘Is Jesus God ?’



Opponents of Christianity whether people of different religious faiths or simply atheists who try to deny Isaiah 53 (an Old Testament Book) as prophesizing the crucifixion of Jesus always seem to come up short. Christians always seem to have the upper hand, no matter what the alternative explanation for Isaiah 53. With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls containing all of Isaiah 53 and dating centuries before Jesus, Christians feel as though they have unquestionable proof for their religion.





(See Qurían 22: 30 and 2: 42)

So obey Allah, and obey His Prophet: but if you turn back, the duty
of Our Prophet is but to proclaim (message) clearly and openly.
Qurían 64:12.

By Akbarally Meherally, 2006 Continue reading ‘THE TRUE OBEDIENCE TO OUR PROPHET’


Bukhari and Muslim…



Until a few decades ago (and even today in some parts of the world), the general consensus was that the SIX collections of Hadeeths, namely the ones collected by Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Da’ud, Nasai and Ibn Majah were to be regarded as the authentic collections. That concept was revised by the Islamic scholars of the Hadeeths when some of the narrations from the last four compilers did not stand up to the tests. Only the collections by Bukhari and Muslim were to be regarded as trustworthy – Sahih. When some of the spurious narrations from these two Sahih Hadeeths were questioned, the stringent consensus was that any narration that has been accepted by Imam Bukhari as well as acknowledged by Muslim also was to be regarded as an authenticate record. Continue reading ‘Bukhari and Muslim…’



Reproduced below is the incriminating text from the Web Site of
Truth Seekers, P. O. Box 250, Newport, PA 17074.

Note: The Hi-lites are mine. I have inserted appropriate responses after their allegations. My responses are in Blue Ink.

     Where Did Allah Come From?Dr. Robert Morey (writes): Continue reading ‘“ALLAH” IS THE NAME OF A “MOON-GOD”: ALLEGES A CHRISTIAN RESEARCH AND EDUCATION FOUNDATION’




    Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers you will find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the Believers you will find those who say: “We are Christians”; because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.
    Qur’an 5 : 82Say: “O People of the Book! You have no ground to stand upon unless you stand fast by the Torah, the Gospel, and all the revelations that has come to you from your Lord.” It is the revelation that cometh to thee from thy Lord, that increaseth in most of them, their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. But
    sorrow thou not over (these) people without faith. Qur’an 5 : 68 Continue reading ‘CHRISTIANS, VIRGIN MARY & JESUS CHRIST IN THE QUR’AN’


‘MYTHS AND REALITIES OF HADITH — a critical study’
Written by Akbarally Meherally
Published by Publishers
5449 Dominion Street, BURNABY, BC, Canada V5G 1E1
Printed in Canada 1422 AH / 2001 AC — ISBN 0-9689162-0-4
Copyright © 2001 by Akbarally Meherally, All Rights Reserved. No part of this book
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, without the written permission of the publishers.
You can purchase a hard copy of this book directly from the Publishers.
written by Brother Akbarally Meherally. I discovered it to be
thought-provoking as a critical material in the field of sciences
of Hadith and as such I found it to be worthy of reading.
Sd/-  D. Fawad
Imam Fawad, Masjid-ul-Haqq, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Qur’an and Hadith: Confusion in Cyberspace
1. The Development of Hadith
The Place of Hadith – Past and Present
Defining Hadith
Did Prophet commend the writing of his “Sayings”?
The Recording of the Qur’an – a Striking Contrast
2.  The Chaos of Category and Classification
Intentional Fabrications
The Classifications
Companions and Acquaintances
A Note on Qudsi (sacred) Hadith
3.  The Ongoing Debate of Authenticity
An Authentic Hadith can be defective
A saying erroneously attributed to the Prophet
Abu Hurayrah the biggest contributor
‘Sahih Al-Bukhari’ Commended and Criticized by Muslim Scholars
Upon Which Verses Rests Your Faith (Imaan): Al-Qur’an or Al-Bukhari?
Futuristic Narrations
Credible or Credulous?
The Need for Caution
4.  Sectarianism and Faulty Hadith
Two Self-contradictory hadiths
Sunnah and Hadith
An Honest Proposition from Dr. J. Lang
5. A Closer Look at Some Dubious Hadiths
The Prophet and knowledge of the Unseen
6.  Hadith Seen as the Weak Link by Non-Muslims
Rejected narrations inserted later in Al-Bukhari?
7.  My Response to Six Passages Sent by a Critic
A Muslim critic emails six passages
8.  The Qur’an on Ludicrous Hadiths
Hadiths that mislead from the Path of Allah
Ridiculous Hadiths that Undermine the Credibility of the Prophets
The Vivid Stories of “Dajjal” and the “anti-Christ” in the Qur’an?
Isra’iliyat Narrations within Hadiths and Commentaries
Hadiths that assert the Qur’an is incomplete
The Qur’an on adultery
9.  Hadith and Qur’an in Contradiction
Eight major areas of contradiction between the Qur’an and Hadith
10.  Further Fascinating Facts and Observations from Muslim
Dr. Sayed Abdul Wadud
Dr. Murad Wilfried Hofmann
Dr. Shabbir Ahmed, M.D.
An Islamic Website
My personal Observations
11.  The Future of Hadith
The Crisis
The Corrective
12.  Conclusion



Rethinking Within Islam -“metaphysical catastrophes:the elevation of the Shari’ah to the level of the Divine, …”

By Professor Ziauddin Sardar

Note: This is one of those articles on ~ ISLAM ~ that you rarely come across and the reading of which compels your mind to think hard and then seek earnestly the help of Allah (SWT) for the ‘Ummah. Let us all pray that may Allah give us ~ The Muslims ~ the wisdom and the needed courage to restructure our priorities… 
The seasoned author – professor Ziauddin Sardar of London, England, is a cultural critic and the editor of Futures: The Journal of Planning, Policy, and Futures Studies. He has authored many books on Islam. His newest book is; 
Ziauddin Sardar’s A-Z of Postmodern Life
(Visions Publications, Feb. 2002). Continue reading ‘Rethinking Within Islam -“metaphysical catastrophes:the elevation of the Shari’ah to the level of the Divine, …”’


Allah (SWT) Commanded the Prophet: 
“Say (O’ Muhammad), ‘Allah’s Guidance is the (only) Guidance.” (Q. 6: 71). The same Message is repeated in 2: 120

also see Q. 4: 87

History records that there was a prohibition for the writing of the WORDS of the Prophet (anything.. OTHER THAN THE WORDS OF ALLAH) by the Prophet (s.a.s.) himself. Al-Baghdadi records that in Taqyid giving the name of Abu Saeed al-Khudri for the source.


However, not withstanding the above record, the major proof for this strict prohibition and its strict observance are discovered within the historical FACT that there are NO written texts of the HADITHS by the Prophet (s.a.s), from the first century of Hijra (i.e. decades after the Qur’an had been complied and distributed), that have surfaced and published.

If someone has such a published document, please do communicate, else the above states facts remain the True Facts.  


No doubt… the stated Allah’s Commands are Eternal and cannot be changed. Any order given to the Ummah by the Prophet (s.a.s.) that directly confirms, supports or upholds these Divine Commands can not be REVOKED unilaterally by anyone, especially after the passing away of the Prophet….   

“And whatsoever he (the Prophet) forbiddeth, abstain (from it). And keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is stern in reprisal.”
Qur’an 59: 7

Caution: Allah (S.W.T.) knows, I am hundred percent for the Prophetic Sunnah.  Following the Prophet’s Sunnah is an explicit Command of Allah.  I am a Sunni Muslim. The subject here under is of the legitimization of the “unspoken words” of the Prophet, through the creation of Secondary Documents. Please click link Why my wife and I became Sunni Muslims? Continue reading ‘ARE THERE CONSEQUENCES OF FOLLOWING ‘SECONDARY DOCUMENTS’?’


“only begotten son”

The George Washington University…        During my bible study in 1992, I wrote a letter to department of the New Testament, at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C., USA. 
My request was to elucidate the popular term from John’s Gospel, the “only begotten son”, in relation to the original Greek text written by the Apostle. 
Below is a copy of the scholarly response that I received, from the University.
The then Assistant Professor of Religion, Paul B. Duff, now enjoys the privileged position of Chair, Department of Religion at the George Washington University:  Continue reading ‘“only begotten son”’


Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Today there are in circulation hundreds of articles, dozens of books and a similar number of videos and TV documentaries trying to convince their readers and viewers with more and more New Evidence to establish that there was an intimate relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Several of them go further and seek to provide conclusive evidence that they were married and had a son. The majority of their viewers and readers come from religious backgrounds. However, one crucial fact that they have overlooked is that they DO HAVE comprehensive support within the Old Testament, the Canonical Gospels and the Qur’an. Continue reading ‘Jesus and Mary Magdalene’



A Presumptive

1. Recently I received from an Imam, a complimentary copy of the booklet ‘A BRIEF ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING ISLAM’. This beautifully illustrated publication is published by DARUSSALAM, Publishers and Distributors, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

On page 58 appears the under mentioned English text of a verse from the Holy Qur’an:

…They said, “We killed the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of God.” They did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but the likeness of him was put on another man (and they killed that man)… (Qur’an, 4:157) Continue reading ‘QUR’AN DOES NOT CATEGORICALLY SAY; JESUS WAS SUBSTITUTED WITH ANOTHER MAN’


Timings Of Salat According To The Quran

Prayer stands with only four others as the fundamental pillars of Islam. Above all other rules and guidelines set for all Muslims, the five pillars of Islam are the ones that set the very infrastructure of the religion, without which, everything else falls apart. How is it then that so much discussion can erupt over marginal, and often ridiculous, questions while a subject as essential and fundamental to the Islamic religion, the Salat, is left untouched? Like everything else underlined in the Quran, the Salat is clearly discussed in the Holy Book, with no ambiguity of any type. And if indeed what sets the Quran apart from other Holy scriptures is the fact that it comes directly from God, why is it then that Believers must search elsewhere for what is already stated entirely on the pages and in the ayaat of the Holy Book? Continue reading ‘Timings Of Salat According To The Quran’


The History of Hadith

By : Ibrahim Mustafa



It has been documneted in Muslim , Ahmed and other sources of Hadith that Muhammad had prohibited the writing of his hadith.  


(1) Ibn Saeed Al-Khudry reported that the messenger of God had said,

“Do not write anything from me EXCEPT QURAN. Anyone who wrote anything other than the Quran shall erase it.”

The following historical incident happened about 30 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammed and shows that the Prophet never canceled his order not to write but the Quran. The hadiths books however contained some fabricated hadiths that are considered by the same Hadiths scholars as very weak, trying to indicate that Muhammed changed his view about writing the hadiths. The readers of the hadith to follow, that happened about 30 years after the death of the Prophet, will conclude by themselves that the Prophet Muhammed never authorized the writing of the hadiths since the time he told his followers not to write but the Quran.. Continue reading ‘The History of Hadith’


Cases Of Corrupting Quranic Truth (Misinterpreted Verses)

Various Quranic verses have been badly misinterpreted. In the majority of cases, these poor interpretations were a result of the scholars attempts to uphold the teachings of ‘hadith’. When a clear contradiction arose between a Quranic script and a ‘hadith’, sadly the interpreters have chosen to corrupt the meaning of the Quranic verse so as to comply with the content of the ‘hadith’!

This issue raises the inevitable question ‘did the prophet preach what is in contradiction to the word of God?’

The answer is that he did not! If there is any contradiction between hadith and Quran it is because the hadith we have today are NOT 100% the words of the prophet …..

Continue reading ‘Cases Of Corrupting Quranic Truth (Misinterpreted Verses)’


Useful Hints For Reading The Quran




As presented in the section (Quran, fully detailed Scripture), we will be accountable on the Day of Judgement to abiding by the law of God which is given to us in the ‘law giving’ verses of the Quran. Because of that, and since God is the most Fair Judge, He has given us these verses in very clear and straightforward language. Nevertheless, and as a reader, you may have often come across the situation where you have just read one of these ‘law giving’ Quranic verses only to find that in the interpretation it has been given a completely different meaning by the interpreter! If you should inquire into the reason behind this discrepancy you will be told that the Quran is very difficult to understand on your own, and that these proficient interpreters have spent many years of their lives in mastering the science of Quranic interpretation and thus their interpretation in fact presents what the verse really is supposed to mean! You may also be told that this is the interpretation given by the prophet himself. Continue reading ‘Useful Hints For Reading The Quran’


Chronological Order of the Quran

The following lists the chronological order of revelation of the Quran. Continue reading ‘Chronological Order of the Quran’


People of The Elephant – But Who?

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Although I have researched this topic and formulated a hypothesis that can be backed by evidence, this is analysis and opinion of a single individual…I am only human and am prone to mistakes in judgment. It is better if the reader verifies the information I am presenting. I would be glad if someone corrects me if I have made a mistake.



Continue reading ‘People of The Elephant – But Who?’


The Satanic Versus Unexpurgated

By Ahmad Deedat

So far ‘Satanic’ Salman has succeeded in causing the death of 40 Muslim men, widowed Muslim women and orphaned Muslim children with his poisoned pen, proving the old saying (if proof was needed) that “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword!”
Despite all my anger, sorrow and bitterness I still lead with my fellow Muslims in travail – “Stop crying “don’t wail! No more protest marches or book burning!” All our visible signs of pain and anguish are giving the enemies of Islam gleeful sadistic pleasures. I say, STOP IT! Turn the Tables. Continue reading ‘The Satanic Versus Unexpurgated’


Protected: The Real Salat

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Does the code of the Quran confirm the 24434 format?

It is the opinion of some believers that the code of the Quran (19) confirms that the 24434 format of the Salat has been preserved across the ages. This paper aims in Sha Allah to verify this claim.

With the use of the 24434 format and various other variables, these believers proceeded to form linear arrangments (numbers placed side by side), all of which produced multiples of nineteen.

Consequently, it was declared that these findings are awesome signs which indicate the 24434 to be the correct format for prayer.

It is the aim here to verify mathematically the truth and validity of such findings, and whether these signs truly present divine signs for such a claim or not.

This paper also poses the question of (What is the possibility of obtaining similar results by using a different format than 24434?)

_____________________ Continue reading ‘Does the code of the Quran confirm the 24434 format?’

Stefan Rosty Founded TruthBooth22.04.07

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That's not nature's way Well that's what they said yesterday There's nothing left to do but pray I think it's time I found a new religion Waoh - it's so insane To synthesize another strain There's something in these Futures that we have to be told. JAMIROQUAI

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