Archive for the 'Drugs' Category


Lyrics: The All Seeing Eye


By Averroes Jr

Afghanistan’s opium production’s on the rise, now the DEA is busting one dealer but smuggling twenty by

All the money drugs and guns provides a culture that’s designed, for the Protocols of Zion to become a reality on the ground

So this Masonic-run corruption is printing eyes in dollar signs, as Satanic cults adjust to men like Bush and Colin Powell

Preaching freedom love and Jesus, to believers like the Bible preachers, readers though would know that those priests deceived us since they grieved on Jesus

Jesus even warned about those peoples that would ‘Come between us’, Jesus even said that they would use His name to spread their evils

Look this ain’t no joke, they f**king broke a deal with Devil’s daemons, just focus on the Cross behind the pope, it’s upside down and you can f**king see it

Hanging from the ceiling like a Devil’s piece you best believe it, and in a way unraveling conspiracies and 9/11’s evil theories

Symbolizing Satan’s secrets using geometric reverse, flip any geometric symbol upside down and guaranteed you’ll feel the daemons

Skulls and Bones or Bloods and Crypts both prey on life with “Spoons and Needles”, just read your book or check the scripts ’cause ignorance is how they beat us

Only we can help reveal ‘em ’cause nobody can catch ‘em scheemin, this is NOT the century that’s meant to be for THEIR decievin’……..


Massoud’s Letter To The People Of America

Date: 1998

A Message to the People of the United States of America

I send this message to you today on behalf of the freedom and peace-loving people of Afghanistan, the Mujahedeen freedom fighters who resisted and defeated Soviet communism, the men and women who are still resisting oppression and foreign hegemony and, in the name of more than one and a half million Afghan martyrs who sacrificed their lives to uphold some of the same values and ideals shared by most Americans and Afghans alike. This is a crucial and unique moment in the history of Afghanistan and the world, a time when Afghanistan has crossed yet another threshold and is entering a new stage of struggle and resistance for its survival as a free nation and independent state. Continue reading ‘Massoud’s Letter To The People Of America’


Psychedelics and Religious Experience


Alan Watts

(Originally appeared in the California Law Review,
Vol. 56, No. 1, January 1968, pp. 74-85.)
Copyright Alan Watts & California Law Review.

The experiences resulting from the use of psychedelic drugs are often described in religious terms. They are therefore of interest to those like myself who, in the tradition of William James, (1) are concerned with the psychology of religion. For more than thirty years I have been studying the causes, the consequences, and the conditions of those peculiar states of consciousness in which the individual discovers himself to be one continuous process with God, with the Universe, with the Ground of Being, or whatever name he may use by cultural conditioning or personal preference for the ultimate and eternal reality. We have no satisfactory and definitive name for experiences of this kind. The terms “religious experience,” “mystical experience,” and “cosmic consciousness” are all too vague and comprehensive to denote that specific mode of consciousness which, to those who have known it, is as real and overwhelming as falling in love. This article describes such states of consciousness induced by psychedelic drugs, although they are virtually indistinguishable from genuine mystical experience. The article then discusses objections to the use of psychedelic drugs that arise mainly from the opposition between mystical values and the traditional religious and secular values of Western society. Continue reading ‘Psychedelics and Religious Experience’


Afghan Opium Production Timeline


1982-1991: Afghan Opium Production Skyrockets

Afghan opium production rises from 250 tons in 1982 to 2,000 tons in 1991, coinciding with CIA support and funding of the mujaheddin. Alfred McCoy, a professor of Southeast Asian history at the University of Wisconsin, says US and Pakistani intelligence officials sanctioned the rebels’ drug trafficking because of their fierce opposition to the Soviets: “If their local allies were involved in narcotics trafficking, it didn’t trouble [the] CIA. They were willing to keep working with people who were heavily involved in narcotics.” For instance, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a rebel leader who received about half of all the CIA’s covert weapons, was known to be a major heroin trafficker. Charles Cogan, who directs the CIA’s operation in Afghanistan, later claims he was unaware of the drug trade: “We found out about it later on.” (Weaver 5/1996; Rosen 9/30/2001) Continue reading ‘Afghan Opium Production Timeline’


Complete 911 Timeline




1977-1981: The Nationalities Working Group Advocates Using Militant Islam Against Soviet Union

In 1977 Zbigniew Brzezinski, as President Carter’s National Security Adviser, forms the Nationalities Working Group (NWG) dedicated to the idea of weakening the Soviet Union by inflaming its ethnic tensions. The Islamic populations are regarded as prime targets. Richard Pipes, the father of Daniel Pipes, takes over the leadership of the NWG in 1981. Pipes predicts that with the right encouragement Soviet Muslims will “explode into genocidal fury” against Moscow. According to Richard Cottam, a former CIA official who advised the Carter administration at the time, after the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1978, Brzezinski favored a “de facto alliance with the forces of Islamic resurgence, and with the Republic of Iran.” (Dreyfuss 2005, pp. 241, 251 – 256) Continue reading ‘Complete 911 Timeline’


9-11 Facts

On the morning of September 11th, 2001, Dick Cheney was running several war games in the north eastern portion of the United States. These drills included many hijacking scenarios, where commercial jets were hijacked and flown into buildings. At the same time Cheney had arranged for a drill involving a bio attack on NY. This resulted in FEMA setting up a command post on pier 29 in New York on September 10th.


Some of these drill were scheduled for later in the year but Dick Cheney rescheduled them and made sure that they all took place on the same day. This was unprecedented. Continue reading ‘9-11 Facts’


My Dream and the Color of Suffering


Michael C. Ruppert

I want you to consider some quotes. Then I want you to decide for yourself whether or not the suffering of one class, race or group of people somehow trivializes or makes less painful the suffering of another, separate class.

In her book Kiss The Boys Goodbye, about the struggles to find and bring home Vietnam POWs, Emmy Award winning former 60 MINUTES Producer Monika Jensen-Stevenson tells of Henry Kissinger describing military personnel as “mindless beasts.” Later in the book her husband Bill, a veteran war correspondent and author, recounts the attitudes of French agents who financed wars in Indochina with opium. He said about the French, “They said that to save France, you had to destroy the human garbage. If the garbage sustained its drug addiction by spending huge amounts of money, and if that money financed wars in Indochina against communism – well, then you got some benefit from the human garbage!”

In 1972, while I was attending UCLA, my closest friend on campus, Craig Fuller, surprised me one day. I had been interning in the Office of LAPD Chief Ed Davis and was committed to a career in law enforcement. I had taken a special interest in narcotics. Craig said to me about drugs, “It’s just weeding out the gene pool.” I sat in Craig’s White House office in 1981 and complained of CIA drug dealing. Craig went on to become George Bush’s Chief of Staff in 1985. Continue reading ‘My Dream and the Color of Suffering’


From Adolf Hitler to George Bush Jnr, US capitalism’s unbroken link

When I started putting this essay together, it started out as investigation of Richard Armitage as a typical example of the kind of people employed to run the United States on behalf of their imperialist masters. Then I came across a piece written in 2000 by Michael Ruppert of Beyond the Wilderness, that broadened my inquiries as the article links Kellog Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton to the worldwide distribution of drugs via the global network that Halliburton owns or operates on behalf of the US government and various corporations including major oil companies. A network that evolved over time initially through the CIA’s connection to the drug trade in the Golden Triangle but which has its roots in Nazi Germany over thirty years earlier and its connection to US big business. And in the post-war period, Brown Brothers Harriman were also involved in laundering Nazi money through a Dutch-based bank. Continue reading ‘From Adolf Hitler to George Bush Jnr, US capitalism’s unbroken link’


Stefan’s 9/11 Video kit

9/11 videos

other videos

 CNN Coverage of Loose Change & 9/11 Truth (9/12/2006)

 9/11 Truth EXPLOSIVES going off in WTC

Wake Up America


9/11 Mysteries , Documentary Film

Loose change documentary film


The (Secret) Heartbeat of America


Everybody wants to be wanted, even television producers. So even though the little production company of which I am a part already has a business magazine television show up and modestly successful (Global Business 2000; don’t tell us you haven’t seen it) we wanted more. We had seen with our own eyes, for example, the sickening spectacle of what passes for entertainment these days: Tammy Faye Bakker at NATPE (television production convention) last year, peddling some talk show in syndication. And with one of the major studios distributing, yet! Continue reading ‘The (Secret) Heartbeat of America’



By David Duke, National President
European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO)

If Osama bin Laden is the man behind the attack that caused the death of thousands of Americans on September 11, I, like most Americans want to him to suffer the ultimate punishment for his crime. No person or nation that commits terrorism against America should escape punishment. Continue reading ‘HOW ISRAELI TERRORISM AND AMERICAN TREASON CAUSED THE SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKS’


Crack The CIA

Continue reading ‘Crack The CIA’


CIA, Drugs, and Wall Street

NOTE: At the time this story was written it looked like the House Intelligence Committee was going to get away with closing out the CIA drug investigations. But thanks to the efforts of From The Wilderness that resulted in class action suits being filed against the CIA in Los Angeles and Oakland and other publicity we have generated Volume II has not been closed out. They can’t because too many people are watching. On October 12, 1999, investigators from House Intelligence came to Los Angeles and copied 6,000 pages of our records for review. Going into 2000, Volume II is still very much an open investigation and FTW is proof that something can be done. – MCR

Don’t Blink!

All Promises Broken – Volume II Hearings Held Without Notice – Behind Closed DoorsYou Might Miss What’s Next


Michael C. Ruppert

Posted June 29, 1999 – © Copyright 1999 From The Wilderness, Michael C. Ruppert. All Rights Reserved Continue reading ‘CIA, Drugs, and Wall Street’


“Oh Lucy! – You Gotta Lotta”

[Expanded and Revised Sept. 4, 2002 – Evidence of Bush Administration Foreknowledge and complicity is now overwhelming. Since our last revision July 11, 2002, 16 New Items! (noted in RED)]


Nov. 2, 2001, 12:00 PST — On Oct. 31 the French daily Le Figaro dropped a bombshell. While in a Dubai hospital receiving treatment for a chronic kidney infection last July, Osama bin Laden met with a top CIA official — presumably the chief of station. The meeting, held in bin Laden’s private suite, took place at the American hospital in Dubai at a time when he was a wanted fugitive for the bombings of two U.S. embassies and last year’s attack on the USS Cole. Bin Laden was eligible for execution according to a 2000 intelligence finding issued by President Bill Clinton before leaving office in January. Yet on July 14, 2001 he was allowed to leave Dubai on a private jet, and there were no Navy fighters waiting to force him down. Continue reading ‘“Oh Lucy! – You Gotta Lotta”’


Top 40 Reasons To Doubt The Official Story Of 911

a. It is well documented that the officials topping the chain of command for response to a domestic attack – George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers, Montague Winfield – all found reason to do something else during the actual attacks, other than assuming their duties as decision-makers.
b. Who was actually in charge? Dick Cheney, Richard Clarke, Norman Mineta and the 9/11 Commission directly conflict in their accounts of top-level response to the unfolding events, such that several (or all) of them must be lying.

2) Air Defense Failures
a. The US air defense system failed to follow standard procedures for responding to diverted passenger flights.
b. Timelines: The various responsible agencies – NORAD, FAA, Pentagon, USAF, as well as the 9/11 Commission – gave radically different explanations for the failure (in some cases upheld for years), such that several officials must have lied; but none were held accountable.
c. Was there an air defense standdown? Continue reading ‘Top 40 Reasons To Doubt The Official Story Of 911’

Stefan Rosty Founded TruthBooth22.04.07

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“Virtual Insanity”

That's not nature's way Well that's what they said yesterday There's nothing left to do but pray I think it's time I found a new religion Waoh - it's so insane To synthesize another strain There's something in these Futures that we have to be told. JAMIROQUAI

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